Stack syntax

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-06-22 (updated 02021-07-27) (4 minutes)

You can serialize a data structure in a compact way that can be efficiently interpreted by building it up on a stack, with pointers into older parts of the stack, minimizing parsing and permitting the fixup of pointers on input so that the final structure can be safely traversed with no overhead. This is a potentially interesting middle ground between slow serialization formats like JSON and protobufs and zero-parsing formats like FlatBuffers.

Now, the most basic thing you could do would be to have a big block of literal binary data, then a “linkage table” that just lists all the pointers in it, so that you can iterate through and offset each of these pointers by adding a base pointer to it in place, and maybe verify that it doesn’t point outside the block afterwards. (Alternatively, you could do the offsetting when you follow the pointers rather than when you load them.) Import and export tables are a simple addition to such a scheme. This isn’t all that compact, it’s not self-describing, and it's likely to have backward-compatibility problems, but it sure is fast to load.

A somewhat less basic approach would use nested delimiters like JSON or PDF for dictionaries and heterogeneous tuples, but counted bytestrings for text or numerical arrays. By using both opening and closing delimiters for dictionaries and tuples, arbitrary nested structures can be built in place, without fragmentation. A linked list of delimiter contexts can be interspersed with the actual data on the stack to avoid any further allocation; and processing the closing delimiter of a dictionary can create, for example, an appropriately-sized hash table.

Referring to the same object more than once cannot be done with a pure stack discipline. The simplest way to handle this is probably with a symbol table: a way to define a unique name or ID number as pertaining to the next or previous object, and a way to insert a reference to another object. If this name-binding step is done at the end of deserialization, or lazily when following references, rather than during deserialization, it permits cyclic references as well as multiple references.

In cases where data is being received byte by byte over a network or serial port, it makes sense to allocate all the memory on the stack. But if the data is mapped in from a memory-mapped file, it makes more sense to build only an ‘index’ structure on the stack, with pointers pointing to raw binary data in the mapping.

This still requires parsing work for each text string, though, as well as each object. A faster approach is to have a single bolus of all the text and numerical data, followed by a list of offsets into it defining where each blob starts, and then the graph structure of arrays, dictionaries, and records represented with lists of object IDs. A final coup de grace is to include the typing information needed to decode the graph structure itself as a graph-structure item, thus making the entire structure self-describing without inflating it with redundant type tags, length fields, and field names. The decoder must traverse the type graph in sync with the object graph in order to know how to interpret the bytes of each item.

But traversing such a file requires not only parallel type-graph traversal, but also an extra indirection through the object ID table on every reference traversal. If the object IDs in the graph structure are allocated x
