Rendering 3-D graphics with PINNs and GANs?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-11-11 (updated 02021-12-30) (10 minutes)

(This is pretty much talking out of my ass since I’ve never done anything with neural networks and almost nothing with automatic differentiation and gradient descent.)

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are an interesting approach to numerical solution of partial differential equations: you train a neural network to map (x, y) or (x, y, z, t) values to the value of the PDE solution. The training procedure involves running some sample points through your candidate network and calculating the derivatives of the output with respect to the input coordinates, thus giving the derivatives that you’re trying to impose conditions on, and then calculating a loss based on how far the conditions are from being true. You typically need to make sure you have a number of points on your boundary in your training set in order to sample the boundary conditions.

A potential question here is how to decide which points to pick, because it may be the case that it’s easy to get a solution that works correctly most places but is way off in a few crucial places. A solution that seems promising to me is to train a GAN (“generative adversarial network”) to generate (x, y, z, t) tuples from some random number; the GAN is optimized to find tuples that produce a large loss for the PINN.

An interesting thing here is that, unlike more typical ways to numerically solve PDEs, there’s no sample grid. The trained network represents the solution in a fully continuous fashion; you feed it any arbitrary (x, y) pair and it tells you what it thinks the value is at that point.

It occurs to me that you ought to be able to use the same approach to ray-trace a scene or film: train a network to map an (x, y, t) triple to an (r, g, b) triple in such a way as to minimize the error from some “ground truth” raytracing. You feed the same (x, y, t) tuple into a real raytracer written in the normal way to get the “ground truth” pixel; by applying automatic differentiation to the raytracer you can get the color gradient and movement at the sample, and by applying it twice we can get a Wronskian (?) that tells us how these gradients are varying. Then we can compare these results to the corresponding results from the neural network to compute the loss.

By training a GAN to generate difficult coordinates we can focus our optimization efforts on the places in the image which are particularly hard to approximate well, or at any rate particularly poorly approximated so far.

You might get better results by training a couple of stages of the raytracing network separately: for example, one stage that maps (x, y, t) tuples to (x, y, z, t) tuples where the ray intersected something, then a second stage that transforms these tuples into something like (x, y, z, u, v, oid, t), and then a third stage that transforms that into the actual color. The benefit here is that you can use the traditional raytracer to train these intermediate tuples.

It might be possible to solve the rendering equation spatially by this method as well, deriving a neural network to approximate the light field: at any given point in space, looking in a particular direction, you see a particular color. In free space this color is the same that you would see if you moved in that direction; on a diffuse surface, looking into the surface, you see the color at the surface illuminated by the color you’d see integrated over all possible viewing directions; etc.

For numerical integration, maybe you could train a neural network (or other universal approximator, such as a spline) to approximate the indefinite integral of the function you want to integrate, generating random (or adversarially generated) points at which to compare the derivative of your approximation with the original function to compute your loss. It’s hard to imagine how such an approach could ever be cheaper than just doing Gaussian quadrature in one dimension, but maybe if you have multiple independent variables, or if the limits of integration or a parameter of the function vary?

Another way to apply the PINN idea to rendering is to sample some pixels from a “real” raytracer, either the conventionally implemented raytracer or a universal approximator as described above, and then try to extrapolate the rest of the image from those pixels, in the same way that a PINN extrapolates the rest of the field from its boundary conditions. That is, you train an image-generating network to generate a visually plausible image that has the correct values at the sampled pixels, computing its loss from the error at the sampled pixels and a canned GAN discriminator network (probably a convnet) that judges visual plausibility. A second adversarial network can be used to decide which pixels to sample, looking for pixels with a large error, since you can sample more “test set” pixels once your image-generating network is trained.

This might be faster if you start with an image-generating network that already generates visually plausible images.

Normally you train a PINN simultaneously to satisfy both its constitutive PDEs (which in the above case are replaced with a discriminator) and its boundary conditions. You might be able to get a speedup on this by starting with a PINN pre-trained for the same PDEs and retraining it with new arbitrary boundary conditions, but a different approach is to include some samples from the boundary conditions among the PINN’s inputs, along with (x, y[, z, t]). If this works, it gives you a PINN that solves an entire class of PDE problems instead of just one, allowing you to change the boundary conditions without retraining the network. To get a precise solution, you still might have to retrain the network.

Training a PINN to produce the SDF of a scene might be an interesting approach; the SDF is constrained to have value zero at objects’ surfaces, negative inside them, positive outside, and to have a gradient with magnitude unity almost everywhere, in the sense that the cusps in the SDF (where the gradient has some other value) have measure zero, unless the surface geometry is fractal. So, if you’re just sampling at random, you’ll find those cusps with probability zero.

A different way to use a PINN as an SDF is as a cheap-to-compute lower bound, training it to produce the tightest lower bound you can. Using interval arithmetic you can exhaustively evaluate the PINN and the real SDF over various parcels of space and find a bound on the worst case where the PINN drops below the true SDF; by adding this number to the PINN’s output, you get a true lower bound. You can evaluate this cheap function for most SDF probes, only falling back to the true SDF (or maybe a small part of the true SDF) when the conservative approximation falls below 0.

A third approach to render images with a PINN is holographically: to look for solutions to a wave equation representing the propagation of waves through the scene. I think this can be a static field (i.e., a 3-dimensional problem rather than 4-dimensional) if the state variables at each point are complex rather than real, thus encoding not only amplitude but phase. For everyday macroscopic objects, diffraction effects normally only become noticeable at dramatically smaller scales than we normally look at (micron-scale, say), so the wavelength of the waves can usually be considerably longer than that of light. With a finite-element or sample-grid representation, this would reduce the computational effort enormously, but I’m not sure if it will matter for a PINN. If it doesn’t matter much, that would be a huge advantage for computational holography, which unavoidably must use light’s real wavelength.

Simulating polarization, for example for compound Fresnel-equation reflection, probably requires more than the two reals suggested above per point in the field; I don’t know how many you need. Doing color probably requires doing three separate simulations.

It seems likely that three-dimensional or four-dimensional convolutional neural networks are likely to be useful for PINNs, but perhaps not as intermediate layers on their own; rather, you might need some intermediate layers that have convnets in parallel with conventional fully-connected layers.

The standard rendering problem is, given scene geometry (and materials, etc.), compute one or more 2-D images. From a certain point of view, vision is exactly the opposite problem: given one or more 2-D images, compute the scene geometry. Gradient descent and other generic optimization algorithms are thus applicable to turn any rendering algorithm into a vision algorithm, and they can additionally be guided by a neural network that is trained to produce geometries that are more probable (an approximate prior over world scenes).
