Adversarial control

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-25 (updated 02021-12-30) (13 minutes)

Model predictive control is now the standard approach to control systems: given a model of the system and an objective function, you use an optimization algorithm to seek a behavior that maximizes your objective by modeling the effects of different candidate behaviors on the system.

The reinforcement learning problem is in some sense more general, in the sense that in model predictive control, the control system is given a model of the system being controlled (the “plant”) which is presumed to be correct, so it can predict the effects of its actions, but a reinforcement learner doesn’t initially know what behaviors will have what effects; it must build that world model by observing the results of different behaviors. This means that it benefits greatly from doing some undirected exploration, focusing its actions on the parts of the possibility space where its predictions are the least confident.

This is somewhat disquieting for someone contemplating control systems for a chemical plant or a satellite, where incorrect control commands could end a million-dollar mission or cause a toxic-waste release into the neighborhood. But of course it is not only undirected exploration of the system’s parameter space that can cause such results; running a model predictive control system with an incorrect model can also cause them.

The amount of undirected exploration that is needed diminishes over time as the control system solidifies its system model, a process sometimes called “system identification” in the literature on dynamical systems modeling and control theory, so one way this can be handled is by initially training the control system in some sort of “sandbox” where its ability to cause damage is limited; the humans call this “childhood” when they provide it for their larvae.

Another safety strategy is to focus experimentation on the possibilities that your existing system model tells you have low probability of causing significant harm, but which have high uncertainty in some other dimension that isn’t so costly. Call this “safe experiment design”: a human might use high-powered lasers to can observe effects only observable with high-powered lasers, but wear the correct laser goggles to reduce the chance of being blinded in the process.

But a third, and I think most important, strategy for this kind of system identification is dreaming, and generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a strategy used with great success for dreaming in the world of artificial neural networks. Essentially the idea of a GAN is to optimize a generative model of some kind of probability distribution, such as the probability distribution of photographs of dogs, or the probability distribution of satellite telemetry traces, by playing off two networks against one another: a generator and a discriminator. The generator generates random deviates from its approximation of the distribution, and the discriminator distinguishes these adversarial inputs from real training-set inputs.

You alternately optimize these two networks, typically with some variant of gradient descent driven by automatic differentiation. By carrying out automatic differentiation all the way through the generator and discriminator, we can find the gradient of the generator’s parameters that would worsen the discriminator’s ability to discriminate, using that to drive an optimization algorithm like Adam; and by differentiating just through the discriminator, we can find the gradient of the discriminator’s parameters that would improve its ability to discriminate. It’s important to optimize these somewhat in lockstep; if either network gets too far ahead of the other, the loser will stop improving. If done correctly, the generator produces inputs that are very, very difficult to distinguish from real inputs from the training set.

(The typical “networks” here are standard ANNs, where matrix multiplies and weight-vector additions alternate with ReLU and maybe convolutional and pooling stages, but almost any computational model could potentially be used. Being differentiable enables the use of derivative-based optimization algorithms, and it’s important to have enough expressivity to reasonably represent the distribution in question but not so much that you overfit the training set, but there is an enormous field of unexplored models here.)

As far as I know, nobody is using GANs for system identification for control systems, much less model predictive control in particular. There are several particular ways I think it would be useful to apply such “adversarial control”.

  1. You can use a GAN to produce a black-box system model from the observed behavior, which you use in the usual model-predictive way: use any standard optimization algorithm to compute a control strategy (in the sense of a sequence of planned control outputs) that maximizes your utility function (or, equivalently, minimizes your cost or loss function), by using the generator from the GAN to predict what would happen if each candidate strategy were followed. The generator normally needs to be stochastic, since there are always unobserved variables driving the behavior seen in the training set, and so it’s possible to get estimates of uncertainty — at least by drawing several deviates from the generator and looking at their spread.

    It’s fairly straightforward to use this to assess the “risk” of the candidate strategy — you just look at the spread of objective-function evaluations, or possibly even the derivative of the objective function with respect to the hidden variables that you feed to the generator to make it act stochastic — but I feel like there’s also some way to derive from this the “learning value” of the proposed strategy as an experiment. I think the story is that you first differentiate the objective function (over the whole distribution the generator can generate), or possibly its derivative with respect to those hidden variables, with respect to the parameters of your generator, to get a gradient that tells you which parameters of your generative model are most important to simulate accurately; and then you assess the learning value of the proposed control strategy by calculating how much you’re likely to update those parameters with that strategy.

    That is, you’re looking for parameters of your generator which the outcome of this experiment would nudge in a way that makes a significant difference in your objective function in some scenarios, but ideally not the scenario you’re facing at the moment (the safe experiment design problem). By dreaming of being chased by monsters (a scenario drawn from your generator in which a bad strategy results in you dying horribly) you learn which aspects of reality your generator needs to model better, and so what you should try to find out by taking actions in real life; for example, you may want to look under your bed, because it’s a safe thing to do, but if there are monsters there, you will see them and can update your system model in a way that will greatly increase your utility.

    This is not a metaphor; I’m proposing that the humans’ neurology actually works in the way similar to what I’m describing above, though it doesn’t use automatic differentiation and backprpagation, and that is why they literally look under their beds for monsters; or at least that this formalism is a good way to get similar kinds of intelligent behavior.

  2. You can use a GAN to optimize a control network built out of whatever components are inexpensive in your deployment context, such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, and diodes, or Mark Tilden’s BEAM-robotics Nv neurons, or opamps, or FPGA LUTs and flip-flops, or links and kinematic pairs, by simulating different such candidate control networks in a wide variety of scenarios and scoring their performance on an objective function. The appeal of this approach is that it allows you to build a control system that can handle low-level control tasks with very low latency and low cost, while being itself controlled by a higher-level control system which provides them with some kind of time-varying set point. A feedback loop consisting of a few RF transistors and some passives has a potential latency in the nanoseconds rather than the milliseconds typical of hard-real-time software control loops, but it will necessarily be wildly nonlinear and have many unpredictable characteristics due to manufacturing variation, aging, and temperature.

  3. Applying the adversarial-control approach recursively, in order to accurately model your control network, you can build a generative adversarial model of your circuit components and of circuits built from them: the discriminator tries to distinguish data measured from real circuits processing real signals from simulations generated by the generator, while the generator tries to simulate the real circuit so faithfully that the discriminator can’t tell the difference.

  4. In a further level of self-reference, if the discriminator is a recursive neural network or other dynamical system, we can give it another tool to beat the generator with: let it generate test signals to feed into the circuit and observe the response, thus exploring corners of the circuit’s behavior that the generator hasn’t yet succeeded in simulating. (In some cases you will have to optimize the discriminator not to generate signals that your simulations suggest will damage the circuit.)

  5. If both your control network and your generator are themselves differentiable, you can differentiate not just your objective system but the system’s state vector with respect to either the initial system state vector or the hidden-variable inputs that make the generator stochastic, which has an established name that I forget. (Sometimes people talk about things like “the latent space of faces”, and though I think that’s more a variational autoencoder kind of thing than a GAN kind of thing, that’s the kind of hidden variables I’m talking about.) One potential benefit of this is that it allows you to make statements about the stability of your control-stabilized system in a way that you can’t with standard MPC. Another is that it makes the kind of experiment design that I described in point #1 above amenable to gradient-driven optimization, because you can tell how to tweak your control network so that it will spontaneously engage in safe experiments.

In the case of time series, both the generator and the controller will generally need some history to start from rather than just a single observed state vector, because they need to infer the state of some variables in the system that are not directly observable. For example, if something has been warming up significantly even though you aren’t applying heat, maybe there’s an unobserved heat source in contact with it; the generator needs to simulate this situation for the purpose of evaluating strategies, and the controller needs to take it into account when formulating them, applying less heat than it would otherwise. And if you’re planning a candidate toolpath or simulating its effects, you’ll need to know at what height the tool touched off on the touch-off sensor, even if that was several minutes ago.

Controlling digital fabrication is a particularly important application because it enables the materialization of controllers, and it is particularly interesting in several ways. It includes parameters that vary over a wide range of timescales, which is especially challenging to simulate: a machine may wear out year by year; the air around a machine may be hotter in summer than in winter, causing parts to cool down slower; a tool may wear as it cuts, getting progressively shorter and rougher minute by minute; the temperature of a tool or hotend may increase second by second; and a tool that chips will suddenly cut differently. It normally takes into account many physical phenomena: vibrational modes of parts, rigidity of machines, temperatures, electric currents, side forces, measurement error, acceleration force, etc. And the objective function to optimize may shoot through the entire design process: for example, how can we position such-and-such a thing under such-and-such loads for the lowest manufacturing cost?
