When is it better to compute by moving atoms rather than electrons?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-03-21 (updated 02021-03-22) (5 minutes)

Electrons move fast because they are very light and very strongly charged.

A classroom Van de Graaff generator might charge its sphere to 100 kilovolts. The capacitance to infinite space of a sphere of radius r is 4πεr, about 11 pF for a 10-cm-radius sphere, so this voltage would be about 1.1 μC of charge, about 6.9 trillion electrons. Because an electron weighs about 5.5 × 10⁻⁴ atomic mass units, which is 9.1 × 10⁻³¹ kg, this quantity of electrons weighs 6.3 × 10⁻¹⁸ kg, 6.3 femtograms. If such a mass were to fall a meter off the Van de Graaff generator onto the table under the force of gravity, it would gain 62 attojoules by falling, dissipating it in the impact (or, more likely, from air resistance). But if these electrons instead “fall” through this 100-kilovolt potential, they gain 111 millijoules, 111 quintillion attojoules, about 2 quintillion (2 × 10¹⁸) times as much. So, in the absence of air resistance, they would tend to impact going about a billion times as fast.

The acceleration due to gravity is a pretty normal acceleration in our world, although there are stronger accelerations like hitting things with hammers (100 gees or more) and weaker ones like things rolling down slopes. And 100 kilovolts is a pretty reasonable kind of voltage for electostatic machines, though a bit on the high side for electromagnetic machines and especially for semiconductor devices. So, in general, electrons tend to move around a few thousand times to a billion times faster than macroscopic objects.

This is why electronics are so useful for computing.

The advantage becomes smaller when we’re only limited by energy. With a joule, you can accelerate 10 trillion carbon atoms (200 picograms) up to about 0.01 of c, 3200 km/s. If you apply that joule over a micron, then you will move them over that micron in 0.6 picoseconds. But if you’re accelerating just their electrons, well, those are only 0.11 picograms (110 femtograms), so classically you’d expect to be able to accelerate them to 0.45 of c, 135’000 km/s, so classically you could cross that micron in 0.0074 picoseconds, 7.4 femtoseconds. (Relativistic effects increase this by a few femtoseconds.)

Of course you can’t normally apply a joule to 200 picograms of anything, much less 110 femtograms — not without the thing ceasing to be a thing. 4.184 joules per gram, a calorie per gram, heats up water by a kelvin. So a joule per 200 picograms ends up being 1.2 gigakelvins, about six orders of magnitude hotter than temperatures at which solid matter exists, even solid matter with a somewhat higher specific heat than water. Duly derating the above numbers by six orders of magnitude of energy and thus three of velocity, it seems that you can move groups of atoms micron-scale distances at nanosecond timescales, or you can move groups of electrons micron-scale distances at picosecond timescales. If you must remain near room temperature, it takes several nanoseconds or several picoseconds.

However, Drexler has suggested that if you’re computing with solids, you may not need to move them as far, because Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle σₓσₚ ≥ ½ħ means that their location can be defined to higher resolution. Here p is the momentum, x is the position, and σ is the standard deviation; so increasing the mass 2000× with a given uncertainty of velocity would increase the uncertainty of momentum by the same 2000×, so decreasing the (possible) uncertainty of position by the same 2000×. So perhaps you have to move some electrons by 1 nm to resolve the result with a given certainty, which seems to be what chip manufacturers do these days, but if you were moving some atoms to encode the same result with the same certainty, you could move them 2000 times less distance, 500 fm.

This seems rather challenging since, for example, the lattice spacing of silicon atoms is around 200 picometers, so you’d be deforming the lattice by about 0.3% of a single atom spacing. LIGO successfully measures such small displacements every day, but it still seems daunting.

Still, if that approach works out, then instead of comparing moving some atoms by a micron, to moving some electrons by a micron 45 times as fast, we’d be comparing moving some atoms by 0.5 picometers, to moving some electrons 2000 times as far, 1000 picometers, 45 times as fast. This suggests that in fact computing by moving around atoms should be about 45 (= 2000 ÷ 45) times as fast at a given level of uncertainty, at least if you can bring similar energies to bear rather than similar electric field strengths.
