Some preliminary notes on the amazing RISC-V architecture

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-01-24 (updated 02021-07-27) (29 minutes)

I’m looking at the RISC-V instruction set. It seems kind of boring, on purpose, in a good way, kind of like C and Golang. There’s intentionally very little that’s clever.

Overall it looks very pleasant, much simpler to learn than amd64, and maybe not even more verbose. You have 32 int registers (though x0 is a hardwired zero) and 32 float registers and a load-store architecture. There’s a nascent assembly programmer’s manual. You can run it at 400+ MHz in 809 LUTs on a Xilinx 7-series FPGA or even run it on a Lattice iCE40-HX8K (multiple different designs even)or in even fewer LUTs with a slower design, or even with Linux support, and there’s a 1.4 GHz full-custom quad-core dev board, a software emulator on amd64 with only a 3× slowdown, and a 108MHz GigaDevice GD32VF103 microcontroller with a US$6 Seeed Studios devboard.

The 145 pages of the user-level instruction set manual plus the 91 pages of the privileged ISA manual, Volume II compare quite favorably to the 262 pages of the MOSTek MCS6500 family programming manual or the 332 pages of the Z80 User Manual.

There are some surprises, though. There’s hardware threading (“harts”, suggesting that perhaps a memory space should be called a “forest”), with a concurrency mechanism called “LR/SC” that’s new to me, and no condition flags. (The opcode listing is not, as I first thought, omitted from the instruction set manual, but consigned to the six-page Chapter 19, plus seven privileged instructions in chapter 5 of Volume II.) The lui load-upper-immediate instruction has a 20-bit immediate, so the other immediate-load instructions have only 12-bit immediates. Some of the bit fields in the instruction encoding are scrambled. And it uses NaN-boxing to support multiple floating-point formats on the same chip.


RISC-V defines a standard ABI as well as the instruction set, because of their experience that more than just an ISA was needed to get the benefits of a large software ecosystem. The calling convention is that the return address is passed in x1, the stack pointer is x2, x3 and x4 are gp “global pointer” and tp “thread pointer” respectively, x5 to x7 are caller-saved temporary registers t0 to t2, x8 is the (callee-saved) frame pointer fp aka s0, x9 is callee-saved s1, x10 to x17 are argument/return registers a0 to a7, x18 to x27 are callee-saved registers s2 to s11, and x28 to x31 are caller-saved t3 to t6.

The weird split putting s2–11 after a0–7 is apparently to map the arguments into the 8 registers most broadly accessible from RVC compressed instructions (p. 70).

There are alternative conventions for processors with and without floating-point registers.

It’s mostly what you’d expect: C on RV64 is LP64, eight arguments in registers a0 to a7, everything else pushed on the stack, with the earliest non-register argument pushed last to facilitate C varargs. There are a few surprises: C char is unsigned. 32-bit unsigned ints are sign-extended to 64 bits on RV64. Alignment padding for stack arguments affects assignment of arguments to registers. Return values of more than two registers are returned in memory, with a pointer to the memory passed as an extra argument prepended to the list. The stack pointer must always be 16-byte aligned even on RV32 and RV64.

Flags and condition codes

I’m surprised that it has no condition-code flags. The authors explain that this was one of their reasons for not using the OpenRISC 1000 instruction set (p. 15, 24 of 145 of the instruction set spec):

OpenRISC has condition codes and branch delay slots, which complicate higher performance implementations.

Instead there are beq, bne, blt, bltu, bge, and bgeu instructions, which compare two registers and conditionally jump by an immediate ±4KiB offset (p. 17), as done in PA-RISC and the ESP32’s Xtensa (p. 18, where the alternatives are discussed).

This seems like it might complicate multi-precision arithmetic; the authors explain a workaround (p. 13, 25 of 145):

We did not include special instruction set support for overflow checks on integer arithmetic operations in the base instruction set, as many overflow checks can be cheaply implemented using RISC-V branches. Overflow checking for unsigned addition requires only a single additional branch instruction after the addition: add t0, t1, t2; bltu t0, t1, overflow.

For signed addition, if one operand’s sign is known, overflow checking requires only a single branch after the addition: addi t0, t1, +imm; blt t0, t1, overflow. This covers the common case of addition with an immediate operand.

For general signed addition, three additional instructions after the addition are required, leveraging the observation that the sum should be less than one of the operands if and only if the other operand is negative.

       add t0, t1, t2
       slti t3, t2, 0
       slt t4, t0, t1
       bne t3, t4, overflow

This would seem to imply that, on a straightforward in-order machine, addition and subtraction of multi-precision two’s-complement numbers is almost an order of magnitude slower than on a conventional machine with condition codes. The MuP21’s approach of having an extra carry bit in its internal CPU registers (21 bits in the MuP21 case, 33 or 65 bits in the RV32I or RV64I case) seems perhaps more reasonable; it would eliminate the concern about complicating higher-performance implementations.

Instruction word format

There are only a small number of instruction layouts (named with letters: Register/register, Immediate/register, Store, Upper immediate, Branch, and Jump), which is refreshing, and the choice to reserve two bits in the fixed-width 32-bit format to indicate instruction length brilliantly avoids the complications of ARM Thumb “interworking” between Thumb code and non-Thumb code. I haven’t yet tried to compare the code density of the variable-length RV64IC or RV32IC instruction formats, but I’m optimistic that they will provide Thumb-2-like code density, which would be a unique advantage in the 64-bit world, now that Aarch64 has abandoned Thumb.

The S-type, B-type, and J-type instructions include immediate fields in a slightly weird permutation. In response to the observation that sign-extension was often a critical-path logic-design problem in modern CPUs, they always put the immediate sign bit in the MSB of the instruction word, so you can do sign-extension before instruction decoding is done, but this leads to the J-type format imm[20] || imm[10:1] || imm11 || imm[19:12] || rd || opcode, with a ±1MiB PC-relative range, and an only slightly-less-surprising B-type format, with a ±4KiB range.

They justify this by saying (p. 13):

By rotating bits in the instruction encoding of B and J immediates instead of using dynamic hardware muxes to multiply the immediate by 2, we reduce instruction signal fanout and immediate mux costs by around a factor of 2. The scrambled immediate encoding will add negligible time to static or ahead-of-time compilation. For dynamic generation of instructions, there is some small additional overhead, but the most common short forward branches have straightforward immediate encodings.

U-type instructions, of which there are only two (lui and auipc), have a 20-bit immediate field, but I-type and S-type instructions (used for things like addi and slti and, notably, memory loads and stores) have only a 12-bit immediate field.

ALU instructions

Surprisingly, there are no bit rotates (they suggest on p. 85 that these might be added in the “B” extension) and no abjunction, and multiplication and division are optional extensions.

It supports floating-point, and it spends 22 pages on this, which I am going to comprehensively ignore.

Prologues and epilogues

The hardware calling convention stores the return address in a link register instead of on the stack, and the standard ABI defines quite a lot of callee-saved registers, and there’s no ARM-like store-multiple instruction (p. 72 explains how they considered and rejected this), so a typical prologue is relatively long, for example:

addi sp, sp, -12
sw ra, 0(sp)
sw a0, 4(sp)
sw s0, 8(sp)

And the epilogue is similar.

There’s an intriguing suggestion on p. 16 about factoring this out with “millicode”:

The alternate link register supports calling millicode routines (e.g., those to save and restore registers in compressed code) while preserving the regular return address register. The register x5 was chosen as the alternate link register as it maps to a temporary in the standard calling convention, and has an encoding that is only one bit different than the regular link register.

This suggests you could replace the above with something like jal prologue_a0_s0, x5 or li t2, 1; li t3, 1; jal prologue_variadic, x5, which would indeed reduce code size. You could implement ARM-like bitmap-driven “load multiple” and “store multiple” instructions that way.

The S-type encoding used for stores has the same number of bits of each type as the I-type encoding used for instructions such as addi and loads, but they are in different places, so that if there’s a destination register, it’s always indicated in bits 11 to 7, and if there are source registers, they are always indicated in bits 24 to 20 and 19 to 15. I guess the idea is to avoid a possible additional level of muxing.

The “RVC” or “C” extension described later also has a couple of instruction formats specifically designed to cut the size of these prologues and epilogues in half.

OS stuff

There’s a page on the OSDev Wiki with an introduction.

There’s a scall instruction (now ecall) for trapping into the kernel, and three privilege modes: User mode, Supervisor mode, and Machine mode. There are correspondingly three versions of iret: uret from any mode if you have the “N-extension” (not yet finished, p. 101) to enable user-mode trap handlers, sret from S-mode (or M-mode), and mret only from M-mode.

There are 4096 “CSR”s, control/status registers, 1024 per mode (including 1024 reserved for hypervisors, I guess? There used to be an “H” mode that has now been removed), and accessing one you aren’t allowed to will trap. These include things like floating-point rounding mode and exception state, the trap vector (I guess for setting up interrupt handlers and other trap handlers?), and cycle counters. The minimal set of CSRs is like 12 or 16 bits.

The virtual memory setup seems super simple.

The smallest protection unit is 4-KiB pages, though there’s some kind of large page support; there’s an addr_space_id field in the “SATP” CSR (“supervisor address translation and protection”) that specifies which address space you’re in so you can context-switch without flushing your TLB I guess. RV32 has 2 levels of page tables and 32-bit physical addresses, so I guess that’s 1024-way branching at each level (Vol. II, p. 68, §4.3.1); RV64 has 3 or 4 levels of 512-way branching and respectively 39 or 48 virtual address bits (“Sv39” and “Sv48”), and then there’s something called “RSVD” which may or may not be another name for RV128.

An Sv32 (Vol. II, p. 67, §4.3) page table entry is 32 bits; bits 31:20 (12 bits) are “PPN1” (“physical page number”), bits 19:10 (10 bits) are “PPN0”, there are two bits reserved, and then 8 bits DAGUXWRV. XWR are permissions; if all are 0, the PTE is a non-leaf PTE. G is 1 if the PTE is global to all address spaces, and U is 1 if the PTE is accessible in U-mode. D and A are Dirty and Accessed bits, and “V” is a “valid” bit. The bottom N bits of the “SATP” CSR are the “page table root physical page number” for the current task (whose addr_space_id is more of those bits). This is documented in Vol. II, p. 63, §4.1.12.

Interestingly, U-mode pages are normally not readable or executable in supervisor mode, although there’s an override bit to make them readable.

There’s also a “physical memory attributes” thing (Vol. II, p. 43, §3.5) that sounds like MTRRs, and a “physical memory protection” thing that lets you irreversibly lock some memory regions at boot.

Trap handlers, including interrupts, page faults, and other exceptions, are set up with the “xtvec” CSR (for x in U, S, or M, I guess; vol. II, p. 27, §3.1.7; stvec in particular is documented in vol. II, p. 57, §4.1.4) pointing to the trap handler address, or optionally to a table of instructions (if the bottom 2 bits of xtvec are set to 01). There is an “xcause” CSR that tells you which interrupt it was, even without the table. And four more related “x*” CSRs. There are currently nine interrupts defined and 12 exceptions: misaligned instruction (0), instruction access fault (1), illegal instruction, (2), breakpoint (ebreak, previously sbreak) (3), load address misaligned (4), load access fault (5), store address misaligned (6), store access fault (7), environment call (8), instruction page fault (12), load page fault (13), and store page fault (15). The misaligned-address faults are present because, although misaligned fetches are architecturally allowed, you’re also allowed to implement them with a trap handler instead of in hardware ☺. (And the same is true of page table traversal.) All the “store” faults may also be “AMO” faults, which I think is “atomic memory operation”.

All this is, I think, specified in the RISC-V privileged-instructions spec, which is Volume II.

There’s an S-mode sfence.vma instruction for, I guess, flushing TLBs — for the current “hart”.

Counters, timing, and nondeterminism

There’s a 64-bit timer counter (the time CSR, I think, 0xC01, p. 108) that can provide an interrupt at a predetermined wall-clock time; each hart has its own comparator, configured in M-mode. Reading the timer CSR is privileged and traps to M-mode (at least in U-mode), which means you can remove it as a source of nondeterminism from user processes. I’m not sure if the same is true of the performance counters like instret, the instructions-retired counter (0xC02), and cycle (0xC00); they say (p. 36):

We mandate these basic counters be provided in all implementations as they are essential for basic performance analysis, adaptive and dynamic optimization, and to allow an application to work with real-time streams. Additional counters should be provided to help diagnose performance problems and these should be made accessible from user-level application code with low overhead.

However, on p. iv of “Volume II: RISC-V Privileged Architectures”, they explain that one of the changes from version 1.9.1 to version 1.10 was so that “S-mode can control availability of counters to U-mode”.

(I don’t know how you can both have a 64-bit timer CSR and have only 12 or 16 bits of total CSRs... maybe the dude meant RV32E.)

Hmm, the timer in question actually seems to be the memory-mapped mtime register (vol. II, p. 32), coupled with mtimecmp which posts a timer interrupt when mtime exceeds it.

Aha, here’s the poop on the counter enabling (vol. II, p. 34):

The counter-enable registers mcounteren and scounteren are 32-bit registers that control the availability of the hardware performance-monitoring counters to the next-lowest privileged mode. ...

When the CY, TM, IR, or HPMn bit in the mcounteren register is clear, attempts to read the cycle, time, instret, or hpmcountern register while executing in S-mode or U-mode will cause an illegal instruction exception. When one of these bits is set, access to the corresponding register is permitted in the next implemented privilege mode (S-mode if implemented, otherwise U-mode).

[analogously for scounteren]

Registers mcounteren and scounteren are WARL registers that must be implemented if U-mode and S-mode are implemented. ...

The cycle, instret, and hpmcountern CSRs are read-only shadows of mcycle, minstret, and mhpmcountern, respectively. The time CSR is a read-only shadow of the memory-mapped mtime register.

So yes, the OS (or M-mode code) can hide timers from user code to deny it nondeterministic behavior.


Julian Stecklina says QEMU boots RISC-V with OpenSBI firmware and can load an ELF kernel with qemu-system-riscv64 -M virt -bios default -device loader,file=kernel.elf.

Hardware threading

I don’t know what’s going on here but there is a fence instruction for synchronization betweent threads, a fence.i instruction for JIT, but apparently no instructions to spawn or terminate “harts”. There’s some kind of “IPI” interprocess interrupt mechanism for nonconsensual IPC: you set the USIP bit (or maybe SSIP or MSIP) in another hart with memory-mapped I/O in M-mode, although this is tricky when an OS might be concurrently descheduling a hart.

I never did find anywhere that it says how to start or stop a hart. There’s a CSR mhartid that tells you what the current hart ID is, so maybe all the harts are running all the time?

RV32E embedded

For embedded systems, like maybe soldering irons, 1024 bits of integer architectural registers might be a lot (??) so they defined a smaller profile with only 16 registers and no counters. I guess that means you don’t get a6 and a7, nor s2–11 and t3–6.

The whole chapter about this is only a page and a half long.


The 64-bit extension is similar to amd64 in that the normal instructions now work on 64-bit registers, and there are new instructions like addiw or sltiw which work on only the low 32 bits, and a lwu instruction that loads a 32-bit value and zero-extends it. addiw rd, rs, 0, to sign-extend a 32-bit value to 64 bits, has an alias sext.w.

I suspect that loading a 64-bit non-PC-relative constant will require using an ARM-style “constant pool” rather than the lui/addi pair needed for 32-bit constants.

This is reasonably compatible, but not totally; it might not be feasible to generate machine code that can do the same thing on either RV64I or RV32I, aside from having some sort of conditional jump. But with the exception of slli and sari and the like, most of the instructions can just ignore the upper 32 bits if you don’t care about them.

Multiplication and division

The standard mul operation is only 32×32 → 32, but then there are mulh, mulhu, and mulhsu operations for various ways of computing the high 32 bits of the result. RV64 has a mulw as well. Analogously div has rem, divu, remu, divw, divuw, remw, and remuw, but it does not take a double-precision dividend.

Division by zero or divide overflow does not raise an exception.


The atomic instruction set doesn’t provide compare-and-swap, or even LL/SC, but rather something called “load-reserved/store-conditional” and an “atomic fetch-and-op” facility. This part seems to be in flux, related to something called “RCsc” or “release consistency”.

LR “registers a reservation” on a memory address and reads a word from it; SC writes a word to a memory address, “provided a valid reservation still exists on that address” (p. 40, 52 of 145). I guess if someone else writes to the address, that demolishes your reservation, so your later SC will fail; this is an alternative to CAS that avoids A–B–A bugs, though they say it’s more vulnerable to livelock in other designs that aren’t RISC-V.

It’s not clear whether read accesses from another hart to the reservation will cause it to fail.

They give the following implementation of CAS in terms of LR/SC (p. 42):

    # a0 holds address of memory location
    # a1 holds expected value
    # a2 holds desired value
    # a0 holds return value, 0 if successful, !0 otherwise
    lr.w t0, (a0)        # Load original value.
    bne t0, a1, fail     # Doesn’t match, so fail.
    sc.w a0, a2, (a0)    # Try to update.
    jr ra                # Return.
    li a0, 1             # Set return to failure.
    jr ra                # Return.

(jr rs here is “jump register” (p. 110): jalr x0, rs, 0.)

The atomic “fetch-and-ops” are atomic swap, add, and, or, xor, max, maxu, min, and minu (p. 43), which points out the curious fact that min and max are not provided as standard ALU operations.

They give a three-instruction example of a critical section using, bnez, and amoswap.w.rl.

“RVC” compressed instructions

Chapter 12, p. 67 (79 of 145), explains a Thumb-2-like scheme, providing a 16-bit version of the instruction when:

It turns out, though, that the last two are actually an “and” rather than an “or”, and the conditions are actually considerably more restrictive than the above implies.

There’s an opcode map on pp. 81–83.

They point out that the Cray-1 also had 16-bit and 32-bit instruction lengths, following Stretch, the 360, the CDC 6600, and followed by not only ARM but also MIPS (“MIPS16” and “microMIPS”) and PowerPC “VLE”, and that RVC “fetches 25%-30% fewer instruction bits, which reduces instruction cache misses by 20%-25%, or roughly the same performance impact as doubling the instruction cache size.” I’m not sure how that’s possible.

There are eight compressed instruction formats.

Much to my surprise, the eight registers accessible by the three-bit register fields in the CIW (immediate wide), CL (load), CS (store), and CB (branch) formats are not the first eight registers, but the second eight registers, x8–15! These are callee-saved s0–1 and the first argument registers a0–5. The CR (register–register), CI (immediate), and CSS (stack store) formats have full-width five-bit register fields. (The CJ format doesn’t refer to any registers.)

Complementing the stack-store format are stack-load instructions (p. 71) using the CI format with a 6-bit immediate offset, which is prescaled by the data size (4, 8, or 16 bits). These index only upward from the stack pointer, institutionalizing the otherwise-only-conventional downward stack growth. The immediate-offset field in the stack-store format is also 6 bits and treated in the same way. And there’s a thing called c.addi16sp which adds a signed multiple of 16 to the stack pointer, that is, allocates or deallocates stack space.

So in a 16-bit instruction you can load or store any of the 32 integer registers to any of 64 stack slots (if you’ve allocated that many), and you can do a two-operand operation with either two registers or a register and an immediate. It’s the more general load, store, and branch formats (CL, CS, CB) that limit you to the 8 “popular” registers and only permit 5-bit unsigned offsets (thus 32 slots indexed by those “popular” registers).

These general CL and CS formats effectively require the register to either be used as a base pointer to a struct or contain a memory address computed in a previous instruction, although you could reasonably argue that the 12-bit immediate field in the uncompressed I-type and S-type instructions imposes a similar restriction — 2 KiB is not very much space for all of your array base addresses!

Additionally, on RV32C and RV64C, the CIW-format c.addi4spn loads a pointer to any of 256 4-byte stack slots (specified in an immediate argument) into one of the 8 popular registers, which you can then use with a CL or CS instruction to access it.

Unconditional jumps and calls (to ±2KiB from PC) and branches on zeroness (to ±256 bytes from PC) are also encodable in 16 bits, using the CJ format. These are also restricted to the 8 popular registers. There’s also c.jr and c.jalr indirect unconditional jumps and calls, which can use any of the 32 registers except, of course, x0.

There’s a couple of compressed load-immediate instructions with a 6-bit immediate operand, of which the second (c.lui) seems entirely mysterious.

16-bit-encoded ALU instructions (subtract, c.addw, c.subw, copy, and, or, xor, and shifts) are all limited to the 8 popular registers, except for addition, which can use all 32 registers.

ebreak (into the debugger) is mapped into RVC, which is pretty important, but ecall/scall isn’t.

There doesn’t seem to be a reasonable way to load immediate memory addresses in 16-bit code except through the deprecated c.jal .+2 approach, which leaves the current PC in ra, at which point you can add a signed 6-bit immediate to it with c.addi, thus generating an address of some constant (or maybe a variable, if your page is mapped XWR or you don’t have memory protection!) within 32 bytes of where you are, but then it’s still in x1 and not a popular register. There’s no compressed version of the auipc instruction, for example. This is maybe not such a big deal like it would be in Thumb, since you can freely intersperse 32-bit instructions like that into your 16-bit code.

So in pure 16-bit instructions you can freely walk around pointer graphs, index into arrays, jump around, jump up, jump up, and get down, add, subtract, and do bitwise operations, but you can’t invoke system calls or load addresses of global variables or constants.

So you could almost do a 16-bit-instruction RISC-V hardware core that emulates other instructions with traps but executes at full speed when running 16-bit instructions. You’d need to add a few additional 16-bit instructions for accessing CSRs, loading addresses, and handling traps.


On p. 91 they talk about packed SIMD (as in the TX-2 and MMX) which they have decided to support by reusing the floating-point registers for integer vectors (as in MMX) and not support for floating point in favor of Cray-like variable-length vector registers (p. 93). But evidently the packed SIMD proposal is not ready.

2019 update of instruction set

All of the above was from looking at the 2017 2.2 spec. The current version of the user-level ISA spec is 20191213 and is about another hundred pages, 238 pp. in total.

This answers a bunch of my questions above about hart initiation, why the RV64I *W instructions are the way they are, etc.
