Orthogonal rational vectors

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-11-04 (updated 02021-12-30) (4 minutes)

Consider measuring four values x0, x1, x2, and x3 (for any value of “four”). One way to do this is to take a separate measurement of each value, but often this is difficult to do, for example because your measuring tools have unknown offsets. So sometimes you might prefer to measure four linear combinations of x0, x1, x2, and x3; then, any fifth measurement will allow you to determine such an unknown offset.

Popular bases for this include the Fourier basis, in which you measure the average value and the dot products with three sine waves. But that has the awkward problem that in many cases the coefficients are transcendental; it also has the property that some of the coefficients may be 0, as in the case of four values, where I think the Fourier basis is x0 + x1 + x2 + x3, x0 - x2, x1 - x3, and x0 - x1 + x2 - x3. The Hadamard-Walsh basis is another alternative, in which all the coefficients are either 0 or 1, but these are also sparse, in the sense that they don’t depend on all the values; or, alternatively, you can use -1 and +1.

In some sense the simplest kind of number that could give you an orthonormal basis for this kind of thing is rational numbers. It occurred to me that with one or more Pythagorean triples, you can construct an arbitrary number of orthonormal bases with rational coefficients. Consider the triple 3-4-5. This gives us the orthonormal basis [[3/5, 4/5], [4/5, -3/5]]. We can use this to rotate an arbitrary rational orthonormal basis into another rational orthonormal basis; for example, starting with the identity-matrix basis:

[ 1  0  0  0 ]   [ 3/5  0  4/5  0 ]   [ 3/5  0  4/5  0 ]
[ 0  1  0  0 ]   [  0   1   0   0 ]   [  0   1   0   0 ]
[ 0  0  1  0 ]   [ 4/5  0 -3/5  0 ] = [ 4/5  0 -3/5  0 ]
[ 0  0  0  1 ]   [  0   0   0   1 ]   [  0   0   0   1 ]

By iterating this sort of rotation we can get an infinite number of orthonormal bases, and after a few such rotations our matrix is dense. For example,

[[ -900, -1200,  2500, -1125],
 [ 1293,  -776,  1200,  2460],
 [-2376, -1293,  -900,  1280],
 [ 1280, -2460, -1125,  -900]]/3125

or equivalently

⎡ -36     -48                ⎤
⎢ ────    ────    4/5   -9/25⎥
⎢ 125     125                ⎥
⎢                            ⎥
⎢ 1293   -776      48    492 ⎥
⎢ ────   ─────    ───    ─── ⎥
⎢ 3125    3125    125    625 ⎥
⎢                            ⎥
⎢-2376   -1293   -36     256 ⎥
⎢──────  ──────  ────    ─── ⎥
⎢ 3125    3125   125     625 ⎥
⎢                            ⎥
⎢ 256    -492           -36  ⎥
⎢ ───    ─────   -9/25  ──── ⎥
⎣ 625     625           125  ⎦

is a dense rational orthonormal matrix representing five such rotations. So, returning to our original measurement problem, we could measure -900 x0 - 1200 x1 + 2500 x2 - 1125 x3, 1293 x0 - 776 x1 + 1200 x2 + 2460 x3, and so on, and by multiplying by the transpose of this matrix and dividing by 9765625 (3125 squared), we should get the original values of x0, x1, etc. For example, for [11, 5, 8, -2] we get [254/125, 15023/3125, -42361/3125, -1084/625] when we divide by 3125 once, and multiplying back through the transposed original matrix does indeed give us back [11, 5, 8, -2].

Even though I don’t know how to define norms in a prime field, you can convert a rational matrix like this into its equivalent in some prime field, and do the same thing in that field, and you’ll still get back the original numbers.

A thing that’s bothering me is that it seems like you ought to be able to do something like this that gives you back more values than you put in, and somehow use that for erasure coding, or N-of-M secret sharing, or for noise reduction in noisy measurements. But this requires giving up orthogonality; you can’t have five orthogonal vectors in a four-dimensional space, so you can’t just transpose the matrix, you have to use some other approach to solving it, like calculating the pseudoinverse.
