Compilation of block arguments to high-performance code

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-07-29 (updated 02021-12-30) (19 minutes)

What would a calling convention optimized for block arguments look like?

Block arguments

Smalltalk and PostScript use block arguments for all their control structures, though Smalltalk cheats a bit on this. This makes user-defined control structures first-class. Ruby method calls can include a “block argument” after the other arguments, to which you can “yield” once or many times within the method, for example to automatically clean up after running some code, or to provide iteration over a data structure, echoing CLU’s iterator construct:

irb(main):012:1* def xs(y)
irb(main):013:1*   yield y + 1
irb(main):014:1*   yield y + 2
irb(main):015:0> end
=> :xs
irb(main):016:0> xs(3) { |z| puts(z) }
=> nil

This sort of makes the caller and callee into coroutines rather than subroutines. Python’s generator construct, adapted from a more general construct in Icon and now adopted by JS as well, provides a similar iteration facility.

Tcl procedures can evaluate an argument in the context of the caller, which is how Tcl control structures work, making user-defined control structures first class in Tcl as well.

ALGOL-60 provided call-by-name parameters allowing the callee to assign to an arbitrary expression in the caller; this, it turned out, required thunks to implement correctly and with reasonable efficiency.

Pascal permits passing nested subroutines as parameters, and these nested subroutines had access to the variables of the subroutine they were nested within. Though more awkward, this has the same sort of power as block arguments in Smalltalk, PostScript, Ruby, and Tcl. To preserve stack discipline in memory management, subroutines cannot be returned or stored in variables or fields, only passed. Such “downward funargs”, rather than unrestricted closures, were also the only kind of closures implemented in old dynamically-scoped Lisps; dynamic scoping did not provide real closures. They provide much of the power of real closures.

Aside from the well-known use of this for iteration, my notes on IMGUI languages suggests that there is great utility in block arguments and at least pass-by-reference parameters, which cannot be implemented in Lisp-family languages like Python, PostScript, Smalltalk, and Ruby:

text_field("First name", &firstname, &firstname_len);
button("Submit") { send_form(); }

And of course it’s common for control structures to want to assign to local variables in the caller, which in Ruby and Smalltalk is usually handled with block arguments:

mydict.each(&k, &v) { print "$k: $v"; }

So, how efficiently can we implement this kind of thing?

Calling conventions

The usual calling convention establishes where arguments are passed and divides registers into “caller-saved” and callee-saved. When a callee returns, it’s entitled to have clobbered all the caller-saved registers it pleases, generally including all the arguments, but must have restored the callee-saved registers (on amd64, that’s %rbx, %rsp, %rbp, %r12, %r13, %r14, and %r15; on RISC-V, according to both the user-level ISA manual and the ELF psABI, that’s x2 (sp), x3 (gp), x4 (tp), x8 (s0/fp), x9 (s1), x18-x27 (s2-s11), f8-f9 (fs0-fs1), and f18-f27 (fs2-11)) to their values on entry.

On RISC-V, interestingly, tp and gp are supposed to be preserved even for signal handlers, so the callee can’t even temporarily use them for something else unless it’s willing to disable signals.

There are tradeoffs in how many registers you preserve across calls.

Generally, if you’re going to support recursive functions, you need to at least preserve a stack pointer or a frame pointer; otherwise the function you’re returning to has no way to find its return address or other local variables. And making very rarely changed registers like a thread pointer or global pointer callee-saved is basically free: since callees won’t normally change them, preserving them incurs no cost.

Generally the caller doesn’t really save the caller-saved registers. A better term might be “scratch registers”: any result you compute in them must be consumed or stored somewhere stable before any call. That might be, as the “caller-saved” term suggests, by pushing it on the stack or storing it into the stack frame, but there’s no particular reason to restore it to the same register again afterwards, or indeed any register; you might also have stored it into a data structure or used it as a pointer or an arithmetic operand.

You could argue about whether argument registers are copy-in-copy-out or pass-by-reference, but at any rate the caller is able to see whatever changes the callee made to them. Sometimes this may be true of arguments passed on the stack (at least if the callee isn’t responsible for popping them) and aggregate return values are commonly provided by allocating space for them on the stack.

I don’t have a great handle on the performance tradeoffs involved. If a function uses a callee-saved register, it must save it whether or not its caller was actually using it; if it uses a scratch register for a value it wants to preserve across a call, it must save it whether or not its callee was actually going to clobber it. Having only a few callee-saved registers makes context switching (including function calls) faster, because context switching is precisely a question of saving and restoring the callee-saved registers in a way that violates stack discipline. Having many callee-saved registers makes leaf functions slower, because they have to save and restore however many callee-saved registers they use, but never have to save and restore scratch registers.

On the other hand, having enough callee-saved registers makes higher-level functions more convenient to write, and possibly faster, since it doesn’t have to pay the cost of saving those registers unless it calls a callee that uses them.

Jeremiah Orians tells me that he finds it much less cognitive overhead to make all the registers, except of course return-value registers, callee-saved.

Different ways to represent closures or blocks

Indirect-threaded (ITC) Forth normally does a function call as explained in Moving Forth by the following sequence (my syntax, not his):

w := *pc  -- load virtual machine instruction (xt) into W
pc++      -- increment program counter
x := *w   -- load address of machine code from where xt pointed
goto x    -- invoke code

Note that this leaves the execution token in the W register. So, for example, all colon definitions share the same machine code (their first cell is a pointer to DOCOL) but have different data, and by incrementing W they can access that data. So this double indirection gives you a sort of automatic closure: the invocation sequence passes the code an address from which its code pointer was loaded, where it can find whatever other data it’s interested in. Rodriguez explains, “CODE words [primitives] don’t need this information, but all other kinds of Forth words do.”

He points out that direct threading, where instead of putting a pointer to DOCOL you put a call or jump to DOCOL at the beginning of each word, is a better option on most machines:

w := *pc
goto w

Note that the execution token is still in W, so the instruction being jumped to can be simply a jump; it doesn’t have to be a call. (Rodriguez attributes this discovery to Frank Sergeant’s Pygmy Forth.) This is a faster way to invoke primitives (“CODE words”) and generally no worse for other cases, though it involves a mixing of executable code and writable data that is difficult in many contexts (Harvard machines, operating systems hardened with W^X).

But suppose you want to pass CLU-style iterators, Ruby-like block arguments, or ALGOL-60-style call-by-name thunks to a subroutine. These are also closures, but normally the data they want access to is in the lexically enclosing stack frame. GCC handles this by building a trampoline on the stack which sets the context pointer register before jumping to the implementation code. If you wanted to use the Forth approaches to this, you could imagine representing an ITC closure as a two-word struct:

struct closure { void (*c)(); void *d; };

If this struct is passed by reference, invoking c from it involves assembly code something like this:

mov -24(%rbp), %rax    # load struct pointer into %rax
mov (%rax), %rcx       # load code pointer into %rcx
call *%rcx

Then, if this struct were passed in memory (rather than in two registers), and if the pointer to it can be guaranteed to always be in a known register (in this case %rax), then the callee can access d as something like 8(%rax), just like DOCOL in an indirect-threaded Forth.

The direct-threading thing would amount to dynamically generating a jump instruction instead of a code pointer, and as with GCC’s trampolines, would allow the invoker of the block argument to not indulge in an extra level of indirection in case it’s invoking a closure.

However, this requires the caller to build a closure structure in memory for each thunk argument or block argument. This requires storing a code pointer in memory, which is a huge pain on amd64. If you have three such arguments, that might be something like this (in the ITC-like case; the DTC-like case is just slightly messier):

    movabsq $foo, %rdi      # build first closure
    mov %rdi, -24(%rbp)
    mov %rbp, -16(%rbp)
    movabsq $bar, %rdi      # build second closure
    mov %rdi, -40(%rbp)
    mov %rbp, -32(%rbp)
    movabsq $baz, %rdi      # build third closure
    mov %rdi, -56(%rbp)
    mov %rbp, -48(%rbp)
    lea -24(%rbp), %rdi     # pass first closure argument
    lea -40(%rbp), %rsi
    lea -56(%rbp), %rdx
    call quux

It’s not too terribad how the callee invokes one of these (remember that this is a non-standard calling convention that guarantees the closure pointer to be in %rax):

    mov %rsi, %rax          # invoke second closure argument; realistically this would probably be in the stack frame
    mov (%rax), %rcx
    call *%rcx

If we were to use the standard C calling convention and the usual userdata (*k->c)(k->d) approach, closure invocation is instead something like:

    mov %rsi, %rcx
    mov 8(%rcx), %rdi    # first parameter to closure
    mov (%rcx), %rcx
    call *%rcx

Despite all this hassle, the code for each of these closures needs an additional instruction to load its context pointer:

    mov 8(%rax), %rcx

Or three, if it wants to use %rbp as its context pointer.

A calling convention that makes block arguments efficient

For the specific case of thunks and block arguments, where the context pointer is the parent’s call frame, it would be much nicer to be able to just pass the code pointers and have the caller’s frame pointer just implicitly flow through to the block arguments. Then the initial call sequence would look like this:

    movabsq $foo, %rdi
    movabsq $bar, %rsi
    movabsq $baz, %rdx
    call quux

The block/thunk invocation would just look like this, at least if no registers need to be saved or restored first:

    call *%rsi

Then, within the block or thunk, %rbp is just available as a frame pointer as normal.

In the case where registers do need saving/restoring, for example because the callee quux was also using %rbp, it might look like this:

    push %rbp
    mov -8(%rbp), %rbp
    call *%rsi
    pop %rbp

Normally you might expect this to index off the stack pointer or the frame pointer instead of using push/pop instructions, but the whole point of block arguments is to allow the stack pointer to be arbitrarily far away from the stack frame of the current lexical context, by allowing callees to yield back into callers. (Probably this whole thing would be totally impossible on something like a SPARC.)

This suggests dividing “callee-saved” registers into thunk-preserved registers, %rbp in the above example, which the callee is obligated to restore to their caller’s values upon entry to any caller-provided thunk, and return-restored registers, which are guaranteed to be restored to their original value when the callee returns but may have different values when thunks are being run (notably, %rsp).

This kind of thing makes it practical to implement control structures as library functions. To take an extreme example that will obviously frustrate desirable optimizations:

while (*s) { *t++ = *s++; }

This might be compiled, using a library while function, as something like the following:

        movabsq $thunk_1, %rdi
        movabsq $thunk_2, %rsi
        call while
        mov -8(%rbp), %rax      # s
        mov (%rax), %cl
        xor %rax, %rax
        test %cl, %cl
        setnz %al
        mov -8(%rbp), %rax      # s
        mov -16(%rbp), %rcx     # t
        mov (%rax), %rdx
        mov %rdx, (%rcx)
        incq -8(%rbp)
        incq -16(%rbp)

I mean, this is obviously not a good way to compile non-NUL-terminating-strcpy, but at least so far the overhead is not ridiculous. while itself might be implemented as follows:

while:  push %rsi               # thunks can hork %rsi
        push %rdi               # and %rdi
        push %rbx               # but not %rbx
        mov %rsp, %rbx
1:      mov 16(%rbx), %rsi      # load first thunk
        call *%rsi
        test %rax, %rax
        jz 2f
        mov 8(%rbx), %rdi
        call *%rdi
        jmp 1b
2:      pop %rbx
        retq $16

We could improve this a bit by guaranteeing %r12, %r13, %r14, and %r15 to the thunks as well as %rbp. This would require no changes to our while but would allow us to rewrite our thunks:

        mov (%r12), %cl         # s
        xor %rax, %rax
        test %cl, %cl
        setnz %al
        mov (%r12), %rdx
        mov %rdx, (%r13)        # t
        inc %r12
        inc %r13

Suppose we decide to guarantee that thunks preserve %r8 and %r9 (normally caller-saved argument registers, which is to say, the callee owns them; here we’re extending the callee’s ownership over them to require blocks in the caller to preserve them while the callee is yielded). Then we can improve while, rearranging it a bit as well:

while:  mov %rsi, %r8           # save first thunk
        mov %rdi, %r9           # save second thunk
        jmp 1f
2:      call *%r9
1:      call *%r8
        test %rax, %rax
        jnz 2b

This amounts to 14 instructions per loop. GCC -O is emitting this code for me for the real C version:

    movq    %rsi, %rax
    movzbl  (%rdi), %edx     # s
    testb   %dl, %dl
    je  .L2
    addq    $1, %rdi
    addq    $1, %rax
    movb    %dl, -1(%rax)    # t
    movzbl  (%rdi), %edx
    testb   %dl, %dl
    jne .L3

This is 6 instructions per loop, so we can crudely guess that the overhead introduced by this coroutine mechanism is around a factor of 2-3 in this sort of worst-case scenario.

So instead of dividing registers into caller-saved and callee-saved, we divide registers into four groups: caller-saved that thunks must preserve, caller-saved that thunks can clobber, callee-saved that thunks can rely on, and callee-saved that thunks must preserve (but cannot rely on).

You can simplify this by eliminating the “callee-saved that thunks must preserve” category. Or complexify it by by having registers, like sp and RISC-V’s tp and gp, which thunks can rely on, but must preserve.

One upside of just using ordinary closures for this kind of thing is that, even though it takes four instructions to construct and pass the closure, three or four instructions to invoke it, and an extra context-pointer instruction within the closure, you can pass it down through any number of levels of calls with just the usual single instruction needed to pass on an argument to a callee, and invocations from however deep down the stack are always equally efficient. With this coroutine mechanism, by contrast, if you want to pass on a thunk you received to a callee, you can’t; the best you can do is make a thunk of your own that invokes your thunk.

Bounding stack depth

This kind of mechanism is useful in cases where you want to avoid garbage collection, either for micro-efficiency or to avoid possible failures. In the cases where you care about possible failures, it’s important to be able to statically bound the stack depth. In the normal kind of C programming, which doesn’t have block arguments, you would do this by just making a call graph, which would need to be acyclic, and computing the highest-weight path from the root to a leaf, where the weight of each node is the size of its stack frame.

Actually, a better way to do this is to compute the maximum stack size of each function as its stack frame size plus the maximum of the maximum stack sizes of its callees, rather than explicitly constructing the graph, but conceptually it’s the same thing.

That runs into difficulties with function pointers, where you have to conservatively approximate the set of functions that can actually be called from a given callsite, for example using the function type. This can very easily give you unwanted recursion.

I think this block-argument thing is more tractable to make fairly precise, because when a function invokes a block argument, you know it can only be one of the block arguments it was actually passed.

Now each subroutine S has not only a maximum stack size of its own M[S], but also a maximum stack size M[S, P] with respect to each of its block formal parameters P, which expresses the maximum size of the stack of that function and its callees when that block formal parameter is invoked. If it only invokes the block formal parameter directly (not from a block nested inside it and passed to some other function) its stack size for that parameter is just its own stack frame size F[S]. But if it invokes block formal parameter P inside some block that it passes to subroutine T as the actual parameter for block formal parameter Q, then its maximum stack size M[S, P] for that parameter is at least M[T, Q] + F[S]. So M[S, P] = F[S] + max(i, M[Ti, Qi]) for all the callsites (Ti, Qi) for the block formal parameter P. And M[S], which will be at least at large as any of the M[S, Pi] for subroutine S, is F[S] + some other maximum stack size.
