Notes on what would be needed to drive a PS/2 keyboard from an Arduino

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-06-20 (updated 02021-12-30) (12 minutes)

Trying to get a PS/2 keyboard to work with an Arduino Duemilanove.

Notes on the PS/2 keyboard protocol

Adam Chapweske’s physical-layer guide clarifies the key points:

I use a few tricks when implementing an open-collector interface with PIC microcontrollers. I use the same pin for both input and output, and I enable the PIC’s internal pullup resistors rather than using external resistors. A line is pulled to ground by setting the corresponding pin to output, and writing a “zero” to that port. The line is set to the “high impedance” state by setting the pin to input. Taking into account the PIC’s built-in protection diodes and sufficient current sinking, I think this is a valid configuration. Let me know if your experiences have proved otherwise. ...

The PS/2 mouse and keyboard implement a bidirectional synchronous serial protocol. The bus is “idle” when both lines are high (open-collector). This is the only state where the keyboard/mouse is allowed begin transmitting data. The host has ultimate control over the bus and may inhibit communication at any time by pulling the Clock line low.

The PIC approach should work the same with AVRs, I think.

The device always generates the clock signal. If the host wants to send data, it must first inhibit communication from the device by pulling Clock low. The host then pulls Data low and releases Clock. This is the “Request-to-Send” state and signals the device to start generating clock pulses.

Data sent from the device to the host is read on the falling edge of the clock signal; data sent from the host to the device is read on the rising edge. The clock frequency must be in the range 10-16.7kHz. This means clock must be high for 30-50 microseconds and low for 30-50 microseconds. If you’re designing a keyboard, mouse, or host emulator, you should modify/sample the Data line in the middle of each cell, i.e., 15-25 microseconds after the appropriate clock transition.

At the Duemilanove’s 16 MHz, 15-25 microseconds is 240-400 clock cycles, so we can probably get by with polling rather than interrupts, at least initially.

Chapweske also wrote a guide to the logical protocol.

Existing Arduino software is worth trying but will be insufficient

There’s an LGPL-licensed library called PS2Keyboard, last updated 2 years ago, with the last release 5 years ago, for speaking this protocol; its interface looks very simple. The page on is even more out of date, which I guess makes sense since it’s been read-only since 02018.

keyboard.begin(DataPin, IRQpin); ...
if (keyboard.available()) {
  char c =;
  if (c == PS2_ENTER) {
    Serial.println(); ...
  } else {

However, this interface has a couple of major drawbacks:

The implementation also has a couple of drawbacks:

Buffering on the keyboard?

The Wikipedia page has an intriguing comment suggesting a fully-polled mode of operation:

When the host pulls Clock low, the device must immediately stop transmitting and release Clock and Data to both float high. ... The host can use this state of the interface simply to inhibit the device from transmitting when the host is not ready to receive. (For the IBM PC keyboard port, this was the only normal use of signalling from the computer to the keyboard. The keyboard could not be commanded to retransmit a keyboard scan code after it had been sent, since there was no reverse data channel to carry commands to the keyboard, so the only way to avoid losing scan codes when the computer was too busy to receive them was to inhibit the keyboard from sending them until the computer was ready. This mode of operation is still an option on the IBM AT and PS/2 keyboard port.)

This suggests the possibility that you could pull the clock line low all the time except when polling for a keystroke, trusting the keyboard to buffer any keypresses, but I’d be surprised if that worked reliably. In any case, it would require waiting for the minimum timeout to see if the keyboard was going to send anything...

Experiment notes

I have an Arduino Duemilanove here. It can successfully run the Blink and ASCIITable examples, so it’s at least mostly working.

The keyboard is an IBM KB-9910, Latin American layout with Windows key, which seems on first glance to be in pretty good shape aside from being dusty. The main board is a single-sided board built around a large Chicony DIP, 40 pins I think, with lots of through-hole parts. The keyboard switch silicone domes are all molded from a single silicone sheet, which fortunately means they can’t get lost individually. The main board is connected to the thoroughly-strain-relieved cable with a four-pin Dupont connector, with four lines on the board labeled G (violet), V (brown), D (red), and C (yellow); presumably these are ground, Vcc, data, and clock.

I reassembled the keyboard, cut off the PS/2 connector, stripped the cable a bit, and soldered pins individually to the wires. Plugging the brown and violet wires into the 5V and GND pins on the Duemilanove doesn’t seem to harm the Duemilanove, which has its pin-13 LED blinking happily.

The next step, I think, is to measure sequences of data transitions and send them over the Arduino’s serial port. There’s an Arduino sketch under a 2-clause BSD license by Andrew Gillham that implements the SUMP logic analyzer protocol and something called Openbench Logic Sniffer at 4 MHz, with triggering support and stuff. This might allow sigrok to use the Arduino to view these signals without needing to write more code. And, to my surprise, sigrok already has a PS/2 protocol decoder in it! So if I can just get some signal data into pulseview, I can see what data the keyboard is sending.

I burned the sketch to the Arduino and connected to it in Pulseview: “Choose the driver: Openbench Logic Sniffer & SUMP compatibles (ols); Choose the interface: /dev/ttyUSB2 (FT232R USB UART - A6008ePZ); Scan for devices using driver above [usually twice]; Select the device: AGLAv0 with 6 channels.” I’m trying to do captures at 200 kHz.

(Mark R. Rubin has also written a somewhat more powerful GPL firmware for the Blue Pill called “buck50” that can do 6 Msps, 5k samples, and 8 channels, and also a 1 MHz analog oscilloscope. (Too bad my Blue Pill is at home.) But it doesn’t seem to work directly with sigrok; he suggests using Gnuplot to plot CSV files, saying sigrok uses too much RAM.)

Okay, I haven’t figured out how to set up triggering, and the sample buffer is only 5 milliseconds long, but by doing a lot of key repeat and capturing over and over again, I think I got it to capture a keystroke. (This happens about one out of every 32-64 tries.) It does show a nice 10.0 kHz clock on the yellow wire and some kind of data on the red wire. The whole packet is 1.020 ms long, with 10 positive clock pulses (and 11 low states) in 1.050 ms. This means 11 falling clock transitions, which seems to be correct.

I get about 9 samples during each clock pulse. Sigrok’s PS/2 protocol decoder is silent about what any of this means.

Oh, now I’ve told it to trigger on the clock going low, by clicking on the little “0” tag in the left margin. I was thinking that it was triggering too late because the data packet is at the very end of the window, but actually I think this is a bug people have reported in the past in the Arduino sketch: the values are time-reversed. So the triggering packet is at the very end of the window instead of the beginning, and it’s backwards so the PS/2 protocol decoder can’t decode it. Also, after the first triggering, if I do a second capture it never runs again unless I reset the Arduino.

Setting the sample speed down to 50 kHz gives me a 20.5 millisecond window instead of a 5 millisecond window; 20 kHz is too slow and misses some clock cycles. With this I was finally able to see the two-byte sequence that indicates a key-release event; there are 3.92 ms from the start of one byte to the start of the other, so the whole sequence takes 4.94 ms.

A capture at “5 MHz” has 5 full clock cycles in 0.3765 ms, 75.3 us per bit, which is really more like 13000 bits persecond. The whole 1024-sample buffer is some 511 us long, and the samples are evidently two per microsecond, so I guess it’s sampling at 2 MHz.

I tweaked the sketch to send back the samples in reverse order from how they were being sent:

   * dump the samples back to the SUMP client.  nothing special
   * is done for any triggers, this is effectively the 0/100 buffer split.
  for (i = 0 ; i < readCount; i++) {
#ifdef USE_PORTD
    Serial.write(logicdata[readCount - i - 1] >> 2);
    Serial.write(logicdata[readCount - i - 1]);

This does not seem to have made any difference, but I think I maybe made the change in the wrong place. This was the right place:

    if (trigger) {
      while ((trigger_values ^ CHANPIN) & trigger);

    for (i = 0 ; i < readCount; i++) {
      logicdata[i] = CHANPIN;
  for (i = 0 ; i < readCount; i++) {
#ifdef USE_PORTD
    Serial.write(logicdata[readCount - i - 1] >> 2);
    Serial.write(logicdata[readCount - i - 1]);

Now time flows forward, but sigrok’s PS/2 decoder is still not able to decode the data.

However, I did manage to get something out of its SPI decoder. At first I was trying to decode the bits MSB-first, but that’s wrong; they’re LSB-first.

Aha, finally I got the PS/2 decoder to decode the F0 of a key-release event! It apparently doesn’t decode the last byte in a capture (I guess because it’s missing the falling clock transition that indicates the end of the bit) and all of my captures are too short so far.

Now I’ve verified that pressing the “A” key produces the correct 0x1C scan code; the SPI decoder set for clock polarity 1, clock phase 0, lsb-first bit order, 11 bits decodes the sequence 00011100001: start bit 0, data bits 0011 1000 (0x1C LSB-first), odd parity bit 0, stop bit 1. The SPI decoder renders this as “438” in hex, which is just shifted left by 1 bit (the start bit):

>>> hex(0x438 >> 1)

Left shift gives “624”, 00100100011, which should be scan code 0x12. This seems to be correct. And sometimes I instead get 0xF0 0x12, which is the correct key release code.

I feel like for such slow signals it ought to be possible to send a continuous stream of bytes over the Arduino’s serial port.

So, at least I understand the PS/2 signals, and the keyboard seems to work properly.
