Notes on the PDF file format

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-06-16 (updated 02021-07-27) (15 minutes)

I’m reading through the ISO 32000-2008 PDF-1.7 spec, which is about 340,326 words, 60% of the size of War and Peace. But for the time being I’m not interested in all of it:

This works out to only about (+ 1 1 4 4 1 1 100 59) = 171 pages of reading. I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it through the whole thing in the next couple of hours...

It’s interesting that on p. 251 in §9.4.3 it requires you to backslash all of your special characters in the string, with no provision for nesting parens:

The strings shall conform to the syntax for string objects. When a string is written by enclosing the data in parentheses, bytes whose values are equal to those of the ASCII characters LEFT PARENTHESIS (28h), RIGHT PARENTHESIS (29h), and REVERSE SOLIDUS (5Ch) (backslash) shall be preceded by a REVERSE SOLIDUS) character. All other byte values between 0 and 255 may be used in a string object. These rules apply to each individual byte in a string object, whether the string is interpreted by the text-showing operators as single-byte or multiple-byte character codes.

I think this is an error because § on p. 23 says:

Any characters may appear in a string except unbalanced parentheses (LEFT PARENHESIS [sic] (28h) and RIGHT PARENTHESIS (29h)) and the backslash (REVERSE SOLIDUS (5Ch)), which shall be treated specially as described in this sub-clause. Balanced pairs of parentheses within a string require no special treatment.

It’s surprising to see that “name objects” are apparently new in PDF 1.2:

Beginning with PDF 1.2 a name object is an atomic symbol uniquely defined by a sequence of any characters (8-bit values) except null (character code 0).

But maybe that isn’t really what is meant; maybe they existed previously but could include null or couldn’t include, say, DEL.

It’s a relief to see that names are interpreted as UTF-8.

Strings and character encodings

The encoding of string contents is tricky. § says they’re PDFDocEncoded unless they begin with a BOM. But that’s only for “structural” strings, not for strings that are part of document content. Actual text strings on the page are decoded by the font:

With a composite font (PDF 1.2), multiple-byte codes may be used to select glyphs. In this instance, one or more consecutive bytes of the string shall be treated as a single character code. The code lengths and the mappings from codes to glyph are defined in a data structure called a CMap, described in [§]9.7, “Composite Fonts”.

It isn't really described there. § explains that CMaps are really described in “Adobe Technical Note #5014, Adobe CMap and CIDFont Files Specification.” Although it does give an example CMap that implements Shift-JIS, which is evidently written in PostScript, and there’s some further explanation in §, but it assumes you’re already familiar with the aforementioned TN5014. §9.10.3 also suggests reading “Adobe Technical Note #5411, ToUnicode Mapping File Tutorial.”

TN#5014 explains further:

Some CID-keyed font rendering software (such as ATM-J) takes advantage of a particular stylized use of the PostScript language. As a result, CID-keyed font files must also adhere to these PostScript language usage conventions. The syntax resulting from these conventions is considerably more restricted than that of the PostScript language; CID-keyed fonts can be read and executed by PostScript interpreters, but not all PostScript language usage is acceptable in CID-keyed fonts.

Its §5 and §7 explain the CMap in more detail; TN#5014§5 gives what looks like a slightly less abbreviated version of the Shift-JIS CMap given as an example in the PDF spec. The most crucial information is on TN#5014 p. 51:

the cidrange sections associate the beginning and ending of a range of acceptable character codes, expressed as hexadecimal strings, with the starting CID for that range. ...

100 begincidrange
   <20>     <7e>   1
   <8140> <817e> 633
   <8180> <81ac> 696

Evidently this means that the byte sequence 0x20 maps to CID 1, 0x21 to CID 2, ... 0x7e to CID 95, then 0x81 0x40 to CID 633, 0x81 0x41 to CID 634, etc. Evidently 0x81 0x7f is an invalid sequence in Shift-JIS, and Wikipedia agrees that it is.

Also there are some predefined CMap names, given as the "/Encoding" of a Type0 font, including /Identity-H (which is UTF-16BE for horizontal text) and some UTF-16BE and UCS-2 cases.

The /Type0 font can include, in addition to an /Encoding, a /ToUnicode which points at another CMap which tells how to convert to Unicode rather than indexes into some font. The example given maps the ASCII range, unpacks some ligatures with “basefont ranges”, and maps a single character to a surrogate pair with a “basefont char”:

2 beginbfrange
<0000> <005E> <0020>
<005F> <0061> [<00660066> <00660069> <00660066006C>]
1 beginbfchar
<3A51> <D840DC3E>

Nobody ever uses a predefined CMap for /ToUnicode. And they always compress their CMaps. I extracted one of these content streams to a file and read it with Python’s zlib.decompress; evidently it was set up using a super dumb ASCII subsetting procedure:

>>> print zlib.decompress(open('tmp.flate').read())
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (F3+0) /Ordering (T1UV) /Supplement 0 >> def
/CMapName /F3+0 def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange <20> <78> endcodespacerange
6 beginbfchar
<20> <0020>
<2a> <002A>
<2e> <002E>
<41> <0041>
<59> <0059>
<61> <0061>
7 beginbfrange
<31> <35> <0031>
<43> <49> <0043>
<4b> <50> <004B>
<52> <56> <0052>
<63> <69> <0063>
<6d> <6f> <006D>
<72> <78> <0072>
endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end

Here’s another case from another file that’s not quite so innocent:

/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (NDBBAF+ArialMT+0) /Ordering (T42UV) /Supplement 0 >> def
/CMapName /NDBBAF+ArialMT+0 def
1 begincodespacerange <0114> <012a> endcodespacerange
2 beginbfrange
<0114> <0114> <0144>
<012a> <012a> <017C>
endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end

A nicer case is this one, from a third PDF file:

/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
/CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (Adobe)
/Ordering (UCS)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
<0000> <FFFF>
1 beginbfrange
<0000> <FFFF> <0000>
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop

I think this doesn’t comply with the explanation of beginbfrange from the PDF spec:

EXAMPLE 2 in this sub-clause illustrates several extensions to the way destination values may be defined. To support mappings from a source code to a string of destination codes, this extension has been made to the ranges defined after a beginbfchar operator:

 n beginbfchar
 srcCode dstString

where dstString may be a string of up to 512 bytes. Likewise, mappings after the beginbfrange operator may be defined as:

 n beginbfrange
 srcCode1 srcCode2 dstString

In this case, the last byte of the string shall be incremented for each consecutive code in the source code range.

When defining ranges of this type, the value of the last byte in the string shall be less than or equal to 255 - (srcCode2 - srcCode1). This ensures that the last byte of the string shall not be incremented past 255; otherwise, the result of mapping is undefined.

But evidently in this case the intent is to increment both of the bytes of dstString, not just the last one.

But /Adobe-Identity-UCS isn’t always so nice. Here’s another one, from another file:

/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
<<  /Registry (Adobe)
/Ordering (UCS)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
<0001> <046D>
10 beginbfchar
<005F> <007C>
<0061> <007E>
<0070> <00E9>
<0085> <00A3>
<0087> <2022>
<00A9> <00AB>
<00AA> <00BB>
<00AB> <2026>
<00C2> <2219>
<013C> <2033>
7 beginbfrange
<0003> <0004> <0020>
<0006> <003E> <0023>
<0040> <0042> <005D>
<0044> <005D> <0061>
<00B1> <00B2> <2013>
<00B3> <00B4> <201C>
<00B5> <00B6> <2018>
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop

Strangely enough nobody seems to include the DSC comments in their embedded CMaps.

U+2022 is a bullet, U+2026 is horizontal ellipsis, U+2219 is BULLET OPERATOR, and U+2033 is DOUBLE PRIME. So I think this is specifying a transcoding from some Adobe encoding into Unicode. The font in question unfortunately uses /Identity-H as its /Encoding:

344 0 obj
<</Type /Font
/Subtype /Type0
/BaseFont /Georgia
/Encoding /Identity-H
/DescendantFonts [350 0 R]
/ToUnicode 351 0 R

So apparently in the font we will find DOUBLE PRIME at CID 013C, 316 decimal.

Georgia is not one of the PDF base fonts; it’s also embedded in the file:

356 0 obj
<</Type /FontDescriptor
/FontName /Georgia
/Flags 6
/Ascent 916.9922
/Descent 219.2383
/StemV 133.7891
/CapHeight 692.8711
/ItalicAngle 0
/FontBBox [-490.2344 -303.2227 1796.3867 1074.707]
/FontFile2 357 0 R
357 0 obj
<</Length1 49484
/Filter /FlateDecode
/Length 29751
>> stream

ttfdump on the extracted font file actually agrees with my inference above about the encoding; the corresponding feature in TrueType is actually also called cmap:

'cmap' Table - Character to Glyph Index Mapping Table
                 Seg   107 : St = 2032, En = 2033, D =  57609, RO =      0, gId# = N/A
Segment 107:
                Char 0x2032 -> Index 315
                Char 0x2033 -> Index 316

The actual text painted on the page using this font happens to be in a ridiculously inefficient form:

/F1 11 Tf
1 0 0 -1 31.375 118 Tm
<0031> Tj
1 0 0 -1 39.813 118 Tm
<0032> Tj
1 0 0 -1 47.9985 118 Tm
<0039> Tj
1 0 0 -1 55.3301 118 Tm
<0028> Tj
1 0 0 -1 62.5166 118 Tm
<0030> Tj
1 0 0 -1 72.7163 118 Tm
<0025> Tj
1 0 0 -1 79.9082 118 Tm
<0028> Tj
1 0 0 -1 87.0947 118 Tm
<0035> Tj

According to the above CMap, this encodes the text “NOVEMBER”. In 283 bytes. I guess it’s less, deflated; the content stream for that page is 84551 bytes uncompressed, 16920 bytes deflated, so that's only about 57 deflated bytes.

Annotations and actions

The whole string thing is super confused. Line breaks are permitted inside strings and are 0x0a LF, but paragraph separators in markup annotation text are 0x0d CR (§, p. 391, 399/756).

The whole annotation spec is a nightmare, and unfortunately a necessary one for including hypertext links (§ Annotations can have intents, titles, subjects, reply-tos, modification dates, and author-specific states (marked, unmarked, accepted, completed). It even includes a separate richtext format that isn’t PDF (§, “Rich Text Strings”). They can embed arbitrary file attachments (§, sounds (§, and videos (§ Link annotations can either go to “destinations” (§12.3.2) or take “actions” (§12.6), “such as launching an application, playing a sound, changing an annotation's appearance state.”

The action spec is 16 pages long and includes halfhearted warnings against infinitely recursive and self-modifying code; in theory you should only be able to program a sequence of actions, but triggers include mouseovers, clicks, and page opening and closing. And the form spec lets you write actions in JS, including dependency-directed recalculation of form fields! And there's a SubmitForm action (§ that lets you submit a data form to a URL! And ImportData (§ to load data from a local file! Plus also GoTo actions to navigate around the document (§, though you can also link within the document without using an action) and URI actions (§, with an IsMap parameter). And you can hide or show annotations (Hide, §, which can be of a variety of drawable types, as well as do a display transition (§, transitions listed in § like Wipe, Dissolve, etc., with a duration), make “optional content groups” visible or hidden (§, or reorient a 3-D view (§

It doesn’t look like you can do arbitrary drawing from these actions, though, though maybe you could get pretty far with custom fonts. Or modify the document tree, so I’m not sure what's up with the prohibition on self-modifying code.

The JS stuff is specified in a totally separate document, “Adobe JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference”.


A curious thing is that this is, I think, an indirect dictionary object:

31820 0 obj
<< /Length 10 >>

While this is not a dictionary object:

31820 0 obj
<< /Length 10 >>

That’s a stream object. Stream objects must be indirect objects (§ and cannot be nested within object streams like most other indirect objects (§7.5.7). So when you are parsing either of these, you don’t know if you’re parsing a stream object or a dictionary object until you reach the endobj or stream keyword. But you are guaranteed to hit one or the other.

The easiest way to think about this is as a sequence of stack operations: stream is an operation that consumes the dictionary on the stack and uses it to parse the following data before returning control of the input stream to the normal PDF parser.
