Subset of C for the simplest self-compiling compiler

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-08-12 (updated 02021-12-30) (6 minutes)

What’s the smallest straightforward self-compiling compiler, targeting a conventional assembly language, you could write in a subset of C?

That is, not the smallest subset of C; implementing a very small subset of C means the compiler doesn’t have to do as much, but being written in that same very small subset means that everything is more difficult to do. Also, though, I’m thinking of something I could reimplement straightforwardly in assembly.

You need comments.

You surely need subroutines --- syntactically C needs them at least for main(), and almost certainly there will be things you want to do in more than one place. There’s a question of whether or not to implement recursion. Without recursion you could statically allocate all variables and only have a single way to compile lvalue variables and a single way to compile rvalue variables, but you need while. With recursion you can use a recursive-descent parser, which you probably should, but you probably need to store some variables in global space and others in stack frames.

Arguments and return values can be omitted by storing them in global variables, but I think that will probably obscure the data flow a lot. If there are arguments, you don’t need an arbitrarily large number of them.

Alternatives to recursive-descent parsing with local backtracking (PEG parsing) might be more compact but are unlikely to be as straightforward.

You need some form of data structuring, either structs or arrays or both, which means at least one additional kind of lvalue and rvalue. You don’t need separate struct namespaces, and if you don’t have them you can avoid having types for expressions at all, treating characters, ints, and pointers interchangeably as words, as putchar() and getchar() already do. Structs might be a big improvement, but they probably mean you need data of varying sizes.

You could reasonably support such composite data structures only at global scope, so local variables are only scalars; and, if you do that, shallow binding might be an alternative to using separate indexing schemes for globals and locals. Locals would just be globals whose value is saved and later restored.

Structs are more appealing if you have dynamic allocation, so you can build trees out of them using pointers.

In terms of arithmetic, you almost certainly need addition, subtraction, and integer constants. You don’t need pointer arithmetic, and you probably don’t need bitwise operations, multiplication, division, and modulo. You surely do need ==, !=, and at least one kind of ordering comparison.

Boolean operations &&, || might turn out to be painful to do without. Similarly for augmented assignment +=, -= and pre- and/or post-increment --, ++.

In terms of control flow, you surely need if, and if you don’t have else, you probably need early return (and thus return). I don’t think there’s any advantage to not having nested blocks for if, and little advantage for not requiring them. Early return is more complicated with shallow binding (you’d probably want to jump to a shared epilogue to restore the proper set of variables).

I think that’s a sufficient set of statement types: either expression statements or assignment statements and function calls; if; and possibly while. If we have return values, we need return. Local variable declarations are needed for local variables, and although C doesn’t treat them as statements (in particular, you can’t precede them with a label) I think that’s probably wrong. Still, it might turn out to be simpler to require them to all be declared at the top of the function, as in Smalltalk.

Modern machines have enough registers that you could reasonably statically allocate one register for a frame pointer, three or four registers for arguments and returns, and, say, three or four other registers as temporaries. Nested function calls would still require storing the temporary result in someplace that isn’t clobbered by calls, either in the stack frame or a callee-saved register, so having a few callee-saved registers would be handy.

All of that is far more complicated than just using a runtime stack for expression evaluation and passing parameters and return values, though. Variadic C functions sort of require the caller to pop the arguments, but the subset doesn’t have to include variadic functions. Or, as I said, arguments at all.

At least ignoring #include is probably necessary in practice. Lacking either #define or enum would be a pretty big impediment to readability, though, comparable to lacking arguments.

Writing a C compiler without string literals would be pretty hard. Doing it without data initializers, like basically every Wirth compiler, wouldn’t be particularly hard, but I think you do need string literals. However, I think C-compatible string literals more or less require some kind of pointer support; I don’t think we can pass them off as offsets into a table of all constant strings, because we need to be able to build up new strings at runtime. I think this pretty much forces on us the ability to take a pointer into the middle of an array, and thus C’s equivalence of a[b] with *(a+b), though, and thus *. Maybe we can still get away without expression types (which we would need for the implicit multiplication by sizeof) by shifting the pointers left by 2 or 3 bits before dereferencing them, but of course that would break ABI compatibility with everything else. I’d sure like to find a way to avoid this mess.

For writing the tokenizer you probably also need character literals.

If you didn’t need C compatibility, for many purposes, you could in fact use indices into a global string table as your string type, with maybe a couple of character buffers elsewhere used by other functions to build up strings incrementally before interning them.
