Compressed appendable file

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-07-19 (updated 02021-07-27) (5 minutes)

PDF is a mess because it tries to support incremental updates by way of appending, random access, and compression, in a way that’s deeply intermeshed with the application-layer data structures it uses and unnecessarily inefficient as a result. Each indirect object has an identifying number that can be used to make references to it. Indirect objects include independently compressed streams for the contents of each page, and you have an xrefs table at the end of the file that tells you the byte offset at which to find each indirect object.

In PDF 1.5, they added compressed object streams containing a bunch of non-stream indirect objects that all get compressed together, preceded by a variable-length free-form header that gives the byte offset of each indirect object in the decompressed stream, but of course the objects don’t have byte offsets in the top-level file that could be listed in the traditional xrefs table; instead they added a new xref stream format which has type-1 xrefs (the traditional kind) and type-2 xrefs that give the object number of an object stream and an index into it.

Despite all this, you still can’t compress the contents of multiple pages together, so even with all the bells and whistles, PDF files are still significantly bigger than the corresponding gzipped PostScript files.

I think the right solution is a layer separation: generic data compression should be provided by a layer underneath the application data structures. For example, a filesystem supporting transparent compression would allow PDF files to just forget about compression entirely, just using text and byte offsets and relying on the filesystem to map byte offsets to the proper place in the transparently decompressed data; and the files would occupy less space than using the current PDF Rube Goldberg scheme.

Filesystem compression doesn’t help with network transmission, though. For that you need a file format, implemented by a library. But efficient traversal of graph structure as in PDF requires random seeks, and traditional compression libraries like gzip don’t support random seeks.

This is pretty much the same problem the dictzip program from Rik Faith’s dictd solves: it resynchronizes the gzip compression algorithm every sub-64-K “chunk”, and provides a gzip-compatible format that stores an “Extra Field” in the gzip header that tells how many bytes each chunk compressed to, and how many bytes the chunks were originally. The man page reports that with 64kB chunks, the file is only 4% larger than with unchunked gzip.

However, PDF files, like many other candidate uses for such a file format (such as debug logs and database journals), need to be able to append data to the end of the file. I think dictzip can’t provide this, because it would have to expand its header field with data about the newly added chunks, which I think would involve shifting the data in the rest of the file a few bytes to the right to make room.

PDF and PKZip both take the approach of appending a file “directory” or “xrefs” trailer or footer that permits you to efficiently find everything else in the file; in the case of a compressed bytestream format, the only thing to find are the seekable compressed byte offsets most closely corresponding to particular uncompressed byte offsets. The .xz file format also does this, including an “Index” just before the “stream footer” which gives the compressed and uncompressed size of each of the data blocks in the stream. This allows you to parse an .xz file backwards from the end to seek randomly in it.

Moreover, an .xz file can consist of multiple concatenated streams:

$ (echo hi | xz -9c; echo bye | xz -9c) | xz -dc

So in theory you could use .xz as a compression format that supports appending and random reads. However, your reads (or opens) are going to eventually take time proportional to the total number of appends that have been done, rather than constant time, as is desirable. And if an append operation is interrupted, for example by a process being killed or a server going down, it’s likely that the file will no longer end with a stream trailer, eliminating the ability to read it safely from the end.

If we add a single fixed-size field in the file header (like dictzip does) that points at the latest trailer (unlike dictzip), we can atomically update that field after appending a new commit to the file. And all the stuff we append in a single commit can be compressed together.
