Ropes with constant-time concatenation and equality comparisons with monoidal hash consing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-07-27 (15 minutes)

Avery Pennarun’s bupsplit and Silentbicycle’s Jumprope, used in his Tangram filesystem, are something like a hash-consed general-purpose rope structure.

It occurred to me that by extending this approach, you can build a string type that supports in-practice-constant-time concatenation and comparison operations, at least in the absence of adversarial input. Traversal is linear time; extracting substrings by numeric byte position is logarithmic.

Hash consing

Hash consing is an interesting technique: it allows you to reduce all equality comparisons to pointer comparisons, extending the magic of garbage collection, which lets you reduce all copying of (immutable) values to copying of pointers, to equality comparison. This is clearly very desirable for hashing and associative storage: you can hash the pointer, for example by interpreting it as an integer, rather than the data structure, thus obtaining constant-time indexing of properties by arbitrarily complex data structures.

Recent advances in hashing, such as cuckoo hashing and Robin Hood hashing, reduce some of the historical downsides of hashing.

Hash consing is not called that because it’s useful for hashing, though, but because you have to hash the values you’re consing in order to find out whether the cons already exists. If it does, you just return it, rather than allocating a duplicate.


Ropes represent strings as, basically, the fringe of an arbitrary cons tree structure, typically with the size of each subtree cached at each node. This permits linear-time traversal, logarithmic-time indexing by byte offsets, and constant-time concatenation. However, if we want to use hash consing for ropes, we have a problem; string concatenation is supposed to be associative: "a" || ("b" || "c") == ("a" || "b") || "c". If we just use regular hash consing with ropes, we may end up with lots of duplicate ropes that represent the same string.

Lua hashes a new string in constant time: at least in Lua 5.2, luaS_hash examines at most 32 bytes of the string in order to compute its hash value. But it can’t construct the new string in constant time, or usually constant time, because it has to copy all of its bytes. Similarly, it can’t test strings for equality in constant time, or even usually constant time—even if their hash values are equal, it has to iterate over all their bytes.

The Jumprope approach is to use a rolling hash to split the string into chunks in a consistent way, so that strings that contain common substrings will usually split into the same chunks. But Jumprope does not aspire to support string concatenation or, I think, constant-time string comparison.

Monoidal hash functions

Here’s one way you could get usually constant-time string concatenation and always-constant-time string equality tests. You compute the hash used for cons hashing in such a way that equivalent ropes will always have the same hash value, even if their internal structure is different. This is done by choosing the hash to be a monoid under a constant-time operation applied at concatenation time.

A particularly appealing kind of monoid for this purpose is functional composition of linear forms mx + b; the hash of the concatenation of string s₀ with hash mx + b₀ and string s₁ with hash mx + b₁ is then m₁(mx + b₀) + b₁ = (mm₀)x + (mb₀ + b₁). So to compute the hash of the concatenation of the tuples (m₀, b₀) and (m₁, b₁), we just compute (mm₀, mb₀ + b₁). Since the empty string is the identity element of the string-concatenation monoid (which is the free monoid on the characters) the hash of the empty string must be (1, 0), while the hashes of the characters can be chosen to be anything convenient, such as (3, c).

It isn’t necessary for the multiplication and addition operations here to be integer multiplication and addition, and in fact it’s undesirable, because integers can be arbitrarily large, and we want our hash values to be of constant size, and the computation of their composition to be constant-time. We only need the addition and multiplication operators to be associative, the multiplication to left-distribute over the addition, and for them both to have identity elements (written 1 and 0 above); that is, they each need to be a monoid, with one left-distributing over the other. The usual approach in such cases is to use “machine integers”, say multiplication and addition mod 2⁶⁴, and that would work fine here. Reducing modulo a large prime, such as 2⁶⁴ - 59, might be advantageous, in order to keep bits well mixed. Vectors or matrices would work too.

But any semiring with identity (and in particular any ring and any field) would work; we don’t even need the addition operation to be commutative, as semirings guarantee. Rings in general will tend to work better, because the addition operation of a ring is information-preserving, so you can’t end up in a trap where all strings with a given prefix have the same hash. (Idempotent semirings and especially tropical semirings would probably be bad choices.) Multiplication in a ring isn’t information-preserving, so with the above it’s possible to get into a trap where all the strings with a given suffix have the same hash, or where a lot of information is lost, but this should generally be easy to avoid; when the multiplicative inverse exists for nonzero elements, for example, you just need to prevent the hash of any primitive rope from containing a 0 multiplier.

It might be desirable to prevent an adversary from choosing strings to produce a high collision rate, and the linearity of this simple family of monoids might pose a problem for that.

In some sense you could use a much more general function, such as secure hash functions using the Merkle-Damgård construction, but it’s really desirable to use sets that have some kind of constant-size representation that can be efficiently composed. The whole idea of the Merkle-Damgård construction is to limit that kind of thing. Infogulch suggests that random invertible matrices over finite fields (Julia notebook) might provide an answer, but others suggest that it would probably be easy to break:

Consider an ordered sequence of elements aₙ, a function h that derives an invertible matrix over finite field 𝔽₂₅₆ from a single element’s cryptographic hash, and a function 𝐻 that finds the product of all such matrices from a sequence:


Define 𝐻(a) to be the hash of the sequence aₙ.

Rope append algorithm

So, to concatenate two ropes in this scheme, you first compute the hash of the concatenation, then check to see if a rope with that hash already exists. If so, you must check to see if it is actually equal; in most cases, this will be rapid, because you won’t have to descend very far down the respective trees to decompose them into nodes of the same size, which can simply be compared by pointer. If it is actually equal, you can simply return the existing rope; otherwise, you must allocate the new concatenation.

An alternative approach to checking for equality in such a candidate-equality case is to slice the candidate new rope into new candidate ropes. If the existing rope is (A || B) and the new candidate rope is (C || D), then either #A == #C, #A < #C, or #A > #C. If #A == #C it is sufficient to compare the identities of A and C, and B and D. If #A < #C, then we can continue by constructing C[:#A] and comparing its identity to A’s; if they are equal, then we construct C[#A:] || D and compare it in the same way to D. Analogously, when #A > #C, we can check whether C || D[:#A-#C] would be equal to A, and if so, check whether D[#A-#C:] would be equal to B.

This would seem to pose a troubling problem of infinite regress: to construct a new rope, we must apparently construct three more new ropes, and, worse, these extra new ropes might sit around in the hash cache and waste space until they get garbage collected. I think that’s one way to solve the problem, but maybe a better way is to “proto-construct” these ropes but not stick them into the table; I think this reduces to the approach of traversing both trees in parallel.

In the usual case, if we approximate the hashes as random, the probability of a hash collision is on the order of 2⁻¹⁰⁰ or lower, so, with a reasonably good hash function, such double-checking deep comparisons will almost always return true; new strings will almost always have new hashes. Even if the root has an equal hash, its children almost certainly won’t (except in the case of an intentional attack). So maybe it isn’t worth worrying too much about how many ropes get allocated in those cases, except to bound the cost to logarithmic.

Here, I’m supposing that each concatenation node includes a left pointer, a right pointer, two 64-bit words of hash, and a length field, so about 5 words, 40 bytes. On a 32-bit machine maybe it would be 20 bytes. You might need another word if you can’t steal a bit for a type field somewhere, either in the node pointer or from one of the words.

Input splitting and leafnode coalescing

When importing bytestrings into the hash-consed-rope system, you can’t get any storage sharing if you just import them as single leafnodes. You could imagine, for example, importing two versions of this Markdown file into the system as two strings, one before and one after inserting a blank line at the beginning. Ideally you would like these two versions to share most of their storage.

Now, if you construct the second version within the system, by appending the old version to a newline character, then you get storage sharing automatically, like the Ent of Xanadu. But what if you don’t? What if someone sends you the second version over a network?

Jumprope and bupsplit have an answer here: run a rolling hash over the file (a hash like the CRC, that’s not just monoidal but has an inverse), and use some criterion on the rolling hash to pick out a hierarchy of special cut points determined by their surroundings.

If you have working hash consing of ropes, though, I don’t think that’s necessary; you just need some way of splitting big input blobs into leafnode chunks of about 64–512 bytes that tends to reproduce the same cut points when it encounters the same data in different contexts. After that, the size of the rope tree internal nodes is going to be relatively small, maybe 20% of the size of the leaf nodes, and if you build it in a relatively random and balanced way, you’ll probably be able to share a fair bit of that, too.

One simple approach is to start with a counter at 576 and decrement it every byte, then split and reset the counter when encountering a byte whose value is more than half of the counter value. So the byte ‘a’, whose value is 97, will start a new block if the counter is less than 194, setting the counter back to 576. This clearly guarantees chunks of 64–576 bytes, and it will clearly stay resynchronized if it ever manages to split in the same place (which is likely), but the average block size will depend on the data — if it’s all zero bytes, it’ll be 576 bytes per block, and if it’s all 0xff bytes, it’ll be 64. In Python:

def split(infile, maxsize=576):
    i = maxsize
    buf = []
    while True:
        c =
        if not c:
            yield ''.join(buf)

        i -= 1
        if ord(c) * 2 > i:
            i = maxsize
            yield ''.join(buf)
            buf = []


You could take some steps to whiten the distribution a bit; for example, you could use the sum of all the bytes in the block so far mod 256, which will still have a much higher probability of creating a break at a ‘y’ than at a ‘!’, or you could use the sums or bitwise ANDs of pairs of adjacent bytes. All such measures are necessarily trading off consistency of split location against consistency of split frequency.

On similar economic considerations, when you’re concatenating small ropes, say less than 64 bytes, it’s probably worth it to just copy the bytes into a new leafnode. This means that if you’re typing into a hash-consing-rope editor, you’ll be allocating a new leafnode of 16-72 bytes on every keystroke (averaging 44 bytes), which is clearly 44 times slower than it needs to be, but still better than allocating a 16-byte leafnode and a 40-byte concatenation node. (Of course you also need to allocate another couple of concatenation nodes that join the new character to the previous and following parts of the editor buffer, but that’s true whether the keystroke is in a leafnode of its own or not.)

Along the same lines, it’s probably good to coalesce concatenation nodes into a B-tree to some degree; a 4-child concatenation node would have a length, two words of hash, and 4 child pointers, 7 words. If you built it out of binary concatenation nodes, you’d need three 5-word concatenation nodes, 15 words, more than twice as much space.
