The algebra of N-ary relations

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-06-14 (updated 02021-07-27) (4 minutes)

(Based on Jamie Brandon’s Imp and some unpublished work of Dave Long’s based on Hehner’s Practical Theory of Programming.)

Consider N-ary relations like those of the relational algebra, treated as sets of equal-arity tuples. (Maybe they could be bags instead of sets; I’m not sure.) It’s convenient to assume some set of atomic items to make these tuples out of, such as words, symbols, or numbers. We can treat an atom as a degenerate relation: a is taken to be the relation consisting of a single tuple containing the atom a.

From these atoms we can build nonempty single-column relations with a union operator +: a+b+d is a single-column relation consisting of three one-item tuples a, b, and d, in no particular order, so it’s equal to a+d+b or d+b+a. (If we rule out multisets, it’s also idempotent, so a+b+d+a+b+d is also equal.)

By adding a cartesian-product operator with higher precedence, written simply with juxtaposition, we can build multiple-column relations: x y z is a three-column relation consisting of a single tuple with the atoms x, y, and z, in that order. This operator is associative, so (x y) z is equal to x (y z), but not commutative; the order of columns matters, so, for example, y zz y, and x y zx z y.

We give the implied operator of juxtaposition cartesian-product semantics simply by declaring that it distributes over +, so (a + b) (c + d) = a (c + d) + b (c + d) = a c + a d + b c + b d. This also gives us a normalization procedure for relations built up in this way, which makes equivalence decidable.

Now we can introduce identity elements for these two operations; capitalizing the names from Imp, we can declare that None is a relation with no rows, and Some is a relation containing only the empty tuple. (A different choice of notation might use {} for None and () for Some, or α for Some and ω for None.) For any relation X, None + X = X, and Some X = X Some = X. I think it’s provable from this that None X = X None = None, but if not, let’s postulate it — it’s obviously necessary for juxtaposition to give us the usual kind of cartesian product.

We’ve said that we’re interested in sets of equal-arity tuples, but there’s nothing stopping us from writing a + b c, though that has a straightforward interpretation as a set containing a 1-tuple and a 2-tuple. For the time being we’ll just consider such expressions as being uninteresting due to being “ill-typed”, but clearly enough if we leave them in with that interpretation, we have the Kleene-closure-free regular expressions.

This is nearly a Boolean algebra, with juxtaposition for ∧, + for ∨, None for 0, and Some for 1; but the ∧ of a Boolean algebra must be commutative, and it’s not clear to me how to define ¬ such that a ∨ ¬a = 1 and a ∧ ¬a = 0 (X + !X = Some and X !X = None).

It is a semiring, though, at least if we sweep the “typing” problem under the rug; we have associativity of both operators, commutativity of +, distributivity, identity elements, and annihilation. In fact, it’s pretty much just the free semiring on whatever our atoms are. If we rule out multisets, it’s the free idempotent semiring, which induces a partial order on the operations.

The two operators above are two of the five primitive operators of Codd’s relational algebra; the other three are selection, projection, and set difference (set intersection being derived from union and difference).
