Hashing text with recursive shingling to find duplication efficiently

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-30 (updated 02021-12-30) (6 minutes)

Suppose you divide a text into consecutive four-byte windows. If the text is not a multiple of four bytes long, one of the windows will not be full; traditionally we pad at the end, but we can also pad at the beginning. There are four ways to do such sequence alignment. If we hash the text in each of these windows into some alphabet, perhaps one large enough that hash collisions are improbable, each of these window alignments converts the text into a text from a larger alphabet with one fourth the length.

At this point we have converted the original N-byte text into four N/4-letter texts; call them “first-level summaries”. Suppose that we choose only three of these, for a total of 3N/4 letters. Repeating the process on each of the 3 first-level summaries gives us 9 second-level summaries, each 1/16 the size of the original text (though in a larger alphabet) by repeating this until we are reduced to a single letter, we end up with (almost) 3N hashes for different parts of the text, each computed over four letters, so this process takes linear time.

Suppose the text consists of two copies of some motif concatenated. Then the hashes in the first level will be mostly the same. If the original motif is a multiple of 4 bytes, all the hashes in the first-level summaries will be the same, except those overlapping the boundary; but if not, then the second copy of the motif will be byte-misaligned. Suppose that the misalignment is 1; then, the hashes in first-level summary #1 of the first copy of the motif will be found a second time in first-level summary #2 of the second copy, those of first-level summary #2 of the first copy will be found in first-level summary #3 of the second copy, while the hashes in first-level summary #1 of the second copy and first-level summary #3 of the first copy will not be found again. The other possible misalignments, 2 and 3, have similar properties: two thirds of the hashes in the first-level summaries will occur twice.

In higher-level summaries we have the same sort of property, that a repeated motif results in two or three repeated sequences of hashes in the summaries of all levels small enough for the plaintext of the motif to be entirely contained inside a single hash at the next level up.

By starting at the topmost level summary and working down, we can efficiently detect duplicate text of any length anywhere in a corpus — in linear time, if we treat hash-table probing as constant time, or linearithmic time in a more realistic scenario. This provides an efficient solution to the basic version of the sequence alignment problem, the rsync problem (without using sliding hashes), and, I think, the diff-with-rearrangement problem.

A given 4-byte substring is not guaranteed to be covered by a hash in the first-level summary, but of the two 4-byte substrings of a given 5-byte substring, one or both will be. Similarly, in a 17-byte substring, one or both of its two 16-byte substrings will be covered by a 4-letter substring in the first-level summaries, which may or may not have a hash in the second-level summary, but a 5-letter substring in the first-level summaries is guaranteed to have one, and every 21-letter substring of the original string is thus guaranteed to contain at least one second-level hash. So the maximal size of an unrepresented substring in a given summary level proceeds by this logic of f(i) = 4f(i-1) + 1: 5, 21, 85, 341, 1365, 5461, 21845, 87381, 349525, 1398101, etc.

(There might be some way to stagger the skipping across summaries to get this series to increase a little slower.)

I think that, by this scheme, you would add 15 levels of summary to a gibibyte of text, as follows:

(Actually, I think I’m slightly overestimating the higher levels because I’m omitting the hashes that would be hashing entirely missing data off the end of the file.)

This is 26,809,069,296 bytes, about 25 gibibytes in all, the original gibibyte plus almost 24 gibibytes of summaries. If you are only interested in finding large coincidences, more than 5, 21, 85, 341, or 1365 bytes, you can discard the first few levels of summaries, saving you most of those gibibytes.

The hash function you use needs to be reasonably good to avoid false positives. If you’re willing to accept a small false positive rate, you can use a smaller hash, such as 4 bytes. Collisions only matter within a summary level, so it might be reasonable to use smaller hashes at higher levels.
