An algebra of partial functions for interactively composing programs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-10 (updated 02021-12-30) (3 minutes)

Consider the statement:

y := x * x;

One way to think of this is as a partial function from states of the world to states of the world. The prior state (the one in the domain) needs to have some variable x defined in it, and the posterior state has that variable x and also a variable y. We could maybe write that function as {x: x0, ...} -> {x: x0, y: x0², ...}, with the understanding that the two ... tokens denote the same set of other variable assignments.

This is a partial function in the sense that it isn’t defined on states of the world that don’t have an x in them. We could additionally argue that maybe it requires an x for which multiplication to be defined in some way, and describe this as a type.

Similarly, we can consider the statement

z := y + 1;

to mean {y: y0, ...} -> {y: y0, z: y0 + 1, ...}. Instead of being undefined for environments that lack an x, this is undefined for environments that lack a y.

If we compose these two partial functions, the result corresponds to a sequence or progn of two statements:

y := x * x;
z := y + 1;

which denotes {x: x0, ...} -> {x: x0, y: x0², z: x0² + 1, ...}. The second statement’s requirement for y in the environment has vanished because the first statement satisfied it directly.

(I’ve been thinking about a program-calculating environment where you manipulate scraps of program like these, constructing them bottom-up and combining them with elementary operations like sequencing, alternation, and iteration (and their inverses), seeing not only the procedures but the resulting extensional functions visualized as you manipulate them. It would be useful to also have additional non-elementary operations like specialization, loop unrolling, subroutine extraction, and conditional hoisting.)

This sort of inheritance of non-overridden variables is precisely the semantics of indexing I have been thinking about for my “principled APL” project.

Some interesting avenues for further investigation:

  1. Conditionals (alternation) are straightforward to add to this way of thinking about statements, but what about while-loops? Do they drive us to Dijkstra’s weakest-precondition function? Or do they just denote the least fixpoint of a conditional function?

  2. What do conditionals and while-loops correspond to in APL-land?

  3. Is subroutine call just a slightly different form of composition in which most of the variable bindings from the called subroutine are discarded?

  4. We can think of expressions as being functions from these environments to non-environment values. The expression 45, for example, denotes {...} -> 45, while a more interesting expression like x * x denotes the more interesting function {x: x0, ...} -> x0².
