Argentine pricing of PEX pipe and alternatives for phase-change fluids

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-08-07 (updated 02021-12-30) (2 minutes)

I’ve been thinking about some experiments with phase-change fluids and temperature control, and basically a big thing I need is a way to pump fluids around (sometimes salty fluids that could damage metals).

I found that people are selling PEX tubing for building radiant-heating floors. PEX is great because it’s super inert and sturdy. Unfortunately only a couple of sizes seem to be available:

Other alternatives:

Pure polypropylene, polyethylene, and PVC are also super inert, though these versions may not be. Black polyethylene has the advantage that it can absorb sunlight easily.

The thin aquarium tubing may be interesting not only for when girth doesn’t matter (because it’s 10% cheaper than anything else by length) but also because girth can actively be a drawback; it takes up space, it requires more coolant, it lengthens the transit time for coolant at a given mass flow rate, and, especially when full of water, it adds weight.
