A simple 2-D programmable graphics pipeline to unify tiles and palettes

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-11-18 (updated 02021-12-30) (6 minutes)

The problem of a CRTC is, in some sense, to compute a function from screen coordinates to color, where the function is largely given by a pipeline of some lookup tables. In the bitmap or TrueColor case, you have just a single lookup table, the framebuffer, which directly converts from screen coordinates to color. In paletted modes, aka pseudocolor, there are two lookups: first from screen coordinates to palette index, then from palette index to color. In a character generator, there are also two lookups, but they are slightly different: first from truncated screen coordinates to glyph index, then from glyph index combined with differently truncated screen coordinates to color. Or, sometimes, to a foreground/background selector, which is then used in combination with the truncated screen coordinates to index a table of character colors. In a tiled video game console like the NES, the situation is fairly similar to the colored-character-generator case, but there’s also a palette for each tile, an offset added to the screen coordinates for scrolling, and some sprite compositing as well.

Nowadays there is less call for this sort of elaborate stuff for 2-D graphics, because human eyes are still the same resolution they were in the 01960s, while computer memories have gotten much larger and CPUs faster, and by storing the scene to be drawn in a framebuffer, you can draw whatever you want in the framebuffer. For 3-D stuff it’s much more elaborate still, with shader programs doing arbitrary GPU computations that might take an arbitrary length of time.

I was thinking that an interesting sort of intermediate level of complexity would be a sort of reconfigurable systolic array (maybe the kind sometimes called a “diastolic array”, though I’m not sure of the distinction). Essentially the idea is that you set up an APL-style array computation on the whole vector of screen coordinates to produce the desired colors, and then the CRTC executes this computation in a pipelined fashion, producing each pixel value as it is needed. Each node in the abstract syntax tree is assigned to some computing resource, such as a memory, an adder, or a FIFO, and they all communicate through some sort of routing fabric. In the most general case, this could be a sort of crossbar scheme, but even a simple fixed-function pipeline where each stage has the option to pass through its input would be useful in many cases. More flexible routing fabrics and data processing units permit more efficient assignments of operations to nodes, but a limited degree of flexibility might be sufficient for many uses.

I was thinking that a particularly interesting kind of node for this might be a round-robin memory, for example for fonts and colors. It might appear as, for example, eight LUT resources in the computational fabric, consisting in fact of a counter, eight output latch registers, and an input multiplexer multiplexing the address bus among eight inputs, controlled by a counter. On each cycle, the counter latches the current memory word into the current output register and advances to the next input. In this way, a single memory could be dynamically divided among different functions, such as tile palette and glyph atlas, which vary less often than once per pixel. Thinking further, though, I’m not sure this kind of processing element is actually useful at all, unless more than one of the functions can usefully use the same data in memory (for example, for compositing multiple layers of text); eight memories that each contained about one eighth the amount of data would occupy almost exactly the same amount of chip space, and they wouldn’t be limited to changing their value every eighth cycle (or fifth, or whatever, if you set the counter to reset more frequently). You’d have eight address buses and eight data buses, but they’d each be connected to one eighth as much memory, so that’s not actually worse. The only drawback is really the static partitioning.

Even static partitioning could be overcome to some degree. Suppose you have an incoming 11-bit index and your memories only have 512 words. You can feed the low 9 bits of the index to four different memories, and then in a subsequent processing stage or two use the other two bits of the index to demultiplex one of the four memory outputs. This is energy-inefficient and adds a cycle of latency, but it doesn’t reduce throughput over the case where you had a single 2048-word memory.

Unlike in the strict array-processing paradigm, the system could easily accommodate stateful processing. The simplest example might be generating pixel indices modulo 5 for a 5-pixel font; this can be done with a counter whose low three bits cycle to 0 and generate a carry after reaching 5, and which is synchronously reset to all 0 at the beginning of each scan line. A perhaps more interesting example is a boxcar filter using a prefix-sum node, a FIFO, and a subtractor. Doing the same thing vertically requires a buffer of the size of a scan line.
