Aqueous scanning probe microscopy

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-11-12 (updated 02021-12-30) (7 minutes)

STMs and AFM can achieve deep subatomic resolution (10 pm is common), but STMs are limited to conductive materials, and in air they are limited to those that don’t form a nonconductive oxide: mostly gold and graphite. Anything else requires not just vacuum but pain-in-the-ass UHV, worse even than an STM. And, as I understand it, their failure mode is to crash the probe if there’s insulating crud on the surface, potentially destroying it.

Optical microscopes are normally limited to about 200’000 pm (a nominal wavelength of 600 nm divided by twice an oil-immersion NA of 1.5), four orders of magnitude worse. If you can see something at all in a visible-light optical microscope, it’s probably at least 400 atoms across, which means it contains 64’000’000 atoms: seven orders of magnitude coarser than the atoms you can see with an STM. Ultraviolet microscopy can get partway into that region, but at a wavelength below 124’000 pm you run into the wall of vacuum ultraviolet, to which all gases and all liquids are opaque, so you’re stuck around 40’000 pm, about 80 atoms across, 512’000 atoms or so per particle.

Can’t we do anything to get into this region? Well, scanning near-field optical microscopy can help us with going under this limit; it can reach 20 nm (20’000 pm) with evanescent-wave illumination bringing it to life, but that’s still more than three orders of magnitude away from STM/AFM resolution, 64’000 atoms or so. And it’s limited to fluorescent samples, for which there are a number of other techniques available.

Here’s a possible alternative for conductive samples, which includes anything we can sputter metals onto. If we have a convex conductive sample, we can immerse it in a fluid of high permittivity, such as water, glycerol, or propylene glycol, and set up an alternating low-voltage electrical field between the sample and some “reference electrode” in contact with the same liquid some distance away. The contour surfaces of constant voltage that form in the fluid can then be measured with a needle probe that is heavily isolated with a low-permittivity dielectric such as teflon, polyethylene, or beeswax, except at the tip. Assuming the resistivity of the sample is much lower than that of the fluid, one of these contour surfaces will be the surface of the sample itself, and others will be nearby; this should permit scanning the probe over the surface while maintaining a fixed distance, without crashing it, and without especial concern around the formation of insulating oxide films on the surface, etc.

The reason for the relative permittivities of the fluid and the probe insulation is that the potential gradient through the fluid (the electric field) should be fairly weak, while the potential gradient through the insulating sheath should be very strong indeed, so that the voltage we measure on the other end of the probe, somewhere outside the liquid, which is the same as the voltage at the probe tip, is the same as the voltage that would be present if the probe were absent. This requires minimizing the capacitive coupling between the shaft of the probe and the liquid it passes through.

An electrolyte liquid, such as saline water, can be used instead of a pure dielectric, if its conductivity isn’t too high and the voltage is low enough to avoid destructively large amounts of electrolysis or other reactions at the surface.

If we stick the probe inside a cavity in the sample surface, though, the potential gradient should entirely disappear. To correct this problem, we can use a second scanning probe as the reference electrode, so that we can insert it into the cavity at the same time. By shortening the distance, this method also greatly increases the potential gradient (which is to say, the electric field strength) we can apply, so that our microscopy resolution is limited not by the electrode potentials of potential electrolysis reagents but by the avalanche breakdown of the high-permittivity fluid.

Water’s dielectric strength is sometimes cited as being around 70 MV/m, but such numbers strongly depend on the timescale; it can be enormously higher over short (subsecond) timescales, or much lower over long (multi-hour) timescales. Also, I think the Paschen minimum happens with avalanche breakdown in things that aren’t gases as well, so the effective dielectric strength at submicron distances might be smaller. 70 MV/m is 70 mV/nm, and 70 mV is not a terribly challenging voltage to amplify (my stereo is faithfully amplifying submillivolt signals as I write this), so subnanometer resolution is probably attainable with this method.

At high frequencies high permittivity shades into conductivity; capacitors pass high frequencies, and if the dielectric is lossy enough, the current comes into phase with the voltage. The conventional value for the resistivity of deionized water is 18.2 megohm cm, which would give you about 200 teraohms (2e14) over a 1-nm channel with a square nanometer of cross-sectional area. Using a relative permittivity of 80, we get a capacitance of 7e-19 F for the same dimensions (C = εA/d = 80 × 1 nm² × 8.85e-12 F/m / 1 nm) and a reactance (X = 1/2πfC) which becomes smaller than the resistance at about 1 kHz and gets down to 200 megohms a bit above 1 GHz.

So on one hand the intuition that the water will polarize in such a way that it acts mostly capacitively is correct, but on the other hand detecting the current through such a tiny capacitance would be very challenging, if possible at all. Even at 1μm² of tip area positioned 1μm away from the workpiece we only get 0.0007 pF.

However, I’m confident that if we load up the solution with enough ions, we’ll be able to detect the voltage from the ionic current. Maybe a porous tip, or a dendritic tip, or one with lots of micro-slots cut into it, would enable a larger contact area with the ion-rich liquid. And you might have to use a lowish frequency to give the ions time to move around. The final distribution of ions will probably give a very nonlinear voltage distribution, but that should be okay if we’re running the tip along a voltage contour.
