DSLs for calculations on dates

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-11-14 (updated 02021-12-30) (1 minute)

https://github.com/mvrozanti/dte is a DSL for doing calculations on dates, but it doesn’t attack my biggest pain point, which is (as described in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29136554) timezones. I want to know what local time is 5 PM US Eastern or 11 AM US Pacific, or how long it is from now until 8 PM UTC. Occasionally I want to know how long it is between 02021-11-15 21:55 and 02021-11-17 05:00, or convert to or from Unix timestamps, or to know how many days it is since 01983-05-21, or until Christmas. Occasionally I’d like to know the tzolkin date, the phase of the moon, or the time of sunset. Most of dte is useless to me; I never want to convert 23h:23 to 23:23:00.

Timezone selection is the hardest thing to do in a DSLish way, because any conceivable way to do it or debug it noninteractively involves memorizing something about every timezone you want to use. You really want some kind of interface that gives you a list of the possibilities.
