Vaughan Pratt and Henry Baker’s COMFY control-flow combinators

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-03-04 (updated 02021-03-20) (8 minutes)

I read Henry Baker’s columns about COMFY-65 and COMFY-80 and found them very interesting. He credits the approach to Pratt in the early 01970s, which is pretty interesting; combined with top-down operator precedence — not PEG or TDPL, but a different linear-time top-down parsing algorithm with better space and time bounds — it seems like Pratt totally reinvented compilers in a different way in the 01970s and nobody noticed!

The COMFY-65 approach is “structured control flow” in the sense that larger pieces of code are built up from smaller pieces of code using a fixed set of forms of composition, but they aren’t the same forms as the Kleene set of sequence, alternation, and closure used in the Böhm-Jacopini theorem. The key difference is that Pratt’s/Baker’s pieces of code have one entry and two exits (“win” and “lose”) instead of one, so they can directly represent arbitrary control-flow graphs. In COMFY-65 his forms of composition are seq, alt, if, while, not, and loop, which are similar to the usual constructs but not the same.

Re-expressing the COMFY approach with constraint satisfaction

I suspect that constraint satisfaction is a productive way to formulate compilation problems in general, so here’s an attempt to formulate Baker’s constructs logically as sets of constraints in a hypothetical hierarchical constraint language supporting the definition of infix operators, using yes and no rather than win and lose. Starting with loop:

(loop X):
    entry = X.entry = X.yes
    no =

This is an abbreviation for

(loop X).entry = X.entry = X.yes
(loop X).no =

The remaining constructs can be defined as follows:

(A; B):                # sequence
    entry = A.entry
    A.yes = B.entry
    yes = B.yes
    no = =

(A || B) = !(!A; !B)   # alternation

(!X):                  # negation
    entry = X.entry
    yes =
    no = X.yes

(A ? B : C):           # general conditional
    entry = A.entry
    A.yes = B.entry = C.entry
    no = =

(while A: B):
    entry = A.entry
    A.yes = B.entry
    B.yes = A.entry
    yes =
    no =

Baker’s compiler compiles these constructs recursively, providing yes and no (win and lose) as concrete numbers when compile is invoked. It does this by filling memory with instructions starting from the end, such that each of these exit points (the yes and no items) generally refer to things that have previously been compiled and will follow them in memory — possibly immediately, in which case manifesting the required control flow doesn’t require a jump instruction. In that context, though, I’m not totally sure how he handles loops, which necessarily need a jump back to the beginning of the loop, which is at a location unknown when the loop body is being compiled. I need to look at his code.

But not right now!

An alternate definition of alt:

(A || B):
    entry = A.entry = B.entry
    no =
    yes = A.yes = B.yes

Given a program pass which does nothing and just passes control to its yes, we could define loop as:

loop X = (while pass: X)

We could define fail, which does nothing and just passes control to its no, as !pass, we could define sequencing as a conditional:

(A; B) = (A ? B : fail)

Here's a totally revised, terser version, using some symbols from Baker’s 1976 note, the above constructions, a Python-like respelling of the conditional, and C-like blocks instead of Python indentation. I’m also changing “entry” to “go” (on your mark, get set,...) and defining ¬X in terms of the conditional, as Darius did in his “Language of Choice”. Actually, it occurs to me that COMFY is very closely related to binary decision diagrams, but its control graph isn’t constrained to be acyclic...

pass            { go = yes }
fail            { go = no }    # do not pass go
(B if A else C) { go = A.go, A.yes = B.go, = C.go, no = = }
(while A: B)    { go = A.go, A.yes = B.go, B.yes = A.go, yes =, no = }

(¬X)      = (fail if X else pass)
(A; B)    = (B    if A else fail)
(A / B)   = (pass if A else B)
(X∞)      = (while pass: X)

I was going to try to unpack a small program in this notation into a flat pile of constraints, but I’m getting confused about the class/instance distinction when I try.

A particular instruction might fit into this framework in a form like the following:

pushq_rbp { mem[go] = 0x55, yes = go + 1 }

(Since pushq %rbp doesn’t use its no exit, it imposes no constraints on no.)

More generally, I think straight-line code as cons-lists of bytes can be emitted as follows:

straight([])   = pass
straight(A::B) { mem[go] = A, T = straight(B), T.go = go + 1, yes = T.yes }

There’s a semantic lacuna in the above, though; something like pushq_rbp / pushq_rbp will fail, because there’s no place to insert the necessary jumps. (Also, because pushq_rbp can’t fail, the second alternative could be entirely optimized out.)

Dissection of Baker’s Elisp

Here’s the part of Baker’s Elisp code concerned with compiling loops. It turns out to work more or less the way you’d expect if you know it compiles things recursively, starting from the end of memory:

(defun compile (e win lose)
  (cond ((eq (car e) 'loop)
         (let* ((l (genbr 0)) (r (compile (cadr e) l lose)))
           (ra l r)
        ((eq (car e) 'while)             ; do-while.
         (let* ((l (genbr 0))
                (r (compile (cadr e)
                             (compile (caddr e) l lose)
           (ra l r)

So, it begins by generating a branch to 0 at the end of the loop, saving the address of the jump instruction in l; then it compiles the contents of the loop (possibly including jumps to lose and, in the while case, win). It saves the address of the beginning of the loop in r, and then it runs (ra l r):

(defun ra (b a)
  ;;; replace the absolute address at the instruction "b"
  ;;; by the address "a".
  (let* ((ha (lsh a -8)) (la (logand a 255)))
     (aset mem (1+ b) la)
     (aset mem (+ b 2) ha))

So this just backpatches the jump; ha and la are the high and low bytes of the address, and it stores them two bytes after and one byte after the address of the jump instruction, which is generated as follows:

(defun genbr (win)
  ;;; generate an unconditional jump to "win".
  (gen 0) (gen 0) (gen jmp) (ra f win))

And that’s in terms of gen, which is:

(defun gen (obj)
  ;;; place one byte "obj" into the stream.
  (setq f (1- f))
  (aset mem f obj)

Modifying mem and f:

(defvar mem (make-vector 10 0)
  "Vector where the compiled code is placed.")

(setq mem (make-vector 100 0))

(defvar f (length mem)
  "Compiled code array pointer; it works its way down from the top.")

The semantic lacuna mentioned above is filled in this case with an explicit genbr call followed by the backpatching. But the win and lose addresses (which Baker calls continuations) are passed in to compile the snippets of code within the loop, which in many cases bottom out in emit, which begins by inserting a call to the genbr above if necessary:

(defun emit (i win)
  ;;; place the unconditional instruction "i" into the stream with
  ;;; success continuation "win".
  (cond ((not (= win f)) (emit i (genbr win)))

That is, if the next address to execute is not the address immediately following where we’re going to be compiling, then first we genbr a jump so that it is.


What should you call something derived from Baker’s system, but different? Antonyms for “comfy” include cold, cool, disagreeable, dissatisfied, hard, strict, troubled, uncomfortable, unfriendly, unhappy, unpleasant, unsuited, destitute, poor, discontented, needy, hopeless, miserable, neglected, pitiable, upset, and wretched, according to Roget’s. Synonyms include snug, cozy, cushy, homey, and soft. Lojban has “kufra” for “foo is comfortable with bar”.
