Can you do direct digital synthesis (DDS) at over a gigahertz?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-02-08 (updated 02021-02-24) (30 minutes)

I watched a GreatScott! video recently in which he designed and built a direct-digital synthesis waveform generator going up to a few MHz, using a waveform-generator chip which mostly consists of a 28-bit counter driving a sin() ROM attached to a DAC through a mux. When you want a sawtooth wave instead, the mux selects the counter instead of the ROM output, and when you want a square wave, it just selects the MSB.

(I haven’t tried any of what is described below, even in simulation, so it wouldn’t be unsurprising if there are fatal flaws in my calculations.)

GreatScott’s designs

In the video, he compares his €600 Siglent SDG 2082 X, which goes up to 80 MHz and generates 1.2 gigasamples per second; his €70 Ascel Æ20125, which goes up to 10 MHz but only up to ±5 V; the above-mentioned cascade of three LM318N circuits, which only operates over about 1.7 kHz to 40 kHz with the passives he chose, and of course has a nasty temperature coefficient; a €6 kit built around the analog XR-2206 monolithic function generator, which goes up to 1 MHz; and his own €50 design built around the AD9833 DDS function generator IC (which IC goes for US$10.04 on Digi-Key in quantity 1), which goes from DC to a bit past 12 MHz.

He points out the AD9833 gives better results than a popular pure-analog three-opamp circuit which configures the first opamp as a relaxation oscillator and the other two as integrators, in large part because the relaxation oscillator output has shitty RC-decay edges.

The LM318N is pretty fast; TI’s LM318N datasheet claims 15MHz “small-signal bandwidth” (typical, not minimum) and 50V/μs slew rate; their plot of unity-gain bandwidth suggests 15MHz at ±5V and 25° increasing to 19MHz at ±20V. Digi-Key lists them for US$1.13 in quantity 10. Its open-loop gain is claimed to drop off from 110dB below 100 Hz at the usual 20dB per decade, so at GreatScott’s desired 10MHz it only has about 5dB left. The circuit in question is maybe not very demanding of the op-amp’s open-loop gain, since each opamp is just amplifying its own output or the output of the previous stage. The slew rate should also be okay. It should be fine for a sine wave — I think 10MHz is a radian per 16 μs, so at Scott’s desired ±12V, the maximum slew rate of a sine wave is 24V/16μs, or 1.5V/μs — and even a 10MHz square wave shouldn’t be too trapezoidal at 0.5 μs of rise or fall time followed by 50 μs of high or low time. I conclude the opamp is fine and the circuit design is at fault. Probably a Schmitt trigger to clean up the square-wave transitions and careful control of parasitics would yield totally acceptable results.

Microcontroller-based DDS

At lower frequencies, you might as well just use a microcontroller. A 108MHz GD32 can, in theory, happily spit out 54 megasamples per second of digital data on one of its 16-bit I/O ports, and if you feed that to a simple R-2R DAC feeding an amplifier, you can easily get 6 bits of precision, or 8 bits with careful trimming. And, on the similar STM32F103C8 from ST, StackOverflow user SirSpunk was able to achieve one output word per two clock cycles, which would give the above 54 megasamples per second, though this required some trickiness like keeping the samples in CPU registers. (Chips like the STM32F103 and the GD32F103 also include a 12-bit DAC with supposedly about 10 bits of precision, but the DAC cannot run nearly this fast.) A dedicated DAC chip could improve precision, but improving the sample rate would require using a faster microcontroller. Moreover, even this data rate may not be achievable if the data samples need to come from somewhere else, like an arithmetic operation or fetching from RAM. ST’s appnote 4666 details achieving sustained data rates of 8 to 10 megasamples per second using DMA on some other STM32-family microcontrollers, but I don’t think the STM32F103 or GD32F103 supports DMA for GPIO.

Up to 1 MHz, 54 megasamples per second is a buttload of samples, technically speaking. The tenth harmonic would be 10 MHz, and its Nyquist frequency 20 MHz, so you should be able to get nice sharp edges on your 1 MHz square and sawtooth waveforms. At 10 MHz, they’ll start to look pretty darn fuzzy, though: you only have 5.4 samples per cycle, so you’re going to have slow transitions, a lot of ringing, or most likely both, depending on how you set up the analog output filtering.

Adjusting the clock speed is a potential approach to avoiding computation in the inner loop of slamming the samples out; for example, if you can store 8 samples in 8 CPU registers, you can produce those 8 samples in a tight loop, getting a 6.75MHz arbitrary waveform at 54Msps; and by producing them once forward and once in reverse, you can get a 3.375MHz arbitrary symmetrical waveform. But producing an arbitrary 6MHz waveform would be much easier to do if you can lower the CPU clock to 96MHz.

The great advantage of using a microcontroller is that you can potentially output a very flexible set of waveforms: not just square, sawtooth, triangle, and sine, but also for example AM, FM, QPSK, white noise, and filtered weighted sums of any of the previous ones. But what good is that if your waveform comes out shoddy?

For square waves in particular you may be able to use a separate analog data path with different filtering (sharpening edges with a Schmitt trigger and relying on clamping to the power-supply rails, say), but that doesn’t help with other waveforms containing sharp edges.

Non-microcontroller logic

Parallel SRAM

Well, what if you hook up a DAC (R-2R or IC) to the output of a RAM chip? Digi-Key sells the obsolete CY62256NLL-70ZRXIT for US$0.58, which is a 28-pin 70ns SRAM chip with 8-bit-wide output and 15 address lines; if you gang up two of these mothers you get 16-bit-wide output. As long as they’re in read mode, every time you change the value on the address bus, you get your data out 70ns later (or 55ns later in some other grades of the chip, according to Cypress’s datasheet). They used to even sell them in DIP and SOIC forms. Too bad it hit end-of-life in 02017. I don’t know how glitchy the output is, so you might need external tristate buffering, and also it uses TTL thresholds, so you may need level shifters. (Also, since you need to load the data on the same data bus you’re using for the DAC, you might want external tristate buffering to disable the DAC while you’re loading that data.)

70ns isn’t fast enough, though; if you didn’t need any extra time to switch addresses you would only get 14.3Msps that way, and so a maximum sine-wave speed of 7.1MHz, and a maximum square-wave speed somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 MHz.

A much more modern, but still obsolete, part is the 80¢ Cypress CY7C1021BN-12ZXC, which has 16 address lines, 16 data lines, 44 pins, and a 12-ns access time. The CY7C1021BN datasheet, which is for the 15-ns version, claims that it’s basically otherwise identical to the older chip, except that it has separate byte-high-enable and byte-low-enable inputs so you can use it with an 8-bit bus if you want.

So this is starting to sound decent; you should be able to get 60 megasamples per second out of such a chip once you’ve loaded the waveform into it. And you can load up to 65536 samples into it, or 131072 if you just use 8 bits of data and use the /BHE and /BLE lines as an additional address bit; or you could tie some address lines to ground in order to save I/O pins.

A CPLD or something could be configured as a counter to generate the addresses at a higher clock speed than the microcontroller can manage. In the case where the carry chain is becoming too slow, you can use an LFSR instead of a normal binary counter, with the XOR gates interposed between successive register bits, thus getting your critical path delay down to a single XOR’s propagation delay.

Non-obsolete parallel memory parts that could be used similarly include the following:

Part number Price, qty 1 Access time Maximum clock speed Address lines Data lines Package Voltage
CY62136EV30LL-45ZSXIT US$1.11 45ns (async) 17 16 44TSOP II2.2–3.6V
CY7C1020D-10VXI US$3.94 10ns (async) 15 16 44-BSOJ 4.5–5.5V
CY7C1329H-133AXC US$2.30 (N/A) 133MHz 16 32 100-TQFP 3.15–3.6V
CY7C1360C-166BZC US$4.56 (N/A) 166MHz 18 36 165-FBGA 3.135–3.6V
CY7C1360C-200AJXC US$4.18 (N/A) 200MHz 16 36 100-TQFP 3.135–3.6V

The other 5-volt part also shares the annoying TTL thresholds.

The CY7C1329H and CY7C1360C “include[] a two-bit internal counter for burst operation” when you hold the /ADV line low, which suggests that you could feed it an externally-generated address every four samples, which means you could even use a cheap microcontroller to do the address generation, since you need no more than 50 million addresses per second. Amusingly, it even has an “interleaved” mode (selected by tying the MODE pin to VDD) in which it can count either 0123, 3210, 1032, or 2301 rather than the usual 0123, 1230, 2301, and 3012 alternatives; this would be useful for time-reversing a part of a waveform.

These parts, being synchronous, of course produce output data starting in the following clock cycle rather than as soon as possible.

For such synchronous memories, you might need some external glue logic to gate off the memory control lines faster than the microcontroller can do it on its own.

You’d think that someone would have sub-nanosecond SRAM by now, and Cypress used to make a line of what purported to be sub-nanosecond SRAM, but no longer, and anyway it was synchronous at speeds of 200MHz or less. If you want “subnanosecond” RAM today you have to go with DRAM, and none of it can support random write accesses in less than 15ns. Digi-Key has 42 Winbond W971GG6SB-18 chips in stock for US$4 each; these are a gibibit organized 16 bits wide with a 533MHz DDR2-1066 clock. Its CAS latency is 6 clocks (11.3 ns), its write recovery time is 15 ns, and if I understand correctly, there are various other latencies related to random accesses that bring its random access latency up near 100 ns. But if you just want to spew out a sequential stream of data, it can totally give you 16 fresh bits every 940 picoseconds for a good long while.

The async parts would still need some kind of external counter logic to drive their address lines faster than the microcontroller can manage. You could do this with a two- to four-bit counter on the low-order address lines or by wiring up the whole address bus to the thing.

CPLDs and PLDs as counters

One approach here would be to use a generic programmable-logic chip like the US$0.94 Altera MAX V 5M40ZE64C5N 40-(one-bit)-logic-element 7.5-ns CPLD, which can run its output buffers at up to 3.6 volts and run a 16-bit counter at up to 118.3 MHz; the US$1.44 Lattice “ispMACH” 4000ZE-series LC4032ZE-7TN48C 32-macrocell 7.5-ns CPLD, which can also do 3.3-volt output and I think is similar in speed or perhaps could manage up to 260MHz; the US$1.80 Atmel ATF1502ASV-15AU44 32-macrocell 15-ns CPLD, which runs at 3.3 volts natively and I think can reach 77 MHz; or maybe an old-fashioned PLD like the US$2.06 22V10, which comes in a 10-ns grade and astoundingly even a US$2.14 5-ns grade these days, and of course run on 5 volts and have annoying TTL thresholds, but in theory can run at up to 166MHz. Since even a two-bit counter would be enough to lower the burden on the microcontroller by a factor of four, we could even consider smaller PLDs like a 16R4 or 16V4, but they are all obsolete.

Amusingly, the Altera chip also contains an 8192-bit block of Flash with auto-increment addressing, so if your waveform data is smaller than that and never changes, you don’t need an external RAM chip!

And obviously with an FPGA like a Lattice UltraPlus ICE40UP5K (US$6, 5280 4-LUTs, 120 kibibits of block RAM, 1 mebibyte of SPRAM, eight 16-bit multipliers, capable of running a 16-bit counter at 100 MHz, fully supported by IceStorm) or a Lattice LFE5UM5G-45F-8BG381C (US$31, 85k 4-LUTs, 72 18-bit multipliers, four 5Gbps SERDES channels, running some functions at up to 400 MHz) you can do all the DDS you want entirely inside the chip, as long as it’s not above a couple hundred megahertz.

Dedicated counter ICs

There are various popular counters like the 72¢ 4-bit 90MHz 74AC161, the 54¢ 14-bit 65MHz 74HC4060, the 38¢ dual-4-bit 107MHz 74HC393, and the 50¢ 4-bit 167MHz 74HC161; all of these can use a wide variety of supply voltages. Ripple counters like the [42¢ 12-bit 210MHz 74VHC4040][22] would not work for this.

But what about memories with built-in counters?

Serial memories

Microcontrollers are commonly used with memories with bit-serial interfaces, either SPI, I²C, dual SPI, or quad-SPI. Typically you can write these memories in true bit-serial mode and read them in quasi-parallel mode, but even when not, it would be practical to gang up several of them (4, 5, 8, or 10 chips, say), write to several of them one at a time, then read from them all at once; typically they permit reading an entire sector with a single command. Almost invariably these are Flash — serial SPI SRAM like the 23K256 exists but only up to 45MHz. Some of these SPI Flash memories are too slow to be useful for this kind of application, but others are plenty fast. Specimens of this genre include the US$2.07 166MHz quad-SPI Winbond W25N512GVEIG, the 30¢ 100MHz dual-SPI GigaDevice GD25D05CTIGR, and the 31¢ 85MHz quad-SPI Adesto AT25SF041B-SSHB-B.

Taking the GigaDevice device as typical, we find in its datasheet that it not only permits bit-serial writing, it requires it. Puzzlingly it claims to permit reads at 160Mbps but a 100MHz clock (see below). It holds half a mebibit of data, divided into 16-page sectors of 256-byte pages. The data-rate doubling is implemented by making its serial input pin bidirectional.

A single READ command (0x03, or 0x0B for fast read, followed in either case by three address bytes) will eventually read the whole memory if CS# is held low for enough clock cycles. There are no dummy bits, start bits, stop bits, or command bits in the timing diagram once the data stream starts.

The “AC characteristics” table clarifies the clock speed mystery: “fast read” 0x0b can happen at 100MHz, but regular read (0x03, which appears to be otherwise identical) and dual-output read (0x3b) can only happen at 80MHz.

Because it’s Flash, programming a new waveform into the chip is slow (700 μs per page, about 300 times slower than reading), and can only be done some 100k times before risking burning the chip out. This seems like an acceptable tradeoff.

Normal SPI uses three pins on your master chip plus one per slave: SCK (“SCLK”), MOSI (“SI”), MISO (“SO”), and one /CS (“CS#”) per slave. (This chip additionally has a “WP#” pin which must be high for writes, which I suppose is intended to prevent accidental erasure due to EMI or software bugs, but it would probably be acceptable to tie it low.) But if we’re going to use various memory chips’ SO pins to directly drive a DAC, they can’t all be tied to each other as they normally would be.

Ganging up 8 GD25D05Cs in this way could be achieved most simply by just not routing the MISO pins back to the master — that is, configuring the memory chip as write-only memory, with their output pins connected only to the DAC. This would prevent the program from reading the status register, or reading back waveforms to verify them, but that’s not necessary for the waveform generator to work. Then all that remains is to drive the SCK inputs of the slaves from a free-running 100MHz clock on command from the slower master, so you need a 100-MHz 2-mux on the clock line; SCK, MOSI, and mux-select pins on the master for all slaves; and eight /CS pins on the master, one per slave. When issuing a “fast read” command, the master would broadcast it to all slaves at once.

And that way you get 100Msps of waveform-generation output.

The Adesto chip seems to be very similar, down to using the same opcode bytes and the same pins for dual-output reads, but also supports four-bit-per-clock output by co-opting the /WP pin and a /HOLD pin the GD25D05C lacks; also its multi-bit reads run at full speed, and it has the option of clocking in the address bits on multiple pins as well, and clocking in the data bits on multiple pins when writing the chip.

Augmenting the circuit to support reading from the memory chips without using more pins on the microcontroller is relatively simple: a pullup resistor per memory chip, plus an 8-input AND, NAND, or parity chip; or alternatively pulldowns and an OR, NOR, or parity. Another way to implement this is with diode logic: one diode down from the shared microcontroller pin to each memory chip’s MISO pin, and a pullup resistor on the master side, which can be internal on most popular microcontrollers. Or you can just use a separate microcontroller pin for each MISO line, bringing the total to 19 GPIOs for 8 memory chips.

Augmenting these circuits to support the use of multi-bit outputs is potentially more difficult if you don’t have all those GPIOs: the MOSI line becomes bidirectional, and you want the master to be able to send bits to any of the slaves, but you don’t want the slaves’ drivers to be able to fight each other. This is similar to the problem of a bidirectional level shifter, which is in fact a thing you might want in this case anyway.

If not, though, one approach is a pullup on each slave MOSI pin, a diode from each slave MOSI pin to the shared master MOSI pin, and a pulldown on the master MOSI pin. When all the involved pins are tristated, a weak current will flow through the diodes, maintaining all the relevant pins in an indeterminate state which probably wastes a lot of power. If the master pulls its pin low and the slaves are tristated, this will bring all the slaves’ pins to a diode drop above ground, which hopefully is low enough to count as “low”; if it pulls its pins high, this will overwhelm its pulldown and allow the slaves’ pullups to pull their inputs high. If the master tristates its pin and some slave pulls its pin high (because MOSI has become part of a multi-bit bus that the slave is writing to), the master’s pin will rise to a diode drop below VCC, which is safely HIGH at most voltages; if the slave pulls its pin low, overwhelming its pullup, then the master’s pullup will pull its pin all the way to ground. And in no case can two slaves’ outputs fight each other.

(Incidentally, this kind of thing would also be useful for spewing out canned bitstreams at higher rates than your microcontroller can manage, too: generate the bitstream at your leisure in the serial memory, then spew out bits at high speed, possibly repeatedly and into a SERDES.)

Toward a gigahertz

Unfortunately, none of the above approaches get us close to being able to synthesize gigahertz signals. In fact, most of them top out (with easily available hardware, anyway) around 100Msps, where the top sine frequency you could manage would be around 50 MHz, and the top frequency with reasonably sharp edges would be in the neighborhood of 5 or 10 MHz. So I guess that’s why “GreatScott” picked that US$10 Analog Devices chip; you can do better, but it’s not easy.

To manage hundreds of megahertz with an arbitrary waveform, let alone a gigahertz, we’d need a different approach. I think it’s feasible without reaching for exotica like indium phosphide, though. AD and TI both have analog-switch ICs reaching from DC up to 1 GHz or more; ADG902-EP (4.5GHz, US$3.39 from Digi-Key, 17-ns on+off switching time), ADG919 (4GHz, US$3.34, 19.5-ns on+off switching time) TMUX1072 (1.2GHz, US$1.18, 260000-ns on+off switching time), and TMUX136 (6GHz, US$0.98, 600-ns on+off switching time) are representative examples. These are MOSFET switches; the more common PIN-diode type typically takes over a microsecond.

MOSFETs have an intermediate “ohmic mode” of conduction, in between “saturated” fully on and “subthreshold” fully off; as can be seen from the above figures, they have much higher bandwidth through the channel than they do for turning the gate on and off. By precisely controlling the gate voltage, you can control the impedance a signal sees going through the channel, and thus its attenuation. This phenomenon is not extremely linear in the gate voltage (especially if you don’t subtract the threshold voltage, but even then), and the current isn’t even all that linear in the drain-to-source voltage VDS. But it’s a reasonably good approximation when VDS isn’t too high and VGS isn’t too low. And, as we will see, in this application we can correct for the nonlinearity in gate voltage in software.

With two such pseudo-variable-resistors, you can make a voltage divider from an output signal terminal, through a MOSFET channel, to an input signal terminal, through a second MOSFET channel to ground, such that the total input impedance seen by the input signal terminal is some constant impedance such as 500Ω. If a short pulse arrives on the input terminal, some attenuated version of the pulse will be seen at the output terminal. If the upper MOSFET is nearly saturated at 10Ω, the lower MOSFET to ground ought to be nearly off, at about 24500Ω, for the input to see 500Ω. If the upper MOSFET is at 250Ω, then the lower MOSFET should be at 500Ω, and the signal will be attenuated by half (6 dB). If the upper MOSFET is at 400Ω, then the lower MOSFET should be at 125Ω, and the signal will be attenuated by ⅘ (14 dB).

The key point here is that this configuration allows you to selectively attenuate a pulse train. Moreover, a similar voltage-divider arrangement allows you to selectively steer them with reasonably low insertion loss! If the input signal is to be divided evenly between two 500Ω outputs without losing impedance matching, then a MOSFET to each of them operating in the ohmic region with a 250Ω resistance will do the job, wasting only four ninths of the signal energy (3.6 dB), and this is the worst case; by reconfiguring the gate voltages to pass more of the signal to one side, this loss is reduced.

For example, if the MOSFET channel resistance to the left output is 50Ω, then the MOSFET channel resistance to the right input should be 5kΩ. The voltage on the left channel will be 500/550 of the input voltage, or 91%, and the power 83% of the original, a loss of about 0.8 dB. The voltage on the right channel is 500/5500 of the original, or 9.1%, and the power 0.83% (21 dB attenuated).

(The pulse passing through to the MOSFET source will, if positive, reduce VGS temporarily, creating distortion; adding capacitance across those terminals should push that problem out to a long enough timescale that this nonlinearity doesn’t provoke harmonic distortion and reflections.)

Multi-way splits with impedance matching are higher-loss than two-way splits; for example, if we split the signal into four equal parts with 500Ω each, we need 1500Ω of series resistance on each branch, thus losing ¾ of the voltage and burning 15/16 of the power in the resistors, a 12 dB loss. (XXX is that right? That can’t be right.)

Such attenuated pulse trains can be passed over microstrip (or stripline if necessary) and summed with a resistor network (at the cost of further attenuation), following variable delays imposed by variable lengths of microstrip. Configuring the set of attenuations for each delay, by way of setting the gate voltage on the various MOSFETs, amounts to configuring a convolution kernel in the time domain, which is to say, a single iteration of a waveform; a pulse train at the desired fundamental frequency is then all that is needed to synthesize the desired waveform. If the delays are regularly spaced, thus forming a regular sampling, a spurline filter can notch out the sampling frequency and its harmonics.

So then the problem of gigahertz DDS reduces to the problem of setting the gate voltages on all these MOSFETs and producing a pulse train at the desired fundamental frequency.

How much microstrip are we talking about? Crudely speaking, about 150 mm per nanosecond, so perhaps on the order of a meter for signals with a fundamental frequency down to a few hundred megahertz.

How should we distribute the delays to the customizable attenuators? If we distribute them evenly over the maximum possible interval — for example, 20 attenuators distributed every 250 ps out to 5 ns — then we will have effectively many fewer data points at even fractions of that interval. That is, if we emit a pulse every 190 ps, we’re pretty okay — the first attenuator provides a pulse image at 60 ps from the beginning of a pulse interval, the second at 120 ps, then 180 ps, 50, 110, 170, 40, 100, 160, 30, 90, 150, 20, 80, 140, 10, 70, 130, 0, and finally 60 again, so we have a nice 10-ps effective sampling interval, just scrambled. But if we increase the pulse interval to 200 ps, we suddenly have only four samples per cycle: 50, 100, 150, and 0.

Distributing them at random is of course one possibility, which would be about as good or bad at all frequencies.

If we have room to make our microstrip 20 ns long, which is only about a meter and a half serpentined onto a PCB, we might have time to reconfigure the transistors between one pulse and the next, perhaps using one of the parallel-memory approaches described above, so at this magic point we have no lower frequency limit. AD’s existing chips claim to achieve turning their pass transistors fully on and off within 20 ns, so this is apparently physically feasible.
