Trying and failing to design an efficient index for folksonomy data based on BDDs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-01-26 (updated 02021-01-27) (7 minutes)

Suppose you have some tags and want to index them. My URLs file is only about 4500 URLs, so for an interactive query sequential search would be fine, but what if it wasn’t, because you had a much larger database?

Each item has some set of tags. A tag query consists of some set of required tags and some set of forbidden tags, and the desired result is the set of items that have all the required tags and none of the forbidden tags; usually we want to be able to start iterating over the result set as soon as possible.

So far this sounds trivial. What makes it difficult is the Zipf distribution and non-independence of tags.

I have about 2200 tags in my 5000-item URLs file, 1100 of which are used only once; for example:

  1 #3D-XPoint
  1 #Alex-Jones
  1 #random-forest
  1 #dimensional-analysis
  1 #QR-codes
  1 #Data-General
  1 #CCC
  1 #digital
  1 #aurora
  1 #Steven-Universe

These are easy to handle: if they’re in the required set, a simple inverted index directs you from the tag directly to its single hit, and if they’re in the forbidden set, it’s adequately efficient to check each tag in candidate items against a hash table of forbidden tags.

But there are some tags that are used frequently:

345 #hardware
254 #paper
217 #politics
174 #history
154 #USA
144 #materials
136 #PDF
133 #pdf
120 #security
118 #toread
112 #video
103 #algorithms
100 #ebook
 91 #human-rights
 91 #energy
 83 #performance

So, for example, #hardware has about 7% selectivity, and #paper about 5%. Worse, these tags aren’t independent: only about 5% of all URLs are tagged #paper, but 72 of the 133 #pdf URLs are, over 50%, according to

grep '#pdf' urls | perl -lne 'print $1 while /\s(#[-\w]+)/g' |
    sort | uniq -c | sort -n

The set of all tags commonly grows almost linearly with corpus size, but my intuition is that the set of popular tags like #politics grows much more slowly. The first 2200 URLs contain 1366 distinct tags (4613 total), 0.62 per URL, while all 4578 URLs contain 2175 distinct tags (10269 total), 0.48 per URL.

Whether this is true depends on how you define “popular”. If we take an arbitrary cutoff point of 100, the full set had the 13 “popular” tags above, while the first 2200 had only one “popular” tag (#paper). If instead we say that a “popular” tag is one with 1% selectivity or worse, then in the smaller set there were 25 “popular” tags, and in the larger set there were 30. If we draw the line at 0.5%, it’s 86 and 79.

We can build a tree over just the “popular” tags that enables efficient enumeration of query results by a subdivision process. Each internal node has an associated tag, with one child for a subtree of items containing that tag, and another child for all other items. Several nodes may be associated with the same tag. Leaf nodes are associated with small sets of items.

The greedy approach

We build the tree as follows. First, if the set of items is too large for sequential search to be desirable, take the tag that produces the most even split between hits and misses, the one whose selectivity is closest to 50%, #hardware above, and split the items. Then repeat the process recursively on the resulting two subsets. So, for example, within #hardware we have the following popular tags:

345 #hardware
 26 #simulation
 22 #Arduino
 19 #PDF
 18 #reverse-engineering
 18 #history
 16 #display
 16 #cellphone
 16 #AVR
 15 #RISC-V

Here, #hardware no longer has useful selectivity (it’s 100%) but now we have #simulation with 7.5% selectivity, so (if for the sake of argument 345 is not small enough yet) we subdivide according to whether #simulation is present or absent.

In the non-#hardware group, the ordering is pretty much unchanged, except that the spuriously separate #PDF and #pdf tags have switched places, #video has moved down the list, and #Trump has moved up:

242 #paper
217 #politics
156 #history
154 #USA
141 #materials
124 #pdf
117 #PDF
111 #security
107 #toread
103 #algorithms
101 #video
 99 #ebook
 91 #human-rights
 89 #energy
 79 #Trump
 76 #performance

So we would subdivide with #paper; -hardware +paper is divided into -pdf and +pdf, while -hardware -paper is divided into -politics and +politics. -hardware -paper -politics is unsurprisingly divided into -history and +history, while +hardware +simulation is unsurprisingly divided into -SPICE and +SPICE. And so on.

The same tag can occur in more than one place; for example, both -hardware +paper +pdf and -hardware +paper -pdf +PDF are divided by the tag #toread.

To evaluate a query, we begin by querying the inverted index for all the required tags; if any of them have an adequately small result set for sequential search to be practical, we iterate over that result set. If not, then all of our required tags are “popular”, so we begin to traverse the tree top-down. When the tag associated with a tree node is in the query, either as a required or a forbidden tag, we only visit one of its children; otherwise, we visit both.

Ultimately each of the leaf nodes of this tree contains individually a reasonable number of items to search, although this doesn’t necessarily imply that the aggregate total of all the leafnodes to search will necessarily be reasonable.

Why the greedy approach fails

A difficulty with this approach is that in some cases we will end up reading through an entire subtree because a tag, though globally popular, is unpopular within that subtree. For example, the intersection of #hardware and the lamentable #Trump tag is empty, since Trump doesn’t know about hardware, so for the simple query +Trump, the algorithm will have to sequentially examine all 345 #hardware items. Even if there were one or two #Trump items in there in a much larger set, it would never be a popular tag within that context.

A non-greedy approach: BDD-like consistent choice order

An alternative is to use a consistent order of tags throughout the tree: divide the root by #hardware, its two children (if neither is small enough to be a leafnode) by #paper, their four children (except small ones) by #politics, and so on. This avoids the catastrophic worst case described above, but it probably means that the mechanism can't handle more than about 4–8 popular tags.
