Some notes on compiling and notations for grammars, starting from the inspiring RPN example in Parson

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-01-15 (updated 02021-12-31) (15 minutes)

Darius Bacon’s Parson parsing library includes a beautiful little example compiler in 11 lines of code, “”; quoted in full:

from parson import Grammar, alter

g = Grammar(r"""  stmt* :end.

stmt   :  ident '=' exp0 ';'  :assign.

exp0   :  exp1 ('+' exp1      :'add')*.
exp1   :  exp2 ('*' exp2      :'mul')*.

exp2   :  '(' exp0 ')'
       |  /(\d+)/
       |  ident               :'fetch'.

ident  :  /([A-Za-z]+)/.

FNORD ~:  /\s*/.
""")(assign=alter(lambda name, *rpn: rpn + (name, 'store')))

## print ' '.join(g('v = 42 * (5+3) + 2*2; v = v + 1;'))
#. 42 5 3 add mul 2 2 mul add v store v fetch 1 add v store

As can be seen from the Halp test at the bottom, this is all that’s needed for Parson to compile an infix grammar to a sequence of stack-machine operations, although it will go wrong if you use “add”, “mul”, “fetch”, or “store” as variable names.

Review of standard properties of Kleene algebras

A “Kleene algebra” is an idempotent semiring augmented with an unary “closure” operator “★” with certain properties. In the concrete case of regular languages, the + and · operators of the semiring are alternation and concatenation; that is, if a and b are two languages, a + b is their union (and equal to b + a, because set union is commutative), and a·b is sort of their Cartesian product: the set of strings that can be produced by concatenating a string αa with a string βb to form a || b. (This is only sort of their Cartesian product because the string boundary is lost, and as a result this product operator is associative: (a·bc = a·(b·c), which is not true with most formulations of the Cartesian product.) In general b·a is a different language. We can observe that there is a language 0 containing no sentences that is the identity for +, and the language 1 containing only the empty sentence that is the (left and right) identity for ·. Multiplication by 0 produces 0: 0·a and a·0 contains no sentences for any a because there are no sentences to draw from 0 for the left substring (respectively the right substring) of the product.

We can also observe that multiplication distributes over addition: a·b + a·c = a·(b + c), because iff you have a string αa and a string γb + c, then by definition (α || γ) ∈ a·(b + c). Let δ be α || γ. Also by definition, γbγc. In the first case δa·b by the definition of ·, and therefore δa·b + a·c. In the second case δa·c and so again δa·b + a·c. The same chain of reasoning works in reverse and mutatis mutandis to show b·a + c·a = (b + ca.

These are the semiring properties (+ a commutative monoid operation, · a monoid operation, distributivity, and annihilation) so we can conclude that languages are a semiring under such concatenation and alternation. Importantly, this conclusion is not limited to, for example, regular languages.

It happens that, with the union interpretation of addition, a + a = a, so languages form a so-called “idempotent semiring”, which induces a partial ordering relation: ab iff a + b = b. In this case, this is simply the subset relation ⊆. (I’m not sure what happens in non-idempotent semirings.)

(Henceforth I will write multiplication simply as juxtaposition.)

The usual Kleene closure operation ★ from regular expressions can be defined in terms of an equation:

x★ = 1 + x x★ (or equivalently 1 + x★ x)

But the definition used for Kleene algebras, invented not by Kleene but by Kozen in 1994, is axiomatic rather than equational:

A BNF grammar as a set of equations in a Kleene algebra

Let’s consider the expression grammar above as a grammar over tokens, with the semantic actions and tokens stripped out:

g      : stmt*.

stmt   :  ident '=' exp0 ';'.

exp0   :  exp1 ('+' exp1)*.
exp1   :  exp2 ('*' exp2)*.

exp2   :  '(' exp0 ')'
       |  number
       |  ident.

Parson parses PEGs, but we can safely regard this as a CFG because it doesn’t use any of the extra-CFG features of PEGs; for example, it doesn’t use negation, and it has no ambiguity of the sort that PEGs resolve in a non-CFG way. So we can rewrite this as a system of equations in a Kleene algebra:

g = s
s = i '=' e₀ ';'
e₀ = e₁ ('+' e₁)★
e₁ = e₂ ('' e₂)★
e₂ = '(' e₀ ')' + n + i*

We could think of the problem of constructing a parser as the problem of finding the solution, or at least a least fixpoint, of these equations. What (infinite, non-regular) language g satisfies this system of equations? And a mostly satisfactory answer is “The language recognized by such-and-such a pushdown automaton,” in general a nondeterministic one. We can always compute such an answer, and it’s reasonable to think of the parser generation problem as the problem of solving such sets of equations to compute such an answer.

It’s not an entirely satisfactory answer, though, because if the PDA in question isn’t deterministic, its equivalence to another PDA is undecidable. (The 1997 proof that the problem is decidable in the deterministic case won Sénizergues the 2002 Gödel Prize, suggesting that it may be difficult in practice.)

We don’t need the whole Kleene algebra to express the system of equations, though; its semiring operations are enough, and we don’t even need parentheses in the notation, except as literal strings:

g = s + g s
s = i '=' e₀ ';'
e₀ = e₁ + e₁ '+' e
e₁ = e₂ + e₂ '' e
e₂ = '(' e₀ ')' + n + i*

Note that there are three “nonlinear” terms in here, where two nonterminals (that is, from the equation-solving point of view, unknowns) are part of a single product. A CFG that cannot do this, where each concatenation is restricted to at most one nonterminal, cannot express arbitrarily branching derivations — each parse tree node can only have a single non-leaf child — but it can still describe some non-regular languages, for example:

p = '<' p '>' + '⚜'

But it can’t match parentheses in more than one place, so it can't express, for example:

q = '{' q '}' + q q + '☮'

So these “linear” context-free grammars are a class of languages strictly larger than regular languages, but strictly smaller than CFGs. There’s probably a well-known name for them.

Notational alternatives

Consider the original grammar again:

stmt* :end.

stmt   :  ident '=' exp0 ';'  :assign.

exp0   :  exp1 ('+' exp1      :'add')*.
exp1   :  exp2 ('*' exp2      :'mul')*.

exp2   :  '(' exp0 ')'
       |  /(\d+)/
       |  ident               :'fetch'.

ident  :  /([A-Za-z]+)/.

FNORD ~:  /\s*/.

Or the semantics-free version:


stmt   :  ident '=' exp0 ';'.

exp0   :  exp1 ('+' exp1)*.
exp1   :  exp2 ('*' exp2)*.

exp2   :  '(' exp0 ')'
       |  /(\d+)/
       |  ident.

ident  :  /([A-Za-z]+)/.

FNORD ~:  /\s*/.

If we were driven by a mad Tuftean urge to minimize ink on the page, we could start by shortening the identifiers as I did before:


s   :  i '=' e ';'.

e   :  f ('+' f)*.
f   :  g ('*' g)*.

g   :  '(' e ')'
    |  /(\d+)/
    |  i.

i  :  /([A-Za-z]+)/.

FNORD ~:  /\s*/.

Then we could omit the (strictly speaking, redundant) colons, and replace the | with something lighter, such as ,, even though ; would have a more accurate connotation from Prolog:


s  i '=' e ';'.

e  f ('+' f)*.
f  g ('*' g)*.

g  '(' e ')',

i  /([A-Za-z]+)/.

FNORD ~  /\s*/.

If we switch to ; for rule terminators, we could use . to tag nonterminals, thus eliminating the need for most quotes:

s  .i = .e ';';
e  .f (+ .f)*;
f  .g ('*' .g)*;
g  '(' .e ')', /(\d+)/, .i;
i  /([A-Za-z]+)/;
FNORD ~  /\s*/;

Hmm, that didn’t pay off quite as well as I was hoping; I could instead tag the literal tokens with a lighter-weight :, perhaps, unless they contain whitespace:

s  i := e :; .
e  f (:+ f)*.
f  g (:* g)*.
g  :( e :) , /(\d+)/, i.
i  /([A-Za-z]+)/.
FNORD ~  /\s*/.

We can replace Kleene’s * with a “join” operator, for which we can use ;, vaguely connected to Perl’s $;; ( number; :, ) would mean “one or more numbers separated by commas”, for example, equivalent to the current (number (:, number)*) construct. Parson spells this number ** ',' or, in the Python interface, star(number, separator=','). The idea of ; is that it's lower-noise than ** and it binds less tightly than concatenation, or , alternation. This gives us:

, s ; .
s  i := e :; .
e  f ; :+ .
f  g ; :* .
g  :( e :) , /(\d+)/, i.
i  /([A-Za-z]+)/.
FNORD ~  /\s*/.

This eliminates the multiple references that gave rise to the necessity for naming f and g, so we can reduce this to:

, s ; .
s  i := e :; .
e  ((:( e :) , /(\d+)/, i) ; :*) ; :+ .
i  /([A-Za-z]+)/.
FNORD ~  /\s*/.

This is kind of unreadable but it’s also 97 characters. To crunch it further we can try defining nonterminals inline; instead of saying i := e :; . and then only later defining i, we can define it right then and there by saying <i /([A-Za-z]+)/> := e :; . If we want to refer to i again, and we do, it's probably more readable to refer to it as <i>, although that obviously does cost some strokes if we’re playing golf. This also means that the whole grammar can be inlined into one giant unreadable expression, so we no longer need any terminating periods. Meanwhile we can rename FNORD to _, as in a variable you’re ignoring in Prolog, ML, Python, or Erlang. Then we have this:

, <_ /\s*/> <i /([A-Za-z]+)/> := <e ((:( <e> :) , /(\d+)/, <i>); :* ); :+ > :; ;

That's 80 characters: an infix precedence partner for possibly-empty sequences of assignment statements in one line of code.

I don’t like the colon-delimited tokens, though. It’s too easy to remove the whitespace following them. So I'm going to add some noise back in:

,<_ /\s*/> <i /([A-Za-z]+)/> "=" <e (( "(" <e> ")", /(\d+)/, <i>); "*"); "+"> ";";

It’s 83 characters now, but I think enormously more readable.

So those are our means of composition or combination of grammars to make richer grammars. But it would also be useful to have a lot of canned primitives with common meanings, not just regular expressions and constant strings, for common kinds of tokens with common semantics. For example:

Such an arsenal of preloaded ammunition allows us to reduce the above expression grammar to 62 characters, about 25%:

,<_ $s> $a "=" <e (( "(" <e> ")", $n, $a); "*"); "+"> ";";

We could even make some reasonable extensions:

,<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e (( "(" <e> ")", $n, $w); "*", "/"); "+", "-"> ";";

An accommodation especially for precedence parsers would be to declare that the ; operator associates to the left, allowing us to flatten the grammar considerably at, perhaps, some cost to readability:

,<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w; "*", "/"; "+", "-"> ";";

As written, this can accidentally match the empty string an infinite number of times, which may or may not be a problem depending on your matching technology. If so, parens help:

,(<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w; "*", "/"; "+", "-"> ";";)

Because ;x matches zero or more xes, we can rewrite this without any parens at all:

; <_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w; "*", "/"; "+", "-"> ";"

To compile into Forth, we could maybe try to include snippets of literal output with {} and use {{}} to mark bits of the input to copy to the output:

; <_ $s, $#> {{$w}} "="
    <e "(" <e> ")", {{$n}}, {{$w}};
        "*" {"*"}, "/" {"/"}; "+" {"+"}, "-" {"-"}>
{"swap !"} ";"

The inability to reorder chunks of the input here is a clear weakness. In this case we not only need a swap, we’re emitting the operators too early! We can fix this in the conventional way, though losing the advantage of ;:

; <_ $s, $#> {{$w}} "="
    <e <e2 <e3 "(" <e> ")", {{$n}}, {{$w}}>
           (; "*" <e3> {"*"}, "/" <e3> {"/"})>
       (; "+" <e2> {"+"}, "-" <e2> {"-"})>
{"swap !"} ";"

If we define a lowest-precedence @@ operator which discards its right argument, we could write one of the above versions perhaps more readably as

,($w "=" <e> ";";)
    <_ $s, $#>
    <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w; "*", "/"; "+", "-">

Using apostrophes instead of doublequotes:

,($w '=' <e> ';';)
    <_ $s, $#>
    <e '(' <e> ')', $n, $w; '*', '/'; '+', '-'>

JSON might be (from memory) something like

<v "[" <_ $s> (,(v; ",")) "]"
 , "{" (,(<s $c> ":" <v>; ",")) "}"
 , ("true", "false", "null") !!$s
 , $f

Hmm, I just checked, and JSON has a slightly more complex string syntax, and doesn’t actually require whitespace after the keywords as I claimed above. And my definition above of $s happens to be perfect for JSON.

<v '[' <_ $s> (,(<v>; ',')) ']'
 , 'true', 'false', 'null'
 , <s '"' 
        !'"' !'\\' !$^ $u,
        '\\' ('"', '\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'u' $x $x $x $x)
    ) '"'>
 , '{' (,(<s> ':' <v>; ',')) '}'
 , $f

You might want to add more tags and regex captures to help with semantic actions:

,(<_ $s, $#> <s $w> "=" <e <t "(" <e> ")", <k $n>, <f $w>;
                           <m /([*/])/>; <a /([-+])/>>";";)

An alternative to ; might be |, as in Haskell list comprehensions, though that looks awkward without extra whitespace:

,(<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w | "*", "/" | "+", "-"> ";" | )

Or :, since we aren't using that for anything else and it's less jarring than | in the absence of whitespace:

,(<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w: "*", "/": "+", "-"> ";":)

Or * of course, although that visually binds more tightly than ",":

,(<_ $s, $#> $w "=" <e "(" <e> ")", $n, $w * "*", "/" * "+", "-"> ";" *)

An alternative to would be x: y. This would reduce the ; version to

,(<_ $s, $#> $w "=" e: "(" e ")", $n, $w; "*", "/"; "+", "-". ";";)

An alternative use of . would be for canned primitives:

,(<_ .s, .#> .w "=" e: "(" e ")", .n, .w; "*", "/"; "+", "-". ";";)
