Residual stream windowing

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-08-21 (updated 02021-09-11) (5 minutes)

Suppose you want to transmit video data for a windowing system, but you want something that’s simpler and less CPU-hungry than H.264 encoding. Could you simply transmit a stream of lossily-encoded residuals?

PNG doesn’t really compress image data, necessarily; what it compresses, like a lot of lossy audio and video codecs, are the prediction residuals from some pixel predictor (called “filters” and defined in §6.1 of the PNG spec), an approach Paeth calls “prediction-correction coding,” a term which has not caught on. These predictors are specified on a per-scanline basis:

The Paeth predictor is almost never much worse than any of the previous four alternatives, but often it’s slightly worse, and you can of course construct examples where it’s arbitrarily worse; you could get a simpler graphics file format by using the Paeth predictor alone, as Paeth does in his chapter, and it would compress only a little worse than PNG. In fact, for small enough images, it might compress better, because PNG specifies the predictor to use at the beginning of each scan line, which adds extra data to compress.

Now, in PNG, these residuals are compressed losslessly, so the previous decompressed pixels input to the decompressor’s predictor are exactly equal to the original image input pixels. So the benefit for PNG is primarily that things like continuous gradients become repeating patterns.

A potentially much more exciting application is the residual-coding approach used for lossy video encoding, where instead of compressing the exact residual sequence, we compress a crude, low-bandwidth approximation of the residual sequence. This means that the decompressor’s predictor is working from pixels corrupted by the approximation noise, so to get the system to work optimally, we need to include the lossy-encoding step inside the feedback loop of the compressor’s predictor, so that the “context pixels” it’s predicting from are the same corrupted pixels the decompressor will see, rather than the original image pixels. This ensures that the errors will not accumulate nonlinearly.

In the context of encoding a video stream, particularly of a windowing system, it would be useful to use the previous frame, or a previous frame, as context as well. If a screen region is unchanged from the previous frame, the predictor will predict its contents perfectly, so if there was no error in the previous frame, all the residuals will be zeroes, which will compress very well. If it’s unchanged from the previous frame, but the previous frame was corrupted by lossy compression, then the residuals that are transmitted will reduce the error.

You could conceivably have 9 neighboring pixels in the previous frame and 4 neighboring pixels in the current frame to use as a “neighborhood” for your prediction. (Normal video codecs also use motion compensation, but continuous motion is less common in GUIs (though modern GUIs use it a bit more).) You could use those 13 values to compute a least-squares approximation of the four-dimensional gradient and average, or just 7 of them (like Paeth’s 3), or you could use any four of them (the symmetrical choice would be the corresponding pixels in the previous row, column, and frame, and the diagonal pixel in the previous frame, but that doesn't give you any information about whether pixels are changing frame to frame). Moreover, you could very reasonably use a measure of the neighborhood diversity to choose whether to do Paeth’s trick of choosing one of them or to use the gradient extrapolation in the continuous domain.

Once you have your prediction, you need to code your residual lossily. I think doing this in YUV space is probably perceptually desirable, because it allows you to trade off more Y bits against less UV bits. In many frames, you could use literally zero UV bits for many of the pixels, as long as you eventually send some UV bits for them so that they will converge to the correct color.
