Principled APL redux

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-01-03 (updated 02021-12-31) (12 minutes)

Writing rpneact I realized that there are some straightforward ways to extend such a system toward Bicicleta and the principled variant of APL I was thinking about, as well as to do performance work.

One is that inheritance is relatively straightforward:

class Var(namedtuple('Var', ('name',)), Expr):
    def eval(self, vars):
        return vars[].eval(vars)

If the second vars were a different object, we’d have the equivalent of invoking an inherited method — any vars referred to by the formula would come from the different object. (And this is exactly how inheritance works in Bicicleta and in the ς-calculus it’s based on.) And of course in Python such inheritance is straightforward to implement in the vars object by having its __getattr__ delegate to one or more different mappings.

There’s code in rpneact for the solver that evaluates a loss formula at various points along a design variable; it works as follows:

var =
original = vars[var]

            vars[var] = Const(b)
            b_obj = objective.eval(vars)
    vars[var] = original

This could be done in a purely functional way instead by the inheritance mechanism described above.

Let’s call these “vars” namespace objects that might inherit from one another “worlds”.

Bitmask caching

For caching property values in such a system, you’d like to carry over the cached value of a property to any child worlds that hadn’t overridden any other property used during its computation. Moreover, if that value didn’t get cached in the parent but did get computed in the child entirely from properties unchanged from the parent, you’d like to propagate those values back to the parent, so that other children can use them.

I’m not sure what’s an actually scalable way to implement this, but an approach that’s reasonable up to a certain extent, with single inheritance, is to maintain a bitmask of overridden fields in each world. Each field is assigned an index, starting from the number of fields in the base class. Each cached result is stored at that index in a cached result vector associated with each world; each field definition is stored at that index in a definition vector; and in the bitmask of overridden fields for an world, the bit is set if the world has its own private definition of a field, rather than using the parent world’s. And each cached result is associated with a bitmask of all the fields consulted during its computation.

(For the moment I’m going to ignore dependencies on things outside of the world itself, which were common in Bicicleta but sort of impossible in the principled-APL approach.)

These bitmasks can be 64 bits for worlds with 64 fields or less, so we can operate bitwise on them in a single instruction on a 64-bit CPU, or 128 bits for worlds with 128 fields or less. In the limit of a large number of fields, of course, such explicit sets will tend to incur a large space and time cost.

To know whether the parent world’s value of a variable can be safely reused, we can AND the current world’s overridden-field bitmask with the dependency bitmask for the parent world’s variable; if the intersection is null, we can just reuse the parent’s value (and perhaps also cache it locally). Similarly, if we compute a field value locally, we also compute its dependency bitmask, so we can check in the same way to see whether it involved any locally overridden values (although you could imagine that maybe it would be more efficient to just set a flag during the computation, you have to compute the dependency bitmask anyway) and then do the same check. This lets you see how far up the inheritance hierarchy you can push the cached value.

When a cached field is consulted during the computation of a field value, we must OR its dependency bitmask into the dependency bitmask of the computation, as well as set its bit.

Compilation and duplicate suppression

In a system compiled without runtime reflection, all of this bitmap consultation can happen at compile time; only the consultation to see if a field is already computed, and if so where, and what its value is, must be deferred to runtime. This in some sense involves compiling a separate version of each world for each callsite, depending on the particular overrides provided at that callsite, but in many cases these worlds will use precisely the same code and can thus be merged, as with C++ templates. (And runtime reflection can be supported in such a system by invoking the compiler at runtime.)

If an override method doesn’t use any other fields of the object it’s being stuck onto, it could be implemented as a simple delegation to a thunk. Then all the worlds that differ only by the contents of that thunk can be merged. For example, in Bicicleta:

prog.if(foo, then={all kinds of stuff}, else={more stuff})

can be merged with all the other invocations of prog.if that override only arg0, then, and else.

Field order

The fields within a world can be topologically sorted to emit a single sequence of code that computes all of them in dependency order. In cases where no cached results are possible, for example when a program starts, if there’s no risk to termination behavior, we can run all the fields peremptorily in sequence, one after the other. In other cases, it may be sensible to do a slightly modified version of the same thing: concatenate the code and put a conditional jump past the computation of each field. The jump can be based on, for example, a bitmap of fields whose computation is desired: the abjunction of the dependencies of a desired-fields bitmap and an already-computed-fields bitmap. In many cases, we can jump directly to the first not-yet-computed field, and run straight-line code from there, perhaps even without such conditional skips.

Inlining the computations of other worlds’ fields may be worthwhile, particularly when no references to those other worlds themselves escape from the computation. The if case above is paradigmatic: no reference to if world survives, just its output.

General inlining in a system as late-bound as the original Bicicleta design would require type specialization using hidden classes. Maybe a “Triciclo” design could omit the ability to override standard operators like arithetic, but you could probably get to better performance than CPython or similar systems by the Ur-Scheme approach of inlining the implementation of native operators (integer addition, etc.) with a conditional jump to an exception handler for cases where an operator is overridden. But this is to some extent orthogonal to the question of the caching strategy!

Simple compilation

In simple cases, the strategy is:

  1. Topologically sort the variables.

  2. Assign each variable a memory location, not necessarily in sequence.

  3. Generate the code snippet to compute each variable from the other variables, fetching from memory and storing into memory as necessary.

  4. Divide the topologically-sorted sequence into “basic blocks” approximating some fixed granularity, say, 256 clock cycles.

  5. Assign each basic block a memory location for a flag that indicates whether its results are valid (up-to-date) or not.

  6. For each basic block, emit a conditional checking to see whether its results are valid, and if not, executing the concatenated code snippets for its variables, then setting the flag to indicate that its results are indeed valid.

  7. Peephole-optimize each basic block.

  8. Eliminate memory allocations no longer read after peephole-optimization, unless they’re final outputs.

  9. Concatenate the basic blocks.

So for a full computation from scratch, you clear all the validity flags, set the inputs, and jump to the beginning of the first basic block. In cases where you've changed some input, you clear some of the flags (following the transitive closure of dependency relations between the blocks) and jump to the beginning of the first one whose validity flag isn’t set there’s a granularity tradeoff where making the blocks bigger also increases the amount of redundant computation they do: you may recompute a variable that didn’t need recomputing because it was in the same basic block as one that did using larger basic blocks privileges worst-case computation time (where nothing is cached), while using smaller ones privileges best-case incremental update time.

There’s no particular reason that this honking chunk of compiled code can’t accept a base address argument off which to find its variables and validity flags, nor, for that matter, two different base addresses off which to find variables and validity flags that vary differently. And these “base addresses” can as easily be array indices. For example, you might have some set of variables that vary by day, and other variables that are global across all days. The basic blocks for the per-day variables would use the day index to index into an array of validity flags, one flag per day per basic block, as well as arrays of variable values to compute; the basic blocks for the non-per-day variables would not.

In the simplest case, the per-day variables are all computed from the non-per-day variables and not vice versa, but once reductions, quantifiers, and indexing are involved, the picture gets more complicated: you might have non-per-day variables computed from some of the per-day variables, more per-day variables computed from those, and so on. This affects how you can bundle them into basic blocks efficiently.

(Is Datalog-style stratified inference applicable to this problem?)

Transactional arrayification

Suppose you populate memory with some indepdendent-variable values and run a hunk of machine code in some kind of valgrind-like monitoring mode that monitors what memory locations it reads and writes. After it completes, you can check to see which of your input values it read; you can then infer that the locations that it wrote depend at least on the independent variables that it read. For example, if it read x and y but not z, and wrote a and b, you can conclude that a and b are dependent on x and y, but maybe not z.

If you have a set of possibilities in mind for x and y, you can write each of the possibilities into the x and y memory locations and rerun the code, thus deriving a and b values for each (x, y) pair. At some point you may or may not observe a dependency on z as well; if so, you might have to try all the z values as well.

You may be able to provide x, y, z, a, and b as closures rather than memory locations, in which case efficiently noting that they are being accessed, without slowing down the rest of the computation, becomes easy. This is the approach taken by, for example, Meteor and Adapton. Moreover, depending on the degree to which local memory writes can be controlled, you may be able to use such thunks to save backtracking state — if x is consulted some time before y, it may be worthwhile to just roll back the computation to the first consultation of y to try different y values.
