Constant current buck

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-08-10 (updated 02021-08-15) (4 minutes)

I was talking about flashlights and mentioned that I’d tried designing a constant-current buck converter without success. But now I don’t see what was so hard about it. Maybe when I submit this design to simulation I’ll find out.

The basic constant-voltage buck converter is GND->|-a-R1-b-L1-c-C1-GND. The input power waveform is applied between GND and a; the output voltage appears across the output capacitor C1. Subject to enough output load to keep it in continuous conduction mode (CCM), the output voltage is the average input voltage, so if the input voltage is a fixed voltage with a fixed duty cycle, then the output voltage is inherently regulated and will change very little with load. The current shunt resistor R1 allows you to measure the average load current, filtered through the LC low-pass filter that forms the output; when this is not necessary it can be 0Ω.

To drive this circuit, though, you need some kind of square-wave oscillator that switches point a between between a constant input voltage and open circuit (or, in CCM, between the voltage rails, in which case you don’t need the freewheel diode ->|-.). You can use an opamp configured as a relaxation oscillator, for example, or a comparator between a sawtooth or triangle oscillator and a reference voltage level which determines its duty cycle.

My thought was that you should be able to use a single opamp as a differential amplifier across points a and b to set the reference voltage level for that comparator; for example, hook up point b to its noninverting input and point a through a 10k resistor to its inverting input, then a 100k resistor between its inverting input and its output. So then if point a swings up 0.1V relative to point b, the output must swing down by 1V to compensate.

I think you can probably make it simpler, though: by adding an error-integrating capacitor and positive feedback for a Schmitt-trigger effect, you should be able to integrate the square-wave generation into the same opamp rather than needing a separate ramp generator and comparator. I’m kind of fuzzy on how to actually do this, so I'm not sure you can do it all with a single opamp, but I suspect you can.

The capacitor across the output of the buck converter low-pass filters the current signal you’re measuring and can briefly source or sink immense amounts of current itself, so if you want a really constant-current supply (perhaps because overshooting your current limit will burn up your expensive laser diode) you might want to make it very small or remove it entirely. Such extreme measures would probably require clamping the output with a TVS or at least a regular zener.

This feedback circuit is pretty close to being a class-D amplifier — I think you can use the same approach of modulating a square-wave duty cycle with the integrated difference between a reference signal and the variable-duty-cycle square wave itself to get a class D audio amplifier. The only difference is that the “audio” amplifier input here is tied to the low end of the current sensing shunt resistor. It would be pretty cool if you could make a class D amplifier out of a single op-amp.
