PBKDF content addressing with keyphrase hashcash: a non-blockchain attack on Zooko’s Triangle

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-08 (24 minutes)

This note provides a cryptographically secure, moderately decentralized way to link moderately human-memorable strings like b8://grain-more-state-court/GenevievesDeliciousPies or b8://lucy-cure-tommy-rinse/Francisco.H.Walz to public keys or other data, without a blockchain or other consensus-arbitration mechanism, at the cost of a few thousand dollars of proof-of-work for each four-word keyphrase such as b8://grain-more-state-court/ or b8://lucy-cure-tommy-rinse/, which creates a namespace of unlimited size that can be securely delegated. Brute-force attacks on the system’s cryptographic integrity are calculated to have infeasibly large costs under standard assumptions, while intermediaries can efficiently verify the integrity of data they convey, preventing the propagation of malicious or accidentally corrupted data.

I was writing Wordlists for maximum drama, and I was thinking about how a password using a reasonable PBKDF can be a lot shorter than a secure content hash, even one that’s only secure against second-preimage attacks. For example, in “How you should set up a full-disk-encryption passphrase on a laptop”, I recommended encrypting your disk with 2¹⁶ iterations of PBKDF2 (because LUKS doesn’t support scrypt, though apparently LUKS2 has since added argon2i support) and a 72-bit-of-entropy six-word passphrase.

This suggests the idea: can we use a PBKDF for content-addressing by hash?

It turns out that not only can you use a PBKDF like scrypt to expand a human-memorable password into a larger, strong hash; you can also use a PBKDF to compress a larger, strong hash into a human-memorable keyphrase. This gives you a decentralized, human-memorable, secure naming system, but the resulting names are generally not human-meaningful.

It turns out that a hashcash-like approach to keyphrase stretching is in some ways much better than an approach that relies only on the cost-factor parameter of PBKDFs.

Using a PBKDF for content-addressing by hash

You hash a massive blob of content, or maybe somebody’s public key, using something fast like SHA-256 or BLAKE3, then run the result through a memory-hard PBKDF like scrypt or Argon2, then encode the result with some kind of human-readable word list, like the S/Key or Diceware word lists. This could potentially greatly reduce the human effort involved in using such hashes, at the expense of computer effort.

Memory-hard key derivation functions are designed to increase the cost of a brute-force attack by requiring large, fast memory. Right now a 4 GiB RAM stick costs US$15 and is normally depreciated over 3 years, or US$5 per year, which works out to about 160 nanodollars per second for 4 GiB or 4.6 attodollars per bit-second. Probably in practice the cost of using this memory is around four times this because of the cost of the non-RAM parts of the computer and of the electrical energy to run it, but this conservative 4.6 attodollars per bit-second is the estimate I’ll use below.

Suppose we assume that the crypto works according to the standard conjectures, and we’re willing to demand that a legitimate participant in the system employ 4 GiB of RAM for 128 seconds to verify a hash, which is 20 microdollars for an attacker with warehouse-scale computers stuffed full of RAM cracking hashes. Suppose we are content with resisting up to a quadrillion dollars’ worth of attack (many years of current human economic productivity), a quadrillion dollars buys you 2.2 × 10³² bit-seconds of RAM, or 4.9 × 10¹⁹ of these 128-second-4-GiB hashes. That’s about 2⁶⁵·⁴ hashes. So to resist a second-preimage attack, a hash would only need 66 bits.

Therefore, 2⁷² possible human-readable hash identifiers would be adequate to resist a quadrillion-dollar attack. A random 72-bit number like 3943234810267769014593 can be represented in many different ways, including the following:

In hex: d5c3 603f c8fd 3889 41
In the first half of the alphabet to avoid cusswords, like Chrome: cjakmgljchceddegilkk
In lowercase letters, ideal for a cellphone keyboard: cjdhebmuvttqrjlx
In lowercase letters and digits: n46ukw493t154x
In letters and digits: 1dMffgtrOWF5T
In letters, digits, hyphen, and underscore, like YouTube: RsdwfYzZe8B1
In printable ASCII: j4l'/~4%s6t
In 12-bit words of 5 letters or less: todd guide port ros iron tubes

I think that, of these, at least “Todd guide port ROS iron tubes” and “bee deaf mull wire feat song men” are things that a person could reasonably memorize, though not without effort.

If instead of a quadrillion dollars we’re willing to succumb to single-target second-preimage attacks of a billion dollars or more, we can drop 20 bits. 46 bits of hash instead of 66 bits: “pork bring extra asset” or “ni death col batty”, say.

I’m assuming here that the work factor of the PBKDF in question (the number of iterations or whatever) is fixed up front and doesn't have to be incorporated into the human-memorized key. But it wouldn’t have to be; you could reserve, for example, 4 bits of the human-memorable key for the natural logarithm of the amount of work required in gigabyte-seconds, thus permitting adjustment of the time required to try a single hash from 1 gigabyte-second to 3269000 gigabyte-seconds. This involves making the phrases longer on average, but note that my “46-bit” phrases above already have 2 bits of slack, and my 72-bit phrases have 6 bits of slack.

In many scenarios, the document being identified by such an identifier is necessarily public, and so is the algorithm, so that anyone can spend 128 seconds to verify that the document produces the correct hash. This means that an attacker knows not only the desired (truncated) PBKDF output but also the PBKDF input, which is the file’s hash using BLAKE3 or SHA-256 or whatever. If the attacker can find a second preimage of that hash, they don’t need to run the PBKDF even once — they just run the other, much faster hash function, potentially a much larger number of times. But the 256-bit output size of BLAKE3 and SHA-256 is large enough to make that infeasible, more than compensating for the enormously higher speed of these hash functions. (This is the same property that makes client offload secure for password authentication.)

A useful aspect of content-addressable schemes in general is that network intermediaries providing a storage service can authenticate that files they cache are valid — they haven’t been corrupted either by a malicious attacker or by, for example, cosmic rays hitting RAM. If such authentication is infeasible or too expensive, they won’t do it, and so a querent requesting a file by content-hash from an intermediary is likely to get useless data that they eventually reject.

With the scheme described above, verifying the hash costs 512 GiB-seconds of work, so we’d like the granularity of hashed files to be fairly large. If there are 8192 intermediaries and 524288 end-users in the world, and you do 512 GiB-seconds of work to compute an independent phrase for a file you want to publish on that network, instead of just getting someone else to include its hash in their own file, in some sense you’re imposing 512×(8192+524288) GiB-seconds of work on the rest of the world. Maybe it would be nice if there was some way the original publisher could shoulder a disproportionate share of that security burden. As it turns out, there is; see below about leading-zeroes phrase stretching.

As explained later, having a large number of files identified by keyphrases in this way would make the system more vulnerable to brute-force attacks, so it is desirable to use the human-memorable hash for only the root of some kind of large Merkle DAG. It might contain, for example, a public key for everyone in your city, or the entire corpus of Project Gutenberg or Wikipedia. This property gives the protocol a flavor more anarcho-syndicalist than individualist.

(Of course, the hashes connecting the nodes in the Merkle DAG should be normal, full-sized hashes of 256 bits or so, not these expensively stretched hashes.)

If the hashed data is some kind of efficiently traversable namespace, it can assign human-memorable names to other particular blobs, including public keys, IP addresses, and other identifiers. So instead of identifying someone as b8://ni-death-col-batty/ we identify them as b8://ni-death-col-batty/paul-hannigan, then Paul can share the cost of setting up ni-death-col-batty with everyone else in that namespace.

If the hashed data is a public key, the retrieve-by-content-hash storage network can be supplemented by a retrieve-by-public-key-hash storage network, which distributes streams of blobs that have been signed by a given private key. In this way, such stable, unchanging keyphrases can securely identify a time-varying data resource.

To some extent this reintroduces the potential problem that decentralized naming systems are supposed to guard against: participants in ni-death-col-batty may disagree about which “Paul Hannigan” should get the right to determine the binding of b8://ni-death-col-batty/paul-hannigan. Wherever there is community property, there is conflict. But it’s not as bad as in, for example, the DNS, where if ICANN is persecuting Paul, no domain name for him will remain stable for long.

Hashcash-like leading-zeroes phrase stretching

I think there is a way to get the original publisher to shoulder a disproportionate share of the security burden, with an approach similar to Hashcash or Bitcoin’s proof-of-work function. Suppose that, to create a valid phrase, you have to do not one PBKDF verification, but a probabilistically large number of them, say, 8192 — possibly in parallel, so this need not necessarily add latency, just cost. This can be done by only accepting as valid PBKDF outputs that begin with, say, 13 zero bits. As with Hashcash and Bitcoin, you can do this by varying a nonce that you include in the hashed data, thus producing 8192 different PBKDF outputs. If one of them begins with a leader of 13 zero bits, you take its last, say, 48 bits, and encode them as above as a phrase; any with a 1 bit in its first 13 bits are rejected.

The procedure for verifying a file that purportedly matches a keyphrase such as “thorn foyer debut arson” is to hash the file with your fast file-hashing algorithm such as BLAKE3, run your PBKDF such as Argon2 on the hash for 512 GiB-seconds, and then verify that the leading 13 bits are 0 and the trailing 48 bits encode to “thorn foyer debut arson”. This costs the verifier only 512 GiB-seconds (0.002¢), but costs the original publisher 4096 GiB-seconds (0.016¢), and increases the cost of finding a second preimage by brute force by that same factor of 8192 (to 2⁶¹ runs of the PBKDF, 2⁷⁰ GiB-seconds, 2¹⁰⁰ byte-seconds, which works out to US$47 trillion), without lengthening the human-memorable phrase.

That’s probably far too easy, though. Maybe a more reasonable phrase-stretching difficulty factor would be a week on this old 16-GiB laptop: 2²³ GiB seconds = 2⁵³ byte-seconds (33¢). We could reduce the verification effort to, say, 8 GiB seconds (0.32 microdollars), so we’d need 2²⁰ tries to produce a valid phrase: 20 leading zeroes in the PBKDF output. If we keep using 48-bit phrases like “spade will of force”, then a brute-force second-preimage attack would take on average 2⁶⁷ PBKDF invocations, each costing 8 GiB seconds, which is also 2¹⁰⁰ byte-seconds as in the example above.

A larger hashcash-like difficulty factor might be desirable, both to reduce the number of trusted keyphrases floating around out there by incentivizing people to band together a bit more (thus reducing the number of targets for a shotgun bruteforce attack, as explained below), and also to shorten the keyphrases. For example, if we reduced the keyphrase to 36 bits of entropy (“grips halt seed”, “spelt spear pose”, “thank graph ready”) and increased the difficulty by another 13 bits (8192×, to 2³⁶ GiB seconds, 2⁶⁶ byte seconds), then publishing a file would cost US$2700, while a brute-force second-preimage attack would cost 2³⁶ times as much: US$190 trillion. US$2700 of computation would be a significant incentive to pay someone else to include your key in their file rather than publish your own file, but it’s still low enough to ensure dissidents could establish a memorable identity.

Such a small keyspace of course implies that unless the total number of keyphrases ever created is small compared to 2¹⁸ = 262144, there are likely to be collisions; this suggests that perhaps three words is too optimistic, since that’s only US$700 million (of legitimate users creating keyphrases) at current prices. If it costs US$2700 to create a four-word keyphrase, then the 2²⁴ or so that would make a collision likely would amount to an investment of US$45 billion from the system’s legitimate users. The fourth word would raise the cost of a brute-force second-preimage attack to the cost of creating 2⁴⁸ keyphrases: US$760 quadrillion.

(2³⁶ GiB seconds would be 2³² seconds for this laptop, roughly 136 years. Or 136 such laptops could do it in a year.)

Leading-zeroes phrase stretching instead of a PBKDF cost factor

Is there any reason to use both a PBKDF and a phrase-stretching leading zero count? Well, it's desirable to use a memory-hard PBKDF like scrypt or Argon2 to make the attack memory-hard instead of only CPU-hard, thus preventing vulnerability to future ASICs like Deep Crack.

But, suppose that, while still doing 2⁵³ byte-seconds of work to compute the keyphrase, we reduce the PBKDF work factor to, say, 10 milliseconds on this laptop, so that converting a file hash to the PBKDF hash from which the phrase is extracted takes only 10 milliseconds (0.16 GiB-seconds) instead of 500 milliseconds, as in my example above. To compensate, we increase the difficulty from 20 bits to 26 bits: instead of an average of 2²⁰ nonces, my laptop will have to try 2²⁶ nonces before hitting on one with the requisite pattern of 26 leading zeroes in the output from its PBKDF (Argon2 or whatever).

That makes things easier for users and intermediary nodes, because it’s 50 times easier to verify that a file matches a keyphrase; does it make things any easier for attackers?

Well, attackers also have to try 2²⁶ nonces for every one that is a valid keyphrase, and, as before, they will have to compute on average 2⁴⁸ such keyphrases before they finally find a second preimage. So the situation for the attacker has not improved at all: they still have to do the same amount of work, it’s just that it’s divided into 50 times or 64 times as many separate nonces.


Attacking many hashes at once

If there are many unsalted hashes, the attacker might attack them all simultaneously. For example, if there are 2⁴⁰ public keys in use, each retrievable by its own keyphrase, or 2⁴⁰ documents, and the attacker wins if they succeed in counterfeiting any one of them, their attack speeds up by a factor of 2⁴⁰. And salting is not really a solution, since the salt would have to be part of the human-memorized authenticator; it’s equivalent to just using more hash bits.

I think the best defense for this is to have relatively few human-memorable keyphrases, each identifying a large namespace, as explained above, by increasing the cost to create each keyphrase.

Consider the parameters suggested above: the difficulty is set to US$2700 to create each passphrase, and 48 bits of keyphrase are used, for a cost of US$760 quadrillion to find a particular second preimage. If there are 1000 known keyphrases and an attacker would be content to find any of them, then the cost plummets to US$760 trillion; if a million keyphrases exist, then it totally collapses to only US$760 billion, which is still more than a casual attacker will spend. As noted above, though, soon after that point, at only around 2²⁴ keyphrases created, accidental collisions begin to occur, at which point the cost of an intentional shotgun attack is still US$45 billion.

So, with those parameters, there’s still a reasonable degree of attack resistance up to the limit of the system being able to function at all.

Collision attacks

The birthday paradox pops up in another context as well.

In some circumstances, second-preimage attacks are not the only attack; birthday-paradox collision attacks have been demonstrated in practice against TLS, for example, where an attacker generates two certificate signing requests: one for their legitimate domain, and one for the domain they want to spoof, which hash to the same hash. The certifying authority signs the legitimate one, but the CA signature enables them to masquerade as the other domain.

Resisting such collision attacks would require twice as many bits, and would thus double the length of the passphrase, so this scheme should probably not be used to defend against a second-preimage attack. Alternatively, you could use keyphrases of 6–12 words instead of 3–6.

Quantum attacks

As I understand it, Grover’s algorithm can find a second preimage in the same O(√N) time required to find a birthday attack, so if quantum computers scale up, this system would require keyphrases of 6–12 words instead of 3–6.

Although Merkle graphs are in general relatively postquantum-safe if the hashes are big enough, any public-key cryptosystems used with this system would need to be postquantum-safe for the system as a whole to resist quantum computation attacks.

Parameter downgrade attacks

If the difficulty is encoded in a keyphrase — as in my above example with encoding the PBKDF cost parameter in 4 of its bits, or just by virtue of its length — attackers who want to mount collision attacks could use intentionally weak keyphrases. This is not a concern for second-preimage attacks, but it’s a concern anytime producing two colliding files would be a concern.

Possible extensions inspired by time-lock encryption

Someone, maybe Gwern, proposed a one time-lock encryption protocol that I will inaccurately summarize as follows. The speaker computes 1024 random encryption keys for a symmetric cryptosystem and computes 1024 truncated versions by, for example, zeroing the last 20 bits of each key. Then, in parallel, they encrypt each truncated key with the non-truncated version of the previous key (except for the first truncated key, which has no previous key). They concatenate the unencrypted first truncated key with the 1023 encrypted keys, followed by a payload, encrypted with the last key; this is what they publish.

This takes them 1024× the work of encrypting a single key, but since they do it in parallel on 1024 processors, it doesn’t add latency.

To decrypt the payload, the recipient must try (on average) 2¹⁹ possible completions for the first key in order to decrypt the second key, 2¹⁹ possible completions for the second key in order to decrypt the third key, and so on. We assume they can distinguish a correct decryption from a decryption attempt with the wrong key. In the end they have done 2²⁹ decryption attempts and can finally decrypt the payload; if they have 2¹⁹ processors they can do this in only 1024 times the time to perform a single decryption. Unless they have enough processors to search the whole keyspace, this is necessarily a serial process: they cannot do it faster because they don’t know the N - 20 bits of the second key until they have finished guessing the first key, etc.

(Of course 1024 can be expanded to a larger number such as 1048576, and you can use a deliberately slow cryptosystem such as a quadrillion rounds of AES-ECB with the same key, or a quadrillion rounds of SHA-256 on a “key” to derive a key that’s used for AES-ECB.)

It would be nice to somehow apply this idea in reverse to the hashcash problem: we would like attackers to have to work serially to create a second-preimage key, but listeners and possibly legitimate publishers to somehow be able to do whatever processing they need to do in parallel. If there’s a way to do this, it might add another 10–30 effective bits to the keyphrase.

Gwern also mentions Gregory Maxwell’s suggestion, possibly anticipated by Ke et al., to do something analogous with ECC cryptography. In many ECC systems, including Curve25519, public keys are in an almost 1-1 correspondence with bitstrings of a certain length, so you can generate a random bitstring that is a valid public key and encrypt something to it. If someone takes the time to bruteforce the private key — not feasible for Curve25519, but of course feasible for elliptic curves over small enough Galois fields — they can then read the message.

Maxwell suggested a Bitcoin-like blockchain in which miners compete to publish the next private key for a predetermined infinite sequence of random bitstrings taken as public keys; this provides an incentive structure that makes it likely for a predetermined sequence of certain private keys to be published at certain times in the future, and the only way to get all the keys needed to unlock something sooner than the miners do is to have more ECDLP computrons than they do.

This is vaguely similar to the chained-symmetric-keys approach. Could it be applied to this namespace-claiming problem, maybe not using a predetermined infinite sequence?

Generically I think the answer is that the publisher needs to publish some kind of noninteractive, easily verifiable zero-knowledge proof that demonstrates that they know something “about” that keyphrase that is computationally difficult to discover. They start with some secret information, which they never reveal, from which the keyphrase is derived, and which is used to sign the file the keyphrase names. There’s an obvious approach that doesn’t work: you generate a private key, compute the public key from it, append a signature and the public key to the file, append a nonce, hash it, and if the result isn’t a valid passphrase try a new nonce, for 150 CPU-years. This doesn’t work because a different public key would work just as well, so it doesn’t make a second-preimage attack any harder.
