From Project Gutenberg’s edition of “War and Peace”, we get etaonihsrdlucmwfgypbvkxqzj, which is pretty close to the etaonrishdlfcmug...qz I remember from Zim’s “Codes and Secret Writing” and the etaoinshrdlu of the Linotype. Interestingly, capital letters are ITAPHNBMRSWECDFOGYKVLXJUZQ, a quite different distribution.
perl -lne '$f{$&}++ while /./g; END {for (sort {$f{$b} <=> $f{$a}} keys %f) { print "$_ $f{$_}" }}' war-and-peace-2600.txt
e 312990
t 219591
a 199239
o 191245
n 180561
i 166351
h 163027
s 159906
r 145373
d 116274
l 95814
u 65180
c 59520
m 58395
w 56319
f 52950
g 50024
y 45000
, 39891
p 39014
b 31052
. 30805
v 25970
k 19230
" 17970
I 7933
' 7529
T 6817
A 6575
P 6519
- 6308
H 4378
! 3923
x 3711
N 3614
B 3606
M 3251
? 3137
R 3057
S 2987
W 2888
q 2295
z 2280
j 2266
E 2259
C 2107
D 2017
F 1946
O 1635
G 1303
Y 1265
K 1201
; 1145
V 1116
: 1015
L 713
X 673
) 670
( 670
1 392
J 308
* 300
U 254
8 193
0 179
2 147
Z 108
3 61
6 57
5 55
7 40
Q 35
9 35
/ 29
4 23
$ 2
= 2
@ 2
[ 1
% 1
# 1
] 1
The first version of this Perl used for
instead of while
consequently got the wrong answer.
It occurs to me that you could represent a pretty reasonable language model by dividing a suffix array of War and Peace into some 1024 to 16384 equal bins and listing the boundary elements of the bins.
If you break the letters down by binary order of magnitude in frequency, you get etaonihs rdl ucmwfgy pbv k ' x qzj. Lower-case letters in etaonihs are about 3–4 bits of entropy; letters in rdl are about 4–5; ucmwfgy, 5–6; pbv, 6–7; k, 7–8; x, 9–10; qzj, 10–11. For capital letters, it’s ITAPH NBMRSWECD FOGYKV LX JU 0 Z Q, I presumably being frequent because of its use in Roman numerals. The intersection of the least common 13 in both groups is fgyvkxqzj.
This suggests that if you want to generate a sequence of letters that rarely occurs in English, letters like X and K buy you almost twice as much entropy as letters like C and D. However, it isn’t enough to just say “qqqq”, because although that’s very unlikely to occur in English, it’s fairly likely under other language models. And, for example, in base64-encoded gzipped data, “xzqj” occurs in one out of every 2²⁴ positions, just like every other four-byte string consisting of valid base64 characters, rather than once every 2⁴⁰ positions as the above naïve character frequency model would predict, or the even lower frequency a more accurate English model would predict.
Including digits and punctuation is a time-honored way of increasing
apparent randomness, especially higher digits — though “8” and “0” in
this corpus occur more often, because it has a lot of dates in the
early 1800s, both “7” and “9” occur nearly an order of magnitude less
commonly than “1”, which is itself six times less common than any
lowercase letter. Digits, though, also occur in base64 with frequency
equal to that of letters. Including a punctuation character (other
than +
and /
, the final two base64 digits, or ,
as in RFC3501,
or -
and _
as in RFC4648 §5) can avoid collisions in these cases,
even if search engines aren’t good at picking them up. The least
objectionable candidates would seem to be .
, :
and !
, though all
of these are used by uuencode.
If there were 10 billion monkeys in the world constantly banging away on typewriters at 10 keystrokes per second each, evenly distributed over a 32-letter alphabet including our chosen glyphs, how long would it take them on average to produce a chosen string of any given length? That’s 10 picoseconds per character:
length | probability | occurs every | example | existing meaning |
1 | 2⁻⁵ | 320 ps | y | years, a combinator, etc. |
2 | 2⁻¹⁰ | 10240 ps | yg | rapper, Korean record label, etc. |
3 | 2⁻¹⁵ | 0.0003 ms | ygf | graph format, record label, Yamaha guitar, etc. |
4 | 2⁻²⁰ | 0.01 ms | ygf6 | “yellow swim stormy flower” beach bag |
5 | 2⁻²⁵ | 0.34 ms | ygf6v | occurs in uuencoded EDGAR filings and leaked email |
6 | 2⁻³⁰ | 10.7 ms | ygf6vq | occurs in one EDGAR filing in 02018 and some URLs |
7 | 2⁻³⁵ | 340 ms | ygf6vq6 | an autogenerated email address |
8 | 2⁻⁴⁰ | 11.0 s | ygf6vq62 | a spammer domain |
9 | 2⁻⁴⁵ | 6 minutes | ygf6vq624 | no results |
10 | 2⁻⁵⁰ | 3.1 hours | ygf6vq6244 | |
12 | 2⁻⁶⁰ | 130 days | ygf6vq624483 | |
14 | 2⁻⁷⁰ | 370 years | ygf6vq624483.v | |
15 | 2⁻⁷⁵ | 12000 years | ygf6vq624483.v2 |
In practice, we seem to escape from the existing human universe in this case around three or four characters, so we ought to be able to generate unique identifiers pretty reliably with four letters chosen from, say, “dfogykvlxjuzq”, a digit that isn’t 1, and a punctuation character chosen from “.:!”. We have to be careful not to generate too many digits, because although digits occur at less than one in 8192 in my sample text above, they occur at 1 in 10 in other contexts, and so any five-digit number will occur in many places. In Python:
[m[:q] + random.choice('234567890') + m[q:]
for _ in range(8)
for m in [l[:p] + random.choice('.:!') + l[p:]
for l in [''.join(random.choice('dfogykvlxjuzq')
for _ in range(5))]
for p in [random.randrange(1, len(l))]]
for q in [random.randrange(1, len(m))]]
This generates for example ['uly2q:k', 'k:9jzok', 'j!xjx9y', 'z9l!qjy', 'uoj5:dq', 'kd0:quy', 'xg!k6ou', 'gf!x2xj']. These do indeed seem to be unique, but search engines like Google and find false hits for them because they treat the punctuation as a word separator and find documents that spuriously contain each of the two “words”. So a better approach for search engines is to put the punctuation always at the beginning:
[m[:q] + random.choice('234567890') + m[q:]
for _ in range(8)
for m in [random.choice('.:!') + l
for l in [''.join(random.choice('dfogykvlxjuzq')
for _ in range(5))]]
for q in [random.randrange(1, len(m))]]
This yields [':dxg0uj', '.2glqud', '!2qkvdf', '.k0yokg', '!xv8gdl', '.g3llgl', '.yd4uxu', ':vg2zqy']. Some of these yield no search-engine results, while others yield a small number of obviously spurious results; none of them can occur in base64 with the punctuation, and none of the search results have the punctuation either. The code as written can only produce 3×5×9×13⁵ = 50 124 555 different identifiers, so it’s not particularly random! You sure wouldn’t want to use this to choose passwords. And if you use it to choose six or seven thousand identifiers, it’ll probably produce a collision, thanks to the birthday paradox.
But evidently even four such letters and a digit are enough to escape from the universe of already-chosen global names:
[m[:q] + random.choice('234567890') + m[q:]
for _ in range(4)
for m in [random.choice('.:!') + l
for l in [''.join(random.choice('dfogykvlxjuzq')
for _ in range(4))]]
for q in [random.randrange(1, len(m)+1)]]
This yields ['.k5zyy', '!f2zxx', '.fyf9d', ':guu6x'] none of which seem to have an existing meaning.
If you want pronounceable random strings, the easiest approach is
probably CV syllables, and you probably need a third vowel, such as
, and you probably want to eliminate k
and g
as possibly
sounding the same as q
and j
[''.join(c+v for _ in range(n)
for c in [random.choice('dfyvlxjzq')]
for v in [random.choice('uoi')])
for n in range(5)]
This has only 30 possible syllables, but yields ‘zi’ (master philosopher, ZoomInfo, zero infrastructure, a dozen different Wikipedia articles, etc.), ‘jiji’ (a Spanish laugh, a Nigerian classifieds site, a Taiwanese hostel system), 'vuqojo' (no occurrences, though there's a guy in Uganda named Pius Vukojo), 'qivufozo' (no occurrences found), and 'qiyilifizi' (no occurrences found). This suggests that three or four syllables of this form is enough to generate a unique name on most runs of this approach.
A slight improvement here might be to expand the consonants slightly
and use g
rather than j
[''.join(c+v for _ in range(n)
for c in [random.choice('wdfgypvlxzq')]
for v in [random.choice('uoi')])
for n in range(5)]
This yields ‘yu’ (arrows, English second-person singular pronoun, and
dozens of other meanings), ‘qufo’ (an Italian food retailer; also,
there’s an Albanian TV channel named Çufo), ‘yiyogu’ (the nickname of
a person on Facebook, Yiyo Gu), ‘qupizuqi’ (apparently unique), and
‘qilixopoqi’ (apparently unique). This approach easily generates many
somewhat-pronounceable apparently-unique names like quzodupogu
, voxopidi
, poyodipi
, gopiwixu
, and xiwoyifo
. Many of
the three-syllable names it generates are taken, but few of the
four-syllable names.
If we add an easy nasal syllable coda in some cases, we might get more unique names at three syllables:
[''.join(c+v+(random.choice('nm') if not random.randrange(3) else '')
for _ in range(3)
for c in [random.choice('wdfgypvlxzq')]
for v in [random.choice('uoi')])
for _ in range(5)]
This yields ‘qozuqu’ (apparently a Tajik and Georgian word), ‘xinfowo’ (unique), ‘donxowom’ (unique), ‘lolomyom’ (unique, though there’s a tumor called a “lolomyoma”, which I imagine is less amusing than it sounds), and ‘dolonwu’ (unique). (Some of these do appear in lists of randomly or exhaustively generated words similar to the above.)
Adding V syllables (with no onset) gives us:
[''.join(c+v+(random.choice('nm') if not random.randrange(3) else '')
for _ in range(3)
for c in [random.choice([''] + list('wdfgypvlxzq'))]
for v in [random.choice('uoi')])
for _ in range(5)]
This produces ‘impufu’ (a hill in South Africa and also a YouTuber), ‘xonvulu’ (unique), ‘quqifin’ (a village in Syria), ‘zoliom’ (“zona libre ordenanzas municipales”), and ‘zinvixi’ (unique). So this change seems to be counterproductive, perhaps unsurprising as it not only shortens the words but also increases the relative frequency of vowels in them, which are generally higher-frequency letters.
If we use a somewhat more difficult set of codas, we get
+(random.choice('mfz') if not random.randrange(3) else '')
for _ in range(3))
for _ in range(5)]
This gives us ‘xiqilo’ (a brand of blinking sneakers), ‘lofwili’ (unique), ‘yimlugu’ (unique), ‘figimzu’ (unique), and ‘gizxiwu’ (unique but unpronounceable).