Designing curiosity and dreaming into optimizing systems

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-05-30 (updated 02021-12-30) (6 minutes)

Watching a talk by Deepak Pathak about “Learning to Generalize Beyond Training” where he’s talking about helping reinforcement learners perform better in the world by making them do non-goal-directed exploration.

Pathak shows two photos, one of a toddler playing with her toy plane wearing goggles, another of a young woman standing in front of a fighter jet, and says, “In the real world, the reward could be delayed by days, months, or years, such that it’s hard to project back to where you are. So how does this child over here know how should she [sic] act to become pilot [sic] 20 years later? Does she optimize any reward and backprop all the way to her childhood? Well, not quite.” He cites Alison Gopnik’s work claiming that children are not driven by extrinsic goals, but by intrinsic curiosity. “Maybe by not giving goals to the agent you are making it not overfit to the task.”

(And that explains why people learn so poorly when motivated by extrinsic rewards, probably. They’re overfitting.)

He then outlines some approaches for choosing what actions a reinforcement learner should take to do “goal-free exploration”, which in a sense is experiment design.

Pathak actually cited a dozen papers on curiosity and intrinsic motivation (Poupart et al. 02006, Lopes et al. 02012, Bellemare et al. 02016, Oh et al. 02015, Tang et al. 02016, Ostrovski et al. 02017, Schmidhuber 01991, Schmidhuber 02010, Stadie et al. 02015, Houthooft et al. 02016, Mohamed et al. 02015, Gregor et al. 02017) and said that the originality of his approach was that his agent has no extrinsic goals at all.

It occurs to me that there’s probably some kind of way to bend gradient descent and its children to this task. If you have some kind of differentiable model (an ANN or whatever) of cause and effect in your world, you can use it to maximize a reward (and children do of course take goal-directed actions, for example to get food or to earn their parents’ approval) by using gradient descent to seek the optimal action: you compute the gradient of utility with respect to your vector of planned action parameters, then revise the plan to increase utility. And you can optimize it to be a better fit to your existing database of real-world experiences: you compute the gradient of prediction error with respect to your world-model parameters (ANN biases and weights or whatever), and adjust the parameters to decrease prediction error. So what does curiosity look like in this framework?

I think you can handle this with gradient descent as well. If you dream up scenarios in the world, for example by generating plausible predictions forward from some arbitrary state, then you can ask your model what will happen in those dreams, and perhaps in particular what actions would be best. In cases where your world model provides very vague predictions (this may require that in some sense it gives you Bayesian probabilities) you can compute that you are ignorant, and you can use automatic differentiation to figure out which of the parameters of your world model are responsible for that ignorance --- dimensions in which your existing prediction error has a very small gradient, but there is a large gradient in the dream. Then, to be curious, you can try to create situations in the real world that you find unpredictable in the same way the dream was unpredictable, where there are plausible outcomes that maximize the magnitude of the resulting update in those ignorant parameters.

Or you could perhaps just choose actions whose results you cannot predict. But that might be more difficult: if you weight by utility, you will be choosing the actions that are the most unsafe, and if you don’t weight at all, you will just be choosing the actions that will produce the brightest colors or loudest noises or most edges, whatever your input feature space is. So it might be best to leave the generation of unsafe scenarios to your dreams, then permit the dreams to inform you of which parameters of the world to be curious about so that you can design experiments to investigate them in a safe way.

This formulation of dreaming or fantasizing is vaguely similar to the concept of a generative adversarial network as a dreamer.

The phenomenon of “flow” suggests that there’s a nonmonotonic aspect to intrinsic motivation in the humans: when prediction error is really high, they lose interest in the task (it’s too hard) and when it’s really low, they pay attention to other things (it’s too easy). Pathak’s formulation seems to lack that nonmonotonicity: his agents get more interested when things get more unpredictable.

Entropic formulations of the prediction problem (like, I think, about half the papers Pathak cites) offer a different candidate for the goal of curiosity: you want to improve your model of the world by reducing the entropy of the past, so that it now seems obvious that the things that happened were going to happen (“hindsight bias”). But does that mean you should look for parts of your model that are training slowly because their gradients with respect to your training data are very low, and try to do experiments that impact them? It seems that perhaps those are the parameters least likely to help you at re-encoding the past with lower entropy.
