Constant weight dithering

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-28 (updated 02021-12-30) (5 minutes)

Suppose you want to encode some digital data in a one-bit-deep (black-and-white, no grey) image, but you want the image to also depict something; to make this simpler, let’s say that what it depicts is independent of the data encoded. One way to do this is with M-of-N or constant-weight codes.

Consider a 2×2-pixel area of this image; there are 16 possible patterns: one all black, four three black and one white, six two black and two white, four three white and one black, and one all white. This gives you five possible levels of brightness for this 2×2-pixel area, but three of these levels have multiple possible ways to achieve them. With conventional dithering, you use the choice among them to improve the high-frequency reproduction of the image — the precise locations of edges and things like that.

Suppose, instead, that you dither the image down to a 5-level grayscale image, then replace each pixel of the 5-level grayscale with one of these 2×2 blocks, with the appropriate brightness. You can use a 1-of-4 code, a 2-of-4 code, or a 3-of-4 code (the complement of the 1-of-4 code) within these blocks to encode arbitrary data. The 2-of-4 code gives you lg 6 = 2.58 bits per block, while the other two give you 2 bits per block. If the image’s contrast is destretched enough to put essentially all of the dithered 5-level pixels within that range of grays, you might get about 2.2 bits per 4-pixel block, which is 0.55 bits per pixel. That is, a slight majority of the data in the final image is devoted to encoding your chosen data. (By histogram equalization you can arrange to distribute the image brightness across the available levels in almost any conceivable nontrivial way, though possibly at the cost of beauty or comprehensibility.)

If instead of 2×2 blocks we use 3×3 blocks, then instead of 1 4 6 4 1 possibilities at the different gray levels, we have 1 9 36 84 126 136 84 36 9 1, allowing us to encode respectively 0, 3.17, 5.17, 6.39, 6.98, 6.98, 6.39, 5.17, 3.17, and 0 bits, averaging 4.34 bits per 9-pixel block; if we exclude the ends, it’s 5.43 bits, or 0.60 bits per pixel, 10% better than the 2×2 case with less compromise of the contrast. With a little more compromise on contrast, you can probably push that past 6 bits per 9×9, 0.67 bits per pixel. The tradeoff, of course, is that you’ve lost more than half of the spatial resolution previously devoted to encoding the carrier image, in the sense that you’re encoding less than half as many 9-level grayscale pixels as you were 5-level grayscale pixels.

This can be straightforwardly extended to the case of non-monochrome images. Instead of 2 possibilities per pixel, you might have 4 (RGB), 5 (CMYK), 8 (superposable RGB), 16 (superposable CMYK), or more, so each of the constant-weight codes you’re using to encode the data is no longer a binary constant-weight code, and the reduced-palette image you’re encoding from is no longer grayscale.

In most practical uses of this method, you would need error correction coding.

It’s possible that this method is already covertly in use for printer tracking dots, with the justification being the prevention of counterfeiting paper money. Other possible uses include:
