Lazy heapsort

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-08-22 (updated 02021-09-11) (6 minutes)

Heapsort’s initial heapification phase is linear time, while its sorting phase is linearithmic. One common reason for sorting things is to see the first N items; heapsort, unlike quicksort, mergesort, or library sort, can produce those top N items much sooner than it can produce the rest of the sorted results.

Heapsort’s laziness

I wrote a simple heapsort program that generates random integers and heapsorts them. For ten items, it takes 4-7 swaps to initially heapify them, then 21-25 swaps to finish sorting; for a hundred, 64-74 swaps and 500-520 swaps respectively; for a thousand, 700-740 and 8300-8400; for ten thousand, 7400 and 120 thousand; for a hundred thousand, 74 thousand and 1.5 million; for a million, 740 thousand and 18 million; for ten million, 7.4 million and 220 million; for a hundred million, 74 million and 2.5 billion. The heapifying phase does about 4.7 record compares per swap, so about 3.5 per input record.

So, even with very small input sets, heapsort can generate the first output value in only 20% of the time required to generate the whole output set (though admittedly at this scale insertion sort is probably faster), and for reasonable-sized results, the difference is more than an order of magnitude, with the heapifying phase going as low as 3% of the total. Moreover, it takes only about 3.5 comparisons per input record, plus a logarithmic number per output record.

This is relevant if you’re writing a sort utility that generates output lazily, as when the shell sort command is piped to some other command. This laziness-friendliness seems like a relevant attribute for a generic standard-library sorting routine or toolkit: by heapifying a data array into a max-heap and then performing a few extract-max operations, we have a top-N algorithm.

If you know at the outset how many output values you’re going to need, you can do better than this by iterating over the input values, conditionally adding them to a “shortlist” heap of the right size, from which future values may possibly evict them. In the case where most values never make it onto the shortlist, it’s easy to keep the number of comparisons per input record below 1.2, but of course it cannot go below 1.

Can we improve heapsort’s locality of reference? An idea that fails

Normally heapsort has relatively poor locality of reference, making it unusable for external sorting. This has probably already been investigated, but I think this can be cured by dividing the heap into smaller heaps connected by queues.

Suppose you have 256 GiB of 16-byte records (16 gibirecords) to sort in 16 GiB of RAM (1 gibirecord). Your auxiliary storage is a tebibyte SSD, which takes 100 μs to do a 4096-byte read or write, potentially containing 256 records.

One way to approach this problem is to build a bunch of 255-record min-heaps, each associated with a 255-record queue containing records that precede its top (minimal) record.

First, consider the output phase: we repeatedly consume a record from the root queue. When a queue goes empty, we refill it from the heap dangling off of it by repeatedly removing minimal items from that heap and appending them to the queue. This usually involves sifting up items that we would normally find in child heaps, but in this case the child heaps are at the other end of their own queues, so unless one of those queues goes empty, we only need the root queue, the root heap, and its 255 (?) child queues in RAM, a total of 2056 kibibytes.

However, every item added to the output queue shifts an item into the root heap from one of those child queues, which has a 1/255 chance of going empty. At that point, we need to refill that queue, so we temporarily switch to refilling that queue by draining 255 items from its heap, each of which has a 1/255 chance of emptying one of its child queues, unless it’s a leaf node. So on average we will recurse all the way down to the leaves when we empty the root’s output queue, but only once; sometimes we’ll get lucky and end the recursion early, and sometimes we’ll get unlucky and have to recurse down to the leaves two or three times.

Draining a leaf node in this way only requires 4 KiB of RAM buffer instead of 2056 KiB. (Its empty queue was already in RAM because its parent node was draining it.)

Each heap+queue node holds 512 records, so we need 32 mebinodes; with 255-way branching, these are about 3e-6% the root node, 0.0008% its children, 0.2% the third level, 49.4% the fourth level, and 50.4% the fifth level. The first three levels (and 6% of the fourth level) fit in RAM, so every time we drain the root queue and recurse down to our on-average-one-leaf, we’re paging in 50.4% of the time a fourth-level 2052-kibibyte node with all its child queues, plus one of the fifth-level leaf nodes. So we need, I think, 515 iops, 51.5 milliseconds, every other time we drain the root queue, which is about 1 iops per record, which is... still unusably slow. If I’ve calculated this correctly, it’ll take us 20 days to sort our data file this way.

By contrast, we can trivially mergesort the data file in two passes: one to divide it into (worst-case) 16 16-gibibyte internally-sorted hunks, and a second pass doing a 16-way merge. That’s a little less than 4 hours.
