Pipelined piece chain painting

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-10 (updated 02021-12-30) (23 minutes)

Before people started embedding a computer into every terminal, as was done in the VT-100 (8085), Datapoint 2200 (discrete TTL), and PLATO V (8080) terminals, the traditional way to make a character-cell CRT terminal such as an ADM-3A was to build a hardware character generator. Even some terminals introduced after the Datapoint 2200, and of course many personal computer display driver boards, used this approach to lower costs.

Traditional character generators

We map each character cell to a fixed† position in a random-access screen-buffer memory, then control its memory address bus with a counter during raster scanout. A pixel counter overflows into the column counter, which overflows into a scanline counter, which overflows into a text-line counter. The pixel counter and scanline counters are used to drive some address lines on a font memory (often, tragically, a mask ROM) while the column and text-line counters drive the screen-buffer address lines, the data from which drives the other address lines on the font memory, perhaps delayed by a clock cycle or two of latches.

If the memory used for a screen buffer is fast enough, writes to it can be interleaved with the character generator’s reads to avoid the need for dual-ported RAM or the occurrence of CGA-clone snow. One way to make the screen buffer faster is to make it wider, so that it can be read two or four glyphs at a time rather than one. This generally was not done at the time because video signal rates were so much higher than baud rates that snow wasn’t a problem. Writes can be delayed until an HBI with a little buffering logic, and I think that’s what was generally done.

This approach to driving the screen can produce a high pixel rate even with relatively slow RAM. Typical numbers from this epoch might be 60 Hz for vertical scan, 5 horizontal pixels per glyph, 80 glyphs per line, 8 scanlines per text line, 24 text lines per screen, and about 10% horizontal blanking interval (HBI) and 10% vertical blanking interval (VBI). A glass terminal might talk to the host over an asynchronous serial line at 1200–9600 baud, or rarely 300; at 9600 baud, each character took 1042 μs, 1.04 million ns. Multiplying this out, the visible part of the screen contains 192 scan lines, so including the VBI it’s about 213, giving a horizontal scan frequency of 12.8 kHz (78 μs per line). In practice this is low enough to produce an annoying whine audible to many people, so often higher frequencies were used; suppose the horizontal scan is instead 20 kHz, including 400 pixels and a 44-pixel HBI. Then our pixel clock is 8.9 MHz; pixels come out 113 ns apart. This is fast enough to require significant attention to signal integrity and path-length issues.

One solution to this problem is to dump each character slice from an N-bit-wide font memory into a shift register like a 74165. The shift register needs to run at the full dot clock speed, but the font memory can run N times slower; in this case, where N=5, that’s 1.78 MHz, 560 ns per access, which is easily attainable with memory chips from the 01970s, and maybe even with faster kinds of core memory. The screen-buffer memory runs at the same speed.

To be concrete about sizes, the font buffer might contain 96 5×8 glyphs, 480 bytes in all, while the screen buffer is just under 2000 bytes. The VT50 or DECScope had only ROM for the font buffer and only half that amount of RAM, 12 lines of 80 characters, 960 bytes, 7-bit IIRC. When even that amount of RAM was too expensive, you were stuck with vector displays or printing terminals.

One drawback of this organization is that the ordinary text-editing operations of inserting or deleting a character require updating potentially a whole line of text in the screen-buffer memory. Doing this locally in the terminal was highly desirable, since retransmitting all those characters from the host to the terminal at 1200 or 2400 baud introduces a delay of a significant fraction of a second, and also likely imposes the cost of interrupt handling and perhaps even context switching on the host; but copying a variable number of glyph indices one item forward or back in the screen-buffer memory, potentially as many as a whole line’s worth, is also potentially slow, especially if the screen-buffer memory is multiple glyph-indexes wide as suggested above.

† Scrolling the whole screen is usually necessary, and can be done in a cheaper way than inserting or deleting text, by changing the starting value the text-line counter has at the top of each frame. But inserting or deleting lines is also expensive.

Traversing piece chains in hardware

There’s an alternative which I think might be simpler than embedding an entire computer into the terminal, which is to traverse a piece chain in hardware. Instead of mapping each memory location in the screen buffer to a fixed location on the screen (or one that is fixed except for scrolling), we build linked lists. Suppose we divide a 2048-byte screen buffer into 256 60-bit words, so addresses are only 8 bits, and store one variable-length piece of text in each word. The first byte of the word gives the address of the word holding the text to its right. The next three bits specify how many characters are in this piece, a number from 1 to 7, which is used to initialize a countdown timer in the character generator. Then there are 1 to seven 7-bit glyph indices, which are loaded into 7 shift registers whose low bits drive address lines of the font memory. (There’s always at least one glyph per piece to ensure that the pipeline doesn’t run dry.)

(There are 128 bytes out of the 2048 which are unaccounted for here, and note that we only support 1792 distinct characters on the screen at once, only 93% of the usual 1920. This is probably still enough for an 80×24 terminal screen almost all of the time, since most lines have some blank space. A blank-space trailer can be drawn with a single-glyph piece that points to itself, shared among all lines.)

The video generation pipeline with this system is slightly longer than that of a traditional character generator. The pixel counter, character-cell counter, scan-line counter, and text-line counter work as usual, but the character-cell counter is only used to detect the end of the scan line, and the character-cell and scan-line counters are not directly connected to the screen-buffer memory. There’s a 60-bit buffer for the next piece; when the countdown of glyphs in the current piece ends, it’s used to reload the countdown timer and the glyph-index shift registers, and its next-pointer field is used to fetch the next piece from the screen buffer. Before the HBI ends, the buffer is instead loaded from a piece indexed by the text-line counter.

If every piece on a line is one glyph long, then the character generator will read a word from memory after every glyph, every 560 ns; if the memory is slow, this could reduce the bandwidth available for processing of screen updates. However, serial data transmission is so slow that I think this is unlikely to matter.

Traditional vertical scrolling just involves changing the piece at which each line starts.

An alternative to using linked lists would be to use a piece index vector for each line; you need between 11 and 80 pieces for each line on the screen, so you could use 11 to 80 bytes for piece indices, maybe reasonably in the neighborhood of 20. A disadvantage is that sometimes an insertion would require moving a lot of piece indices over by one to make room for the new piece, and if you were dynamically allocating the piece index vectors in a piece index vector memory, maybe you’d suffer from fragmentation. The potential advantage is that you could share common pieces between lines, providing data compression. Overall I think it’s not worth it.

An intermediate approach, sort of a wheel-of-reincarnation thing, would be to have a “piece index stack” (of some limited depth like 4) and a “call bit” in each piece. If the call bit is 0, the behavior is almost the same as described above — the pointed-to piece just replaces the current piece. If the call bit is 1, then the current piece index is incremented and pushed onto the piece index stack; and when the call bit is 0 and the next-pointer is also 0, then the new piece index is popped off the piece index stack. This allows the reuse of common strings for data compression without making insertion difficult.

Serial protocols

It’s clear that inserting or deleting a glyph can be done efficiently in this representation, but it probably is not simple. Deleting a character may involve removing a piece from the piece chain and returning it to a free list; inserting a character may involve allocating a piece from a free list, inserting it into the current piece chain, and moving some of the characters from the current piece into it. While it would be possible to do this kind of thing with microcode in the terminal, a much more reasonable thing to do would be to do the logic on a computer, then send to the terminal the commands to make the necessary changes: set the next of (undisplayed) piece 167 to 81 and its glyph count to 7, append the 3 glyphs “ges” to piece 167, set next(27) to 167 and its glyph count to 4.

That’s maybe 11 bytes (set7 167 81, append3 167 g e s, set4 27 167) to insert a character, which would be a noticeable 92-ms delay at 1200 baud. You could maybe improve this by, when you might want to insert into the middle of a piece, pre-copying the glyphs that follow the cursor into a new not-yet-displayed piece, which you point at the display list ahead of time: set7 167 81, append2 167 e s; then actually inserting the glyph is just split4 27 167 g, four bytes that sets both the size and next pointer as well as appending a glyph, or possibly set3 27 167, append1 27 g, six bytes. This is not as fast as the one byte needed for insert mode on a VT100, of course, but it also doesn’t need an entire computer embedded in your terminak.

Probably a better option than a byte-oriented update state machine is to simply transmit 68-bit piece updates over the serial interface: an 8-bit piece index plus a 60-bit word to load into it. Under some circumstances this would impose a slight extra performance cost, but it would be less significant at higher baud rates, and it would simplify the terminal hardware significantly. When drawing bulk text this would require 68 bits per 7-glyph piece, compared to the 72 bits required by the byte-oriented approach above (or 90 bits if we’re using N81 asynchronous serial with start and stop bits), while the 11-byte sequence above would be two piece updates (17 bytes), and both the 6-byte pre-copying sequence and the 4-byte or 6-byte splitting sequence would be one update (8½ bytes). Note that at 115200 baud, the fastest standard RS-232 baud rate, a 70-bit sequence including a start bit and a stop bit would be 608 μs, roughly 1100 times slower than the fastest frequency at which the character generator might need to read pieces.

This word-transmission approach might actually be faster overall if it permits the use of higher baud rates; the PLATO V terminal in 01977 ran its serial interface at only 1200 baud, perhaps in part so its 5 MHz 8080 could keep up.

The word-transmission approach has the additional merit that it’s idempotent, so retransmission is safe, and it’s weakly convergent in the sense that if you keep sending messages then probably eventually the state will be correct, instead of persistently diverging. Data transmission errors are likely to induce psychedelic effects with any of these data models, so this sort of convergence is important.

If there’s no special support for scrolling, then scrolling a 24-line display would require setting 24 60-bit words, 180 bytes, which would take a janky 188 ms at 9600 baud and a totally unusable 1500 ms at 1200 baud. The easiest approach is to have an 8-bit screen-start register S with the semantic that the first line on the screen starts with piece S, the second line with piece S+1, and so on, and then you can scroll just by creating a blank line and setting that register. If you don’t do a modulo of the screen size, you can scroll a window up and down over a larger area instantly, assuming you have enough space for the text, but you’ll have to occasionally relocate live data the scrolling is about to steamroll.


If you fetch an average of 20 pieces for each scan line at 20 kHz, that’s an average of one every 2500 ns. That’s pretty slow, so even with 01970s hardware, you could imagine generating a couple of pixel streams in parallel and ORing them together. That would allow you to generate, for example, accented or struck-through characters. But the second pixel stream would cost a similar amount of hardware to the driver for the first pixel stream, so this might not really be worthwhile.

Writable and proportional fonts

A softfont, even one with only a few writable positions, extends the graphical capabilities of such a device enormously. A transparent pixel-granularity mouse pointer or other sprite can be emulated with only four writable glyphs and unused glyph indices, and a few more writable glyph positions is sufficient to enable applications like schematic capture, dataflow diagrams, math, and limited foreign language support.

Of course, any kind of softfont capability requires some extra logic to distinguish glyph-update requests from screen-update requests (perhaps a 69th bit), and updating four 5×8 glyphs necessarily involves at least 20 bytes of data if uncompressed; that’s only 21 ms at 9600 baud, but a janky 167 ms at 1200 baud.

This setup can even be extended to support proportional fonts in an analogous way: instead of initializing the pixel-within-glyph counter always to 5, you initialize it to a value taken from a font-metrics memory that’s indexed by the same glyph index used to index the font-pixels memory. As before, you shift the glyph-index registers when this counter hits 0. This would enable proportional fonts without a framebuffer.

Variable line heights could be done in a similar way but much more easily, since they just involve conditionally resetting the scan-line counter and incrementing the text-line counter during the HBI. But once you have variable line heights you may start wanting the ability to have non-aligned baselines on different parts of the screen. And at that point you’ve just about moved to a scan-line rasterizer kind of model.

Graphical effects

The VT100 supported inverse video and, I think, some other graphical effects, maybe including double-width, double-height, bright, dim, and blinking characters. I think it had some line-widening logic that extended each bright pixel horizontally by a second pixel in order to reduce the size of the font ROM. Some successor terminals supported smooth scrolling, where scrolling happened a pixel at a time instead of a line at a time. The PLATO V terminal supported “character magnification” to get different font sizes.

In addition to this sort of thing, you could imagine using an LFSR to get “snowy” characters, either as foreground or background, or adjusting the letter spacing or line weight; this could all be done with a dedicated effects bitfield in each piece, avoiding any potential need for blank spaces on the screen. If the frame rate were high enough, or the display hardware possessed of sufficient persistence, you could also use PDM to get various brightnesses, but probably this is usually better done in other ways.

Alternatively, a display list

Compositing from a display list into a single-scan-line “framebuffer” is probably a better way to get things like overstrike, and it would also allow you to do pixel-perfect positioning of text, so variable line height is an easy thing to do. This “line buffer” would cost 50 bytes with the figures described above, but double-buffered, making 100 bytes.

The idea is that, while one part of the hardware is spitting out your pixels at 8.9 MHz from a 50-byte FIFO, another part of the hardware is writing to another 50-byte “back-buffer” register. It’s driven by the kind of piece-chain structure described above, but instead of having a rigid grid of lines on the screen, you have a “display list”, in which each item is a (y, x, height, piecenum) tuple, which is sorted by y. As we iterate over the scan lines in a frame, the display-list processor maintains two indices into this display list: the earliest item that’s still visible, and the earliest item that’s not yet visible; and it just draws all the piece chains in between those two indices into the back buffer, one after another, using OR or AND or whatever.

And then, when it’s time to move on to the next scan line, the back buffer is loaded into the FIFO, and then the back buffer is cleared. Hopefully the display-list processor finished traversing the display list first, but at any rate it now starts rendering the new line.

This is basically just standard scanline rendering like you might use for a 3-D image rasterizer, but you need a barrel shifter or something in the middle, unless you want to have a second shift register running at 8.9 MHz in the middle of your otherwise relaxed sub-2-MHz system.

Alternatively, if you’re using a fixed-width font, and you’re willing to snap your horizontal pixel positions to character cells or half character cells or whatever, you can reduce the number of shifts you need between your font memory and your back buffer. If the back buffer is divided into 6-bit chunks, say, and the font is 6 pixels wide, you can AND aligned 6-bit chunks from the font buffer into the back buffer. If you allow 3-pixel shifts, then you need a 3-bit shifter that you can write 6-bit pixel slices into and copy 3-bit-shifted 6-bit pixel slices out of into the back buffer.

This level of control complexity may be high enough that it’s justifiable to use a real CPU to draw into your line buffer, even if you have special-purpose hardware driving the actual video signal. At that point it no longer makes sense to think of it as a “terminal”; you want to run your entire program on that CPU as much as possible so that it can be instantly responsive and have as high bandwidth as possible to the display.

This might even be a reasonable way to do PAL video out of a working monochrome GUI on an ATMega328 Arduino: running at 16 MHz I think the TVout library can output pixels at 8 MHz, which leaves enough space for 320,000 pixels in a 25-Hz PAL frame. PAL (except for Brazil’s PAL-M) is a 625-line standard with 576 visible lines (92.2% visible) with 51.95 μs of active video per 64 μs line. In theory this means 415.6 horizontal pixels, which is actually enough for 80 columns of 5×8 text (400 pixels). You absolutely can’t do it with an in-RAM framebuffer, because the ATMega328 doesn’t have enough RAM, but you could maybe do it with a per-line framebuffer.

On the AVR the situation is a lot worse than in hardware, though: because you don’t have the hardware parallelism, you can only render into your line buffer during the horizontal blanking interval. That gives you only about 200 clock cycles, which is not a lot of time, maybe 60–100 instructions.

I suspect it might be possible to steal part of the horizontal visible part of the screen for computation — leave it black (or white) and arrange for a timer interrupt at the right time to generate the back porch and sync pulses. In fact, I think TVout already does this, since it supports any output resolution (as long as you have enough memory) but can only output pixels on integer clocks: every 2, every 3, every 4, or every 5 clocks, but not every 2.5 clocks. Every line is still only 1024 clock cycles but you still ought to be able to do a few hundred instructions that way.
