Example based regexp

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-24 (updated 02021-12-30) (5 minutes)

Programming by example ought to be easily applicable to regular expressions, and by extending that with computations and assertions, it should be possible to make a usable nondeterministic programming system.

By typing the string “bye” I am writing a program that generates the string “bye”, and if I’m doing it in Emacs’s incremental-search, all the instances of “bye” will be highlighted. If I then back up back to the “b”, maybe by twisting a time-turner or hitting shift-backspace, and type “ad”, I have programmed the regexp “b(ye|ad)”, which is a nondeterministic program that can generate the strings “bye” and “bad”. I might then want to hit some other key to cross the two streams back together and then type “law”, so I have the regexp “b(ye|ad)law”. A third key could progressively cast a spell of Kleene closure over a gradually-increasing number of the last few nodes in the graph, giving the following progression:


As I’m doing this, it’s reasonable to concurrently display random strings generated from the program, the shortest strings generated from it, a FSM diagram of it, a derivation tree of the regexp itself, the matches it finds in searching some corpus of text, and/or derivation trees for those matches as well.

It is, I think, straightforward to add zero-width negative lookahead assertions and positive lookahead assertions to the UI in the same way. Providing a UI for tagging some subexpression of the regexp for reuse, then reusing it elsewhere, is straightforward from the UI perspective, but of course increases the expressiveness of the system to the point where it can no longer be parsed precisely with a finite state machine.

If, instead of typing a string of characters, I type a sequence of assignment statements, then my program, instead of producing a sequence of characters from nothing, produces an output set of variable assignments from a (usually smaller) input set. In the same way, I can move around my program and add alternatives or iteration to parts of it, making it nondeterministic; if I then add assertions to parts of it, which fail if some condition is not met, I may be able to make it deterministic again.

Such a program can have arguments, which are variables that it may read from before assigning to them. If all my operators are monomorphic, it can infer some sort of types for all of these variables, and inject some example values. And extracting an expression or sequence of statements into another subroutine is, if not trivial, at least a straightforward thing to do. All of this can be displayed as I’m typing.

The traditional and terser alternative to this sort of assertion-pruned nondeterministic control flow is Boehm-Jacopini control flow, consisting of sequencing, conditional repetition, and if-else conditionals. You could imagine a key to extend an if-block backwards from your cursor, whose condition was initially just true and whose else-block was initially empty (or inserted assignments to any variables needed to keep the following parts of the program happy), and perhaps a while-block could initially use the condition false, with the selection left on the condition in either case.

A different approach is Dijkstra’s guarded-command language, in which I suppose you could do the analogous thing.

The approach I’m most interested in at the moment, though, is Baker’s COMFY approach. While the Boehm-Jacopini constructs, like Kleene’s constructs, have a single entry and a single exit, Baker’s forms of combination have one entry and two exits: a success exit (“win”) and a failure exit (“lose”). His conditionals and loops are ruled not by a value computed by their conditionals, but, as in Icon and Unicon, by whether those “conditionals” succeed or fail. IIRC you can reduce Baker’s combinations to three, like those of Kleene and those of Boehm and Jacopini, consisting of the following connections:

do x y:
    entry = x.entry
    x.win = y.entry
    y.win = win
    x.lose = y.lose = lose

if x y z:
    entry = x.entry
    x.win = y.entry
    x.lose = z.entry
    y.win = z.win = win
    y.lose = z.lose = lose

while x y:
    entry = x.entry = y.win
    x.win = y.entry
    x.lose = win
    y.lose = lose

This straightforwardly permits the construction of early exits from loops or from subroutines, error handling, and short-circuit Booleans, and it is easy to compile with a recursive strategy starting from the end of a subroutine.
