Rator-port GUIs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-06-29 (updated 02021-12-30) (26 minutes)

How do we bring the goodness of RPN and command-line history into a multitouch world?

I’ve been thinking about this problem for a few years, and I think my thinking has evolved to the point where it’s probably reasonable to implement it. I think it will make it easy to implement a lot of really cool and versatile exploratory computation user interfaces.

Basic interaction paradigm

I’m imagining some data values scattered around a two-dimensional workspace, maybe zoomable, each one represented by some kind of graphical display, which I’ll call a “port”.

Maybe the data are numbers, or formulas, or programs, or images, or files, or data tables, or locations in memory in a program being debugged. One of them is the “focused port” (this has some similarities to the WIMP concepts of “current selection”, “current window”, “current tab”, and “focused widget”) and is highlighted to indicate this, and there are some operation buttons and knobs displayed for it, maybe outside of its actual display area, as well as some generic operations applicable to all objects. If you click or tap on another port, the focus shifts to that other port, and the previously focused port becomes the “background port”, which is also highlighted in a secondary way.

The ports do not contain other ports; there is no hierarchy of ports. Data values can certainly contain other data values.

I am agnostic as to whether these ports are rectangular, round, or some other shape (although I keep imagining them as being round, with round buttons scattered around them), or whether they are overlapped or tiled or flowed together like sentences in a paragraph, or whether they are all composited together on a single canvas, as in KSeg or Flash. But it does need to be possible to tap or click on individual ports.

The data values themselves are conceptually immutable; at any given time, each port is associated with a single data value, but at different times that value will be different. So ports are stateful but data is not.

Generic user interface operations applicable to all ports include resizing, moving, cloning, closing, and undo/redo. These might be accessible from a menu in a fixed location on the display and/or with fixed reserved keys. Each port has associated with it an undo/redo tree, which you can navigate to restore it to values that it has had at some time in the past. Cloning a port creates a new port with the same data value and a copy of the undo/redo tree, which is then focused, but from then on the two ports evolve independently. Closing a port adds it to a list of recently closed ports, from which it can be reopened in case of regret.

So ports have state, but it is entirely under user control: ports cannot change state irreversibly or destroy information, because you can always undo a state change, and you can copy a port, go back in time, and see what would have happened if you hadn’t taken the road less traveled by.

Unary rators

Some of the buttons for the focused port compute a function of the port’s current value and change the port’s value to the new value, adding a node to its undo/redo tree, and these normally include some kind of preview of this new state in their display. Examples include incrementing or negating a number, deleting a column from a data table or sorting it by a column, navigating to a child or parent node in a filesystem or JSON hierarchy, and perhaps appending a letter to a string (if we consider each of the letters on the keyboard to be a separate “button for the focused port”). If you invoke one of these and regret it, you can go back in the undo tree; sometimes you will then want to clone the port and redo the undone operation, so that you have both the old and the new value visible. Some other buttons similarly compute such a function but open a new port to display the result in; you might have both kinds of button for the same function. These are best thought of as conveniences for common cases, especially where you might want to invoke several such operations in a row starting from the same state; the user can always get the same effect by manually cloning the port before invoking the operation.

(Maybe it would be fun to call these buttons’ operators “rators” or “rations”.)

Sometimes a rator might return both a new data value for its own port and a data value to display in a new port — a random number generator, for example.

Rators with continuous parameters

Some other rators interactively adjust one or more continuous parameters of the current port, like a slider widget does. That is, they compute a new value that is a function of the port’s current value and some set of continuous quantities. This might be implemented by dragging from a button in one or two dimensions while watching the live preview of the result. Examples include changing a numerical value, changing the brightness or contrast of an image (or cropping it), changing the width of a column in a data table, or rotating a 3-D object. Once the user finishes adjusting the value, a new state is added to the port’s undo tree.

It might be better to use a second finger to drag to adjust the parameters while the button is being held, which both permits continuous parameters with more components and reduces the clash with the one-finger scroll idiom in touchscreen interfaces.

Convergent data flow with binary rators combining two ports

All the data flow described so far is divergent: you can make lots of “copies” of a value and “modify” each of them in different ways, but there’s no way to combine multiple values displayed in different ports into a single value. But some rators take a parameter that is another port. For example, the addition or division rator on a number or formula might take another number or formula as a parameter, the differentiation rator on a formula might take a variable as a parameter, the move-to rator on a file might take a directory as a parameter (or alternatively the move-into rator on a directory might take a file as a parameter), the concatenation rator on a program might take another program as a parameter, and on data tables the union and intersection rators take another table.

This requires some kind of data value typing to give the user feedback about which ports are plausible parameters. It might be best to display a preview of the rator’s result on each of the possible visible operand ports, graying out those that are not possible, so the user can tap the one they want. If they tap a grayed-out port, they should see an explanation of why it is not compatible; in this form, such compatibility checking doesn’t require static typing, only dynamic. Normally the whole operand-selection thing should be quasimodal, only active as long as the user is holding down the operation button.

(WIMP interfaces sometimes use drag-and-drop for this kind of two-operand operation, but I think that’s clumsy, and it’s profoundly incompatible with one-finger scroll on touchscreens.)

Lifecycle behaviors

There are at least five different plausible user interface “lifecycle behaviors” for invoking such a binary operation:

  1. The focused port transitions to display the result, and the operand port is closed. This adds a special node to the undo/redo tree of the focused port so that undoing will reopen it, and the user need not manually restore it from the list of recently closed ports.
  2. Similarly, but the operand port remains unchanged.
  3. The operand port transitions to display the result, but the focused port remains unchanged. This is sort of like the HP-9100A behavior.
  4. Similarly, but the focused port is closed, although it’s hard to imagine when that would be useful.
  5. The result is displayed in a new port, which becomes the new focused port when the button is released. Both of the original ports remain open and unchanged.

I think in most cases #1 should be the default, beause that’s what RPN does, but it seems likely that different options will be best for different cases.

The “background port” mentioned earlier now comes into play; if you press and release the operation button without explicitly tapping an operand, the background port is taken to be the operand if it is compatible. (You can always undo if that wasn’t what you wanted.) There’s a whole invisible focus history maintained so that, when the background port is closed, the most-recently-focused still-visible port becomes the new background port; this is just the RPN stack. This is also used to set the new focused port when the focused port closes.

Which of the 5 lifecycle behaviors mentioned above is the right default likely depends on what kind of repetition you’re most likely to want when you’re invoking the operation. It’s very useful to be able to invoke the same operation repeatedly on the same or different operands while still holding down the operation button, but there are lots of possible meanings of “invoke the same operation”. Suppose you have the number 1.21 focused and you are selecting its multiplication button. Here are the kinds of repetition you get if you select the operands 2.50, 4, and 2.10:

  1. All four numbers are collapsed into a single product, 1.21 × 2.50 × 4 × 2.10 = 25.41.
  2. Same, but the other three numbers remain visible.
  3. Each of the other three numbers is replaced by its product with 1.21, handy if you’re computing a 21% VAT.
  4. If the operation somehow remains active while the focused port goes away, all four numbers are collapsed into the same single product as in #1, but in a different order.
  5. Similar to #3, but both the original price and the price with VAT are visible.

In cases #2 and #3, it even makes sense to repeat the same operation with the “same” operands, since one of them now has the result of the previous repetition.

It probably makes sense to offer #5 as an user option with a gesture of dragging from the selected operand off into empty space, particularly in cases where #3 is the default. That is, if you just tap on an operand port, that port transitions, but if you drag from it, the new data value appears in a new port where you dragged it.

Part of the question here is how common various kinds of “linearity” are, linearity in the sense of Girard’s linear logic or linear type systems. If a particular kind of value, like a number, tends to be used only once, it is most convenient for operations on it to remove it from the canvas, leaving only the operation result, rather than requiring you to manually remove each intermediate value. On the other hand, perhaps joining two data tables through a one-to-many relationship normally leaves the table on the “many” side of the join intact, waiting for further joins to be applied to it.

(Henry Baker noted the connection between linearity in this sense and the life cycle of values on an RPN stack.)

The gulf-of-execution problem for binary rators

The operand feedback suggested above may not be particularly useful if no compatible ports are visible on your canvas, creating a large gulf of execution. Say you have a formula focused and you try to differentiate it, but the differentiation operation takes a variable as its operand, and there aren’t any variable ports visible. So you press the differentiate button, all your formulas go gray for a moment, and then you release it and nothing happens. How are you supposed to know how to open a port of the right type? This is the kind of problem VB-style forms UIs excel at.

In this particular case, maybe you could fix the problem by opening a menu of the formula’s free variables, although note that the UI idioms discussed so far offer no way to open such a menu.


Computations with more than two inputs can be handled by currying: providing each of the extra inputs in sequence. This potentially worsens the gulf-of-execution problem, because when you provide the first input you don’t have any way to see what the type of the second input will be, or that there even is a second input. This is sort of like a “wizard” or a “dark pattern”.

So, for example, to equijoin two data tables, you might tap an unary equijoin rator that one of the two tables displays on one of its column headers, which opens a new port for the next step in the join. The new port might display the same data table, maybe with the column in question highlighted and some information about the column’s data type and typical values; a binary rator on the join port allows you to select a table to join with, which transitions the join port to displaying data from the columns of the second table, each with an unary rator to select each of them as the join column, and maybe some outer join options. Tapping one of those unary rators transitions the join port to displaying the join result. At any point, even long after completing the join, you can “undo” to go back to a previous step and change the options.

This kind of program-controlled sequencing is anathema to event-driven GUI thinking, according to which the user should be in control of what order they provide the information to complete an operation.

Programming by example with rator names

Suppose that each rator has a consistent name, though perhaps not one that is displayed prominently in the UI. Then we can imagine writing a transcript of a part of a session, automatically assigning a hidden variable name to each port involved:

v0 := Number new.   “Create a number for the VAT.”
v0 set: 1.21.       “Adjust its value with a slider.”
clone(v0, v1).      “Clone the port so we can use it twice.”
v2 := v2 * v0.      “Multiply the first price by VAT.”
v3 := v3 * v1.      “Multiply the second price by VAT.”
v2 := v2 + v3.      “Add them together.”

This slighly silly transcript contains three free variables --- Number, v2, and v3 — which are in some sense inputs; and it ends with one unconsumed result in v2. So, when you are interacting with concrete values in this way, you are also “programming by example” or “programming by demonstration”, building up a script that could be later applied to different input data, in a way similar to John W. Cowan’s system “Mung”.

(Maybe Number is really a constant rather than an input.)

You could imagine converting such a single-output transcript into a new rator (keyboard macro recording), or automatically snipping it into separate rators at the boundaries where new inputs appear. The standard facilities for output preview and operand compatibility scanning can apply automatically to these new rators just as they apply to built-in rators.

This may run into some difficulty with the idea that the applicable rators might be derived from the data; for example, a data table view might have a unary rator to sort by the Rating column and another to sort by the Price column, but the same data-table-viewing code will have a different, arbitrarily large number of applicable rators when it’s looking at a table with a different number of columns. I think we can solve this by allowing the “rator selector” to include arbitrary immutable data rather than just being a symbol in the way my Smalltalk-syntax example above suggests.

How do you know in what ports a new binary rator thus defined is applicable? At first, I thought this might require static typing, but as long as we can run code peremptorily without harm, I don’t think it does. The above script requires inputs v2 and v3. Suppose we should offer it on a port’s menu whenever the current state is suitable for use as v2, which is to say, it has a * rator that can accept our v1, which is the Number 1.21; we can determine this by trying to run it, and checking to see where it crapped out. If it croaked trying to read the not-yet-defined v3, then we’re probably good, but it shouldn’t be a menu option if it didn’t even get to trying to read v3 and instead died on a previous line because v2 doesn’t have a * (or someone hacked Number and its instances no longer support set:).

If you want conditionals in pure programming-by-example form, you can get them with assertions and fallbacks, but I’m not sure how to do loops. So it might be best to reify the macros in the interface so you can apply operations like “if” and “while” to them.

Dependencies and external state via paint functions

Each data value provides not only the transition functions invoked by rators, but also functions that the user interface shell uses to paint its port and rators. So far most of my examples have concerned only painting data pulled from the data values themselves, like the column widths of a table view, or column names and data cells from the underlying immutable table it refers to. But we could imagine that the paint functions can also read mutable state that lives outside the rator-port system, like the list of running processes on the system, or the contents of the filesystem, or the history of IRC messages on a channel. So the rator-port system can give you undo and cloning and stuff for everything inside it, but you might only be using it as a cyberdeck through which you interact with the stubborn and refractory traditional world. (Even the set of available rators on a port might depend on the state of the external world; consider navigating to a filesystem subdirectory.)

If we allow paint functions, or some of them, to read the mutable state of the outside world, then we might as well allow them to read the mutable state of the ports as well, and thus data values to contain pointers to ports. In this case, we could imagine, for example, having some data values representing formulas in which the variables are pointers to ports, and having the increasingly-poorly-named paint function evaluate those formulas recursively. Then, if we change the formula in one of the ports, all the ports whose formula refers to it will also update their display on the next repaint. (Which we ought to be able to arrange to happen quickly.)

Note also that the rator functions are themselves just pure functions, so it ought to be feasible to incorporate them, or even a PBE script invoking a sequence of them as described above, into a paint function in that way. (Of course that’s essentially how the system’s results previews work.)

At this point it becomes necessary to cache the evaluation of parts of a paint function that depend on mutable state (“nested transactions”), so that you don’t re-evaluate the same formulas exponential numbers of times for each repaint. And this brings us to the question of background computations, progress, cancelation, and futures.

Background processes

Everything above has supposed that all the computation is fast enough that it’s always effectively instant, but of course that is a bad assumption for a user interface, especially in latency-sensitive environments like touch and especially VR/AR. In practice we can’t miss video frame deadlines simply because a formula is slow to recalculate! But everything described so far is purely side-effect-free, except for consuming input events, port transitions, and updates to the cache; so it’s always safe to discard and/or restart a computation in progress, as long as we don’t consume whatever input events inspired it. So probably we can keep painting responsive by just having the display of some ports update after several frames, and maybe giving them a “fast paint” function whose results can be used when the slow paint function is slow.

However, we also might want to run background computations that take a while, like solving a large system of equations, maybe even in separate OS processes or on separate machines. I think the simplest way to handle that is to treat the output history of such a background computation as “mutable external state”, so a port can display that history in whatever way it chooses: scrolling text, progress bars, progressive image enhancement, whatever. And if the background processing happens internal to the rator-port system, well, aborting the computation is just another event to add to the log. It’s guaranteed not to corrupt anything else.

Not Actors

These ports are very similar to Hewitt’s Actors, but there are some significant differences. Like Actors, ports have a current state, which can include references to other Actors, and a state transition function that specifies how their state should change in response to external events.

But ports cannot send messages, either to other ports within the system or globally, and they cannot create new ports. And they have a fixed set of methods, rather than a single “invoke” operation or an arbitarily large set of methods: one to paint, and one to return a list of currently valid rator selectors and their corresponding closures. (Or maybe there’s a third method to invoke a given rator selector.)

Moreover, ports don’t manage their own state; their rators return a new data value and some kind of indication of where to stick it, but that new data value might end up being the new state of a different port, and at any rate you can time-travel the ports independently to any previous or later state. They can’t count on other ports being in a state that is in some way mutually consistent.

(This suggests that maybe another reason that the default lifecycle behavior should be #1 or #2 is that it’s maybe kind of bad to set that data value as the new state of a different port, since it will wreck whatever display preferences the user had set up. But how else will we arrange to set the same background color on three different drawing objects conveniently?)

Modality-agnosticism and graceful degradation

This doesn’t have to be limited to multitouch; the abstraction level of invoking rators with operands on a bunch of ports to get them to transition to new states means that most of your code would be fine on a terminal.

If you’re writing a paint function for something that’s basically some text, what you really want is to call a library function with either the literal text or a lazy stream of the text, and have it produce the painted window and maybe some scrollbar interaction stuff, and then just return it. Then you could run that same paint function in a terminal interface by passing in a different library of paint-function building blocks.

It’s important to structure the user interface libraries such that most of your code doesn’t care about pixels and touches.

Taming external processes with snapshots

If we can take snapshots of external process state and record and rewind and replay it, then we can apply the whole undo/redo/clone thing to computations carried out by external processes as well, as long as we confine their I/O well enough; we can treat their behavior from one input to the next as a “pure function”. Batch-mode external processes don’t even need snapshots; we only need to “snapshot” the filesystem before they start and after they stop, potentially using something like Docker.
