Faygoo: a yantra-smashing ersatz version of Piumarta and Warth’s COLA

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-07-14 (updated 02021-12-30) (17 minutes)

I was rereading Piumarta and Warth’s paper on open and extensible object models today (implementation), and I was thinking about how to extend it, which sadly seems not to have been done much, though Piumarta did build his COLA/Idst on it.

Piumarta & Warth

The paper describes a relentlessly simple metaobject protocol, with three core object types (object, symbol, and vtable) and five core methods (symbol.intern, vtable.lookup, vtable.addMethod, vtable.allocate, and vtable.delegated). The system starts with a symbol table, five symbols, and two vtables, one for vtables themselves and one for non-vtable objects. The fundamental operation it provides is send(anObject, aSymbol, args...). This is implemented by invoking bind(anObject, aSymbol), which in the usual case fetches the vtable pointer v from the word preceding anObject and then recursively invokes m = send(v, :lookup) on it to get the pointer to the method code. This having been done, the method code pointer m is then socked away in various caches for performances, and then invoked m(anObject, args...). To bottom out the recursion, bind() has a special case such that bind(vtablevtable, :lookup) returns a hardcoded constant function pointer.

If I’m reading the numbers right, they report that the usual C function call mechanism on their 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo takes about 8 ns, while this dynamic send mechanism takes about 15 ns in the fast path for monomorphic sends found on the fast path. This is a pretty reasonable cost; I think it replaces the single-instruction call found on most modern CPUs with 5-7 instructions. Deutsch & Schiffman report that in their measurements such a single-item inline cache was effective 95% of the time, though it is well known that the Self researchers got significant system speedups out of a polymorphic inline cache, since many of the remaining 5% of calls are not “megamorphic”.

The other four core methods provide a runtime mechanism for constructing other object classes. intern creates new symbols that can be used as method selectors; x.addMethod(selector, code) mutates vtable x by overwriting or adding a method; x.allocate(size) instantiates a new object with vtable x; and x.delegated() creates a new vtable whose lookup method delegates to x when it doesn’t find a method internally.

In more conventional terminology, vtables are called classes, allocate is called new, and delegates is called subclass.

The objective is that you should be able to extend the system with new kinds of vtables that use a different lookup algorithm than the built-in version. They are only constrained in that whatever method pointer they return will be cached, both in an inline cache and in a system-wide cache indexed by (class, selector) tuples, forever.

The particular mechanism chosen for the inline cache allocates two words of writable memory for each callsite, one for the class and one for the method. Upon visiting the callsite a second time, if the receiver’s class is equal to the class last time around, the chosen method is invoked without invoking bind(); otherwise, bind() is invoked for the new class, and the result is duly cached before invoking it. In pseudo-assembly:

    ;; callsite 4310
    ld.8 r1(-8), r2        ; r1 is the receiver, word size is 8
    ld.8 icclass.4310, r3  ; icclass.4310 is a statically allocated word
    bne r2, r3, 1f         ; if this is the wrong class, jump to slow path
    ld.8 icmeth.4310, r4   ; load method pointer
    b 2f
1:  st.8 r2, icclass.4310  ; update the IC key so we’ll have a hit next time
    call bind              ; bind expects class in r2, method selector in r5
    st.8 r4, icmeth.4310   ; bind’s return is in r4; r1 and r2 are preserved
2:  call *r4               ; method expects receiver in r1, class in r2

The fast path here is 6 of these 9 instructions, but it’s common for absolute loads to require multiple machine instructions (auipc, loads from PC-relative constant pools, that kind of thing). Also, though, note that 9 instructions per callsite occupies quite a bit of code space. The slow path is mostly inside of bind, which may recursively invoke send() with lookup, and maintains the system-wide cache.

But what if we want to invalidate these caches to accommodate new methods, changes in the inheritance hierarchy, recompiled methods with new code, and so on? It’s okay for the invalidation to be relatively expensive, since code changes happen much less often than message sends; but, with the above pseudocode, unless we want to add additional memory accesses and comparisons on the fast path, there are only two paths open to us:

  1. To change the class of every affected object, which would seem to involve scanning the entire heap and mutating potentially every live object, and probably also tripping the GC’s write barrier on all those objects, possibly resulting in a second scan of the entire heap. This might actually be slower than just saving the whole system image and restoring it.

  2. To scan through the entire IC space, clearing the pointer in icclass.N for every N whose callsite might need to be relinked. This is surely less expensive; it might amount to a few million instructions for a large program.

Trampolines or yantras

In the original Deutsch & Schiffman JIT for Smalltalk-80, each method body was preceded by a header that validated that the receiver was of the correct class, failing over to a generic dispatch procedure if not:

The entry code [prologue] of an n-code [compiled] method checks the stored receiver class from the point of call against the actual receiver class. If they do not match, relinking must occur, just as if the call had not yet been linked.

This suggests the following alternative compilation of send():

    ld.8 icmeth.4310, r4
    call *r4

This transfers control to a trampoline, which has access to the receiver in r1 and the callsite in the link register. We’ll call these trampolines “yantras”, because they are a sort of apparatus the object system sets up to efficiently achieve the desired result. In the happy path, this yantra verifies that it is being invoked for the correct class, then transfers control to the method body:

    ld.8 r1(-8), r2
    li r3, $foobarclass            ; load immediate
    beq r2, r3, foobar::ogonkify
    b bind

There might be several such yantras for the same method, one for each class that inherits it, but the total number of yantras in the system is relatively small, perhaps tens of thousands. In the case that the inheritance hierarchy changes, or the method is replaced with a new version at a different address, or a subclass starts to override the method with its own version, we can simply smash the yantra by overwriting the first instruction or two with a b bind instruction.

The world is a little less rosy for bind. It has the receiver in r1 and the receiver’s class in r2, but to finish its job it needs two more pieces of information: the selector of the method that was being invoked, and the address of the inline-cache variable icmeth.4310 into which it must store the address of the correct yantra, which it may additionally need to synthesize. For these, it must look at the link register to find the callsite callsite.4310; then it can look up the callsite in a table of all callsites like the following:

    .8byte callsite.0
    ; ...
    .8byte callsite.4308
    .8byte callsite.4309
    .8byte callsite.4310
    .8byte callsite.4311
    ; ...

Binary search on this table provides the index 4310 in about 12 memory accesses and about 60 instructions. (However, if code is not emitted in strictly increasing memory-address order, it might be necessary to use a segmented table, so maybe we should be using a 256-way trie instead.)

This index allows bind to look up the selector at index 4310 in a table of callsite selectors, so it can perform the correct lookup, and also to store the yantra pointer into icmeth.4310 for the next time around.

At system startup, the icmeth.N values for every callsite simply point directly at bind, which gradually materializes yantras for frequently-called methods and populates the global cache and the IC with pointers to them.

Ideally the yantras are allocated after the method bodies that they jump to so that their conditional branch will be correctly predicted the first time (and most of the times they fall out of the branch prediction buffer).

Let’s call this inline-cache mechanism “faygoo”, for “fast abstract yantra generic object orientation”. Its primary benefit over Piumarta & Warth’s implementation is that it provides a reliable, efficient, and fine-grained way of invalidating elements in the inline caches. But it might also be more efficient; on the fast path, faygoo runs 5 of these pseudo-assembly instructions instead of the 6 used by the Piumarta & Warth mechanism, and performs one data memory read instead of two. It uses much less space per callsite (two pseudo-assembly instructions, a read-only word, and a read-write word, rather than nine pseudo-assembly instructions and two read-write words) at the expense of allocating a megabyte or so of yantras, and perhaps having somewhat worse locality of reference.

Yantra size

Why a megabyte or so? In “bytecode interpreters for tiny computers” I dissected the Squeak 3.8-6665 image a little and found 49775 methods; presumably the majority of these are in leaf classes, while a few are inherited by thousands of classes, so perhaps in a system as large as Squeak, there would eventually be 65536-131072 yantras. Each of these consists of the four pseudo-instructions listed above; ld.8/li/beq/b.

I think that in the RISC-V C extension, the ld.8 would be C.LD if we store the class pointer at index 0 instead of index -1, the li is probably an uncompressed LUI/SLLI/LUI/ADDI sequence (14 bytes), the beq is probably an uncompressed BEQ (to avoid a separate subtract instruction and to be able to put the yantra within 4 KiB of the method start rather than 256 bytes like C.BEQZ), and the b is probably a compressed C.J to an uncompressed JAL instruction that’s shared between many yantras. That’s 20 bytes in all.

The amd64 realization might be something like this, 25 bytes per yantra if we don’t do any alignment and don’t use a shared fast-path second-level trampoline to allow the use of the shorter jump format, or 21 bytes if we do:

0000000000000000 <bind_shared_trampoline>:
   0:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmpq   5 <yantra1>

0000000000000005 <yantra1>:
   5:   48 8b 43 f8             mov    -0x8(%rbx),%rax
   9:   48 b9 ef cd ab 89 67    movabs $0x123456789abcdef,%rcx
  10:   45 23 01 
  13:   48 39 c1                cmp    %rax,%rcx
  16:   0f 84 00 00 00 00       je     1c <foobar::ogonkify>
  1c:   eb e2                   jmp    0 <bind_shared_trampoline>

This also gets a byte shorter if we put the class pointer at offset 0 instead of offset -1:

000000000000001e <yantra2>:
  1e:   48 8b 03                mov    (%rbx),%rax
  21:   48 b9 67 45 23 01 ef    movabs $0x89abcdef01234567,%rcx
  28:   cd ab 89 
  2b:   48 39 c1                cmp    %rax,%rcx
  2e:   0f 84 00 00 00 00       je     34 <foobar::ogonkify>
  34:   eb ca                   jmp    0 <bind_shared_trampoline>

In the i386 instruction encoding, conditional jumps could only use the short format, which would have required the extra shared unconditional jump.

If class identifiers were HotSpot-style 32-bit “compressed oops”, or indices into some kind of object table or class table, instead of 64-bit memory addresses, these numbers would probably shrink a little. But probably each yantra costs about 20 bytes, so 65536-131072 of them will cost 1310720-2621440 bytes.

When to smash yantras?

One of the interesting items in Deutsch & Schiffman, carried over to most modern JITs, is the notion of a restricted-size cache for JIT-compiled code. Because they were using machines with small memory by current standards (typically using 16-bit address spaces, and usually less than a megabyte) and slow disks, and the Smalltalk bytecode (“v-code”) was something like 5× more compact than the native machine code (“n-code”), they considered it more practical to discard the least-recently-used native code rather than swapping it out to disk. Nowadays, rather than main memory, the objective might be to fit the n-code into L1 or at least L2 cache (4096 KiB on this AMD A10-5745M). If a compiled method is to be thus discarded, smashing its yantras is a cheap way to ensure that control will not flow into it again.

But that’s just an optimization. The main reason to smash yantras is because the method they jump to is no longer the correct method for the class; in this case the yantra must be smashed and its corresponding global lookup cache entry must be removed. If your only metaclass (vtable vtable) is the primitive metaclass, and you only modify classes through Piumarta & Warth’s methods, this happens only when you call addMethod, at which point we must smash that method’s yantras in that class and all its subclasses. This should be straightforward.

However, the great appeal of the OEOM metaobject protocol is that it makes it straightforward to extend the system with other metaclasses. Piumarta & Warth give the example of implementing Traits, but other possibilities include RPC remote stub objects, the proxy-membrane pattern more generally (which is also useful for auditing or debugging), record-reply-style creation of mock objects for unit tests, and the creation of data classes from, for example, Proto3 files.

Some of these cases, like dynamic data-class creation, don’t actually need custom metaclasses; being able to subclass existing classes and add methods to them under program control is quite sufficient. Other cases require the creation of new methods on demand, but never subclass the classes they create or change those methods once they exist, so never need to smash any yantras. However, in theory, the ability for the lookup method to examine arbitrary mutable data means that any change in the system state, or even outside of it (such as on a network server with which the lookup method communicates) might necessitate smashing yantras.

The most significant missing facility from the methods in the primitive metaclass is the ability to mutate the inheritance graph by changing a class’s parent, which would necessitate smashing some or all of the yantras of that class and all its transitive subclasses, depending on whether the methods they inherited had changed.

For interactive changes to the system, such efficient and fine-grained cache invalidation is probably not necessary. If there are 65536 methods with 131072 yantras and 1048576 callsites, flushing the entire cache can be done by brute force by overwriting only 8 mebibytes of RAM, which takes on the order of a millisecond; repopulating the cache as callsites get rebound will slow down the system over a longer period but still possibly be a tolerable slowdown. But you wouldn’t want the system to hang for a millisecond every time a new method got invoked on a debugging membrane proxy object.

Eliminating inheritance

I think the OEOM system becomes simpler if you eliminate inheritance entirely. There’s no need to propagate invalidation through subclasses and no need for class.subclass() (called vtable.delegated() by Piumarta & Warth). There would still be the possibility that a changed lookup() method might return different results, and the only way to be sure to avoid this is to flush the cache completely.
