Qfitzah: a minimal term-rewriting language

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-09-10 (updated 02021-12-31) (62 minutes)

Today Andrius Štikonas got the hex0_riscv64 bootstrap seed program down to 392 bytes; it translates from hexadecimal into binary, though much of the bulk of the program is opening and closing files. This led me to thinking about the question of Qfitzat haDerekh, shortening the path: can we teleport directly from a few hundred bytes of machine code to something much more amenable to writing compilers?

Term rewriting languages like Q, Pure, Mathematica, Maude, or Aardappel seem more amenable to writing compilers not only than imperative languages like C but also more so than traditional Lisps; it implicitly provides conditionals, pattern-matching for arguments, ad-hoc polymorphism with multiple dispatch, and parametric polymorphism. As Oortmerssen’s dissertation on Aardappel points out (p. 9), term rewriting can be top-down (normal-order, leftmost outermost) or bottom-up (applicative-order, eager, innermost), nondeterministic, as well as other variants; and it can select rule precedence according to source order, uniqueness, according to some kind of specificity, nondeterministically, or in some other way. I think the easiest thing to implement is probably bottom-up source-order rewriting; though top-down evaluation could give you laziness, you don’t need laziness or special forms to get conditionals with term rewriting, the way you do with the λ-calculus or the ur-Lisp.

An interesting thing about this is that, despite the vastly increased expressive power (especially for things like writing compilers), the code to implement a term-rewriting interpreter is roughly as simple as the code to implement an ur-Lisp interpreter, just much slower. However, I don’t think it’s actually any simpler than the ur-Lisp, and it’s surely a bit larger than hex0_riscv64. The surprising thing is that the difference may not be that much.

Still, the unfinished draft Qfitzah interpreter I wrote in assembly is almost 1000 bytes, and for RISC-V (without the C extension) it would probably be even bigger.

A Scheme strawman interpreter for term rewriting

The interpreter is pretty simple. Basically, to evaluate a non-atomic expression, you first evaluate its components, and then you loop over the rewrite rules, trying to match each one against the expression, and when one of them succeeds you instantiate its replacement with the match values, then evaluate the instantiated replacement. Something like this in Scheme:

(define (ev t)                                 ; eval, for term rewriting
  (if (pair? t) (ap (map ev t) rules) t))      ; atoms don’t get rewritten

;; apply, for term rewriting, but the arguments are the top-level term
;; to rewrite, after all its children have been rewritten as above, and
;; the remaining set of rules to attempt rewriting with
(define (ap t rules)
  (if (null? rules) t               ; no rewrite rules left? don’t rewrite
      (let ((m (match t (caar rules) '()))) ; initially no vars () match
        (if m (ev (subst (cadar rules) m)) ; rule matched? substitute & eval
            (ap t (cdr rules))))))         ; otherwise, try the other rules

That depends on definitions of match, emptyenv, and subst. subst is easy enough (though I got it wrong at first, and it might be nicer to handle the case where the variable is undefined):

(define (subst t env)
  (if (var? t) (cdr (assoc t env))
      (if (pair? t) (cons (subst (car t) env) (subst (cdr t) env))

So, for example, (subst '(You #(vt) my #(np)) '((#(np) . wombat) (#(vt) . rot))) evaluates to (You rot my wombat), as you’d expect.

Then match needs to compute whether there’s a match, which requires it to distinguish variables from other things. In its simplest form we can consider variables that occur more than once an error, but an error we don’t try to detect; then it might look like this:

(define (match t pat env)
  (if (var? pat) (cons (cons pat t) env)  ; vars match anything
      (if (pair? pat)  ; pairs match if the cars match and the cdrs match
          (and (pair? t)  ; a pair pattern can’t match an atom
              (let ((a (match (car t) (car pat) env)))  ; try to match car
                (and a (match (cdr t) (cdr pat) a))))   ; then, try the cdr
          (and (equal? pat t) env))))  ; atoms match only themselves

Then you just need some kind of convention for marking variables. The simplest thing in Scheme would be to use ,x, which is syntax sugar for (unquote x), but that would have the unfortunate effect that you can’t use the atom unquote in head position in either a pattern or a replacement template. Instead I am using #(x):

(define var? vector?)

(In other environments, you might use a different data type.)

And that’s it. 19 lines of Scheme in terms of define, if, '(), cons, pair?, let, car, cdr, caar, cadar, #f, and, equal?, assoc, map, and null? gives you a bottom-up, source-order-precedence term-rewriting interpreter. If we want to include implicit equality testing in patterns when a variable occurs more than once, it’s a couple more lines of code, but that’s about a 10% total complexity increase.

Of course this approach to term-rewriting interpretation is very inefficient, far more so than the standard Lisp tree-walker approach, because every expression evaluation involves iterating over potentially all the code in the entire program to see which ones apply. Aardappel (and, I think, Mathematica) requires the head of each term to be an atom, and compiles the usually small number of rules for each atom down into a subroutine, so that when attempting to rewrite any term, you can start by doing a hash table lookup, and then typically have a small number of conditionals after that. So you’d probably want to use this bootstrap interpreter only to run a bootstrap compiler.

Primitives and integers

Formally speaking we don’t need arithmetic primitives, since we can define numbers in a variety of ways via term rewriting, but for practical efficiency we probably want access to machine arithmetic.

I’m thinking that the way to handle things like arithmetic is to have an additional class of constant atoms, the integers, and some built-in rewrite rules that are implemented in machine code. Darius Bacon suggests that perhaps only the right-hand side should be implemented in machine code, and the pattern-match itself maybe in a prelude.

The question is how to handle them for matching: can you pattern-match on integerness, or do you just have a “function”? In the first case, you could allow an integer like 283 to match a pattern like Int x and bind x to 283; or you could instead rewrite Int? 283 and similar to Yes and Int? Qfitzat to No.

If you were doing the pattern-match in the prelude, these alternatives might look like:

+ (Int x) (Int y) :: 3
- (Int x) (Int y) :: 4
- x: - 0 x

where the :: rather than : indicates that you’re supplying a machine-code primitive index rather than a template, 3 being the index of the addition routine and 4 that of subtraction; or, in the other case:

If Yes a b: Do a
If No a b: Do b
&& x y: If x y x
|| x y: If x x y
Not Yes: No
Not No: Yes
Do Yes: Yes
Do No: No
+ x y: If (&& (Int? x) (Int? y)) (Int+ x y) (Add x y)
Do (Int+ x y) :: 3
- x: - 0 x
- x y: If (&& (Int? x) (Int? y)) (Int- x y) (Sub x y)
Do (Int- x y) :: 4

These If rules are convenient here but maybe not ideal, both because it’s easy to forget the Do when you try to define the results, and because it’s easy to forget that the arguments within the consequent and alternate blocks will be evaluated eagerly.

You could define the usual arithmetic operations in terms of a single machine-code primitive with multiple arguments, like Mulsubdiv a b c d = (a*b - c)//d, with definitions in the standard prelude like these:

+ (Int x) (Int y): Mulsubdiv -1 x y -1
- (Int x) (Int y): Mulsubdiv 1 x y 1
* (Int x) (Int y): Mulsubdiv x y 0 1
/ (Int x) (Int y): Mulsubdiv 1 x 0 y

Alternatively you could have Arithmetic x y which evaluates to a tuple containing all the results, like Results <x+y> <x-y> <x*y> <x//y> <x%y>, and you could write

+ (Int x) (Int y): R15 (Arithmetic x y)
- (Int x) (Int y): R25 (Arithmetic x y)
* (Int x) (Int y): R35 (Arithmetic x y)
/ (Int x) (Int y): R45 (Arithmetic x y)
% (Int x) (Int y): R55 (Arithmetic x y)
R15 (a b c d e f): b
R25 (a b c d e f): c
R35 (a b c d e f): d
R45 (a b c d e f): e
R55 (a b c d e f): f

Either would avoid needing four or five separate primitive subroutines, four or five separate conditional cases to call them, four or five separate subroutine table entries, etc. Though maybe a single conditional case would be sufficient, Primop op x y, with an op number, you’d still need a table of subroutines.

For bitwise operations you could similarly use Norshift a b c = ~(a | b) >> c and definitions like these:

B~ (Int x): Norshift x 0 0
Nor (Int x) (Int y): Norshift x y 0
| (Int x) (Int y): B~ (Nor x y)
& (Int x) (Int y): Nor (B~ x) (B~ y)
&^ (Int x) (Int y): Nor (B~ x) y
>> (Int x) (Int y): Norshift (B~ x) 0 y
^ (Int x) (Int y): Nor (Nor x y) (& x y)

Probably three arguments is the maximum that would be tolerated by ordinary decency, but if not, you could of course incorporate Mulsubdiv and Norshift into a single six-argument monster.

You’d also need some kind of comparison operation, minimally >0.

Left shifts are easy enough to implement as rewrite rules with addition:

<< (Int x) 0: x
<< (Int x) (Int y): If (>0 y) (Shift (+ x x) (- y 1)) (Negative-left-shift x y)
Do (Shift x y): << x y

Possibly a better way to implement that would be:

<< (Int x) 0: x
<< (Int x) (Int y): <<2 (>0 y) x y
<<2 Yes x y: Shift (+ x x) (- y 1)

There’s a separate question of how to handle system calls, which I think can be bodged in pretty easily since evaluation is eager.

Some sketches of assembly implementations

But that’s Scheme! In machine code it seems like it could be significantly larger, even without garbage collection, which isn’t necessary for a bootstrap interpreter on a modern machine, and parsing, which is. You also have to actually implement cons, pair?, car, cdr, equal?, assoc, map, and null?. Most of these are not very difficult.

(None of the assembly code below is tested.)

Because I still know almost no RISC-V assembly, I’m going to sketch this out in the i386 assembly of my childhood.

Type tags in RAM

In i386 code, using the simple approach I took in Ur-Scheme, cons might be 18 bytes:

cons:   movl $0x2ce11ed, 0(%ebx)  # allocation pointer is in %ebx
        mov %eax, 4(%ebx)         # car was arg 1, in %eax
        mov %ecx, 8(%ebx)         # cdr
        mov %ebx, %eax            # return the old allocation pointer
        lea 12(%ebx), %ebx

Then pair?, leaving the predicate result in ZF, might be 7 bytes:

pairp:  cmpl $0x2ce11ed, (%eax)

And an unsafe cdr might be 4 bytes:

cdr:    mov 8(%eax), %eax       # probably better to open-code these 3 bytes

Type tags in pointer low bits

But the SBCL approach of tagging the pointer would be shorter:

sbcons: mov %eax, 0(%ebx)       # car was arg 1
        mov %ecx, 4(%ebx)
        lea 3(%ebx), %eax
        lea 8(%ebx), %ebx
        ret                     # 12 bytes, not 18

        and $3, %al             
        cmp $3, %al             
        ret                     # this reduces to 5 bytes

sbcar:  mov -3(%eax), %eax
        ret                     # still 4 bytes

sbcdr:  mov 1(%eax), %eax

Type tags in pointer low bits where 00 denotes a pair

If we instead use two low-order 0 bits to tag cons pointers, list operations get smaller still, to the point where almost all of them are so small that they need to be open-coded:

00000036 <altcons>:  # 11 bytes
  36:   89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)
  38:   89 4b 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%ebx)
  3b:   89 d8                   mov    %ebx,%eax
  3d:   8d 5b 08                lea    0x8(%ebx),%ebx
  40:   c3                      ret

00000041 <altpairp>: # 3 bytes
  41:   a8 03                   test   $0x3,%al
  43:   c3                      ret

00000044 <altcar>:   # 3 bytes
  44:   8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax
  46:   c3                      ret

00000047 <altcdr>:   # 3 bytes
  47:   8b 40 04                mov    0x4(%eax),%eax
  4a:   c3                      ret

0000004b <altnullp>: # 3 bytes
  4b:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
  4d:   c3                      ret

A sketch of subst in i386 assembly

Here’s what subst might look like with that setup.

In i386 assembly:

        # subst t env returns a version of t with var substitutions from env.
subst:  push %ebp               # callee-saved variable used here
        push %eax               # %eax has t, %ecx has env
        push %ecx
        test $2, %al            # ...10 is the pointer type tag for vars
        jz 1f

        call assoc              # calls are 5 bytes. inherits both t & env
        mov 4(%eax), %eax       # get the cdr
2:      pop %ecx                # discard saved arguments; labeled for
        pop %ecx                # epilogue sharing
        pop %ebp

1:      test $3, %al            # ...00 is the pointer type tag for pairs
        jz 1f                   # if this isn’t a pair:
        jmp 2b                  # %eax is already t; implicitly return it

1:      mov 4(%eax), %eax       # get cdr t for (subst (cdr t) env)
        call subst              # inherits our env.
        mov %eax, %ebp          # save subst result
        mov 4(%esp), %eax       # load saved t
        mov (%eax), %eax        # car t
        mov (%esp), %ecx        # second argument is saved env
        call subst
        mov %ebp, %ecx          # second cons argument is (subst (cdr t) env)
        call cons
        jmp 2b                  # return cons result

That’s 24 instructions and 58 bytes of machine code, and, although I’m sure I missed a few tricks, I don’t think it’s going to get more than about 30% smaller. That’s 14½ bytes per line of Scheme, which I think is pretty good, but it puts the estimate of the whole 19-line Scheme program at 275½ bytes, which doesn’t include the non-open-coded primitives like cons (and assoc and map), the parser, or I/O. I/O is actually almost all of hex0_riscv64.

I went through and coded the whole thing in assembly language; after trimming it down a bit, the resulting (untested) program is 100 instructions and 237 bytes of machine code (12.5 bytes per line of Scheme), containing cons, subst, assq, match, evlis, ev, ap, and no undefined symbols; so 275½ was actually a little high. I’m pretty sure I could squeeze it down a bit more, but probably not below 200 bytes. It’s still missing I/O, the reader, and the printer. In the process I trimmed down subst itself to 20 instructions and 55 bytes, then later 22 instructions and 49 bytes.

Adding an input reading loop cost 49 more bytes of code, plus 4 of data; a printer (untested) cost another 81 bytes. Now I’m at 370 bytes of code. I think all it’s lacking now is a reader, so I’m pretty sure it’ll be under 512 bytes of machine code and data, thus under 1 KiB of executable. I’m currently suffering 414 bytes of executable-format overhead, mostly padding, but Brian Raiter’s work suggests that it should be possible to get the executable-format overhead down to about 45–52 bytes, but with strict ELF conformance he couldn’t get it below 76 bytes, and with dynamic linking he couldn’t get it below 297 bytes; still, maybe I can get the whole executable under 512 bytes.

P.S. a reader was 287 bytes.

However, it’ll still be missing library functions to do useful things like I/O and arithmetic.

Trying to do this in RV64 without the C compressed-instruction extension, like hex0_riscv64, would surely have much worse code density; with the C extension it might be slightly more compact.

A sketch of subst in a stack bytecode

In one of the bytecodes suggested in A compact bytecode sketch that should average about 3 bytes per line of C this might look like this:

PROCEDURE subst argwords=2
    loadword 0  ; t
    call var?
    jztos 1f    ; if not a var (top of stack is 0/nil/false), skip
    loadword 0
    loadword 1  ; env
    call assoc
    call cdr
1:  loadword 0
    call pair?
    jnztos 1f   ; skip if it *is* a pair
    loadword 0  ; return t
1:  loadword 0
    call car
    loadword 1
    call subst
    loadword 0
    call cdr
    loadword 1
    call subst
    call cons

According to the hypotheses in that note, this might compile to 2 bytes of procedure header, 23 opcode bytes, 9 operand bytes for call instructions, 2 operand bytes for jump targets, and a 2-byte entry in a global subroutine table, for a total of 38 bytes. At this rate, the whole Scheme program irresponsibly extrapolates to 180½ bytes, but of course you’d have to add the bytecode interpreter on top of that. On the other hand, if the bytecode interpreter is customized specifically to run the term-rewriting interpreter, none of the call instructions will need an operand byte, because there’s plenty of opcode space to allocate each subroutine in this program a single-byte opcode. That would bring it down to 29 bytes, half the size of the i386 machine code, irresponsibly extrapolating the whole Scheme program to 137¾ bytes of machine code.

A stack bytecode specifically designed for list processing might have a decons-or instruction, which unpacks the pair on top of the stack into a car and cdr, or if it’s not a pair, jumps to the given destination, because usually pair? is associated with subsequent calls to car and cdr. We could represent that in Scheme as a special binding form, here introducing variables called a and d:

(define (subst t env)
  (if-pair t (a d) (cons (subst a env) (subst d env))
    (if (var? t) (cdr (assoc t env)) t)))

In such a bytecode:

PROCEDURE subst argwords=2
    loadword 0  ; t
    decons-or 1f
    loadword 1  ; env
    call subst
    loadword 1
    call subst
    call cons
1:  loadword 0
    call var?
    jztos 1f    ; if not a var (top of stack is 0/nil/false), skip
    loadword 0
    loadword 1
    call assoc
    call cdr
1:  loadword 0

This reduces subst from 23 bytecode instructions to 19, and I think it’s likely that a single omnibus pair?-and-jztos-and-car-and-cdr procedure will also be smaller than three separate ones and their opcode table entries. The cost is that, in the relatively infrequent case where only one of those three operations is called for, it costs you an extra byte per unwanted result.

Dynamic dispatch

Because patterns can dispatch on more than just the function being called, you can define “methods” on “classes”; one of the examples in the Aardappel dissertation is defining a hash method for a point class:

hash(point(x,y)) = x*y

Or, in S-expression syntax using vectors:

(hash (point #(x) #(y))) => (* #(x) #(y))

Which you could feed into the Scheme strawman interpreter above as follows:

(define rules '(((hash (point #(x) #(y))) (* #(x) #(y)))))

Elsewhere you might define how to rewrite hash expressions applied to other types of values; then a hashtable implementation can invoke hash without worrying about the types of its arguments. The compiler transformation described above would gather all the hash rules togther into a subroutine, which then performs a sequence of conditional tests to dispatch to one of them.

This also permits CLOS-style multiple dispatch:

(* (scalar #(s)) (vec #(x) #(y) #(z))) =>
    (vec (* #(s) #(x)) (* #(s) #(y)) (* #(s) #(z)))
(* (scalar #(s)) (scalar #(t))) => (scalar (* #(s) #(t)))
(* (m #(r1) #(r2) #(r3)) #(vec)) => (vec (dot (vec . #(r1)) #(vec))
                                         (dot (vec . #(r2)) #(vec))
                                         (dot (vec . #(r3)) #(vec)))
(dot (vec #(a) #(b) #(c)) (vec #(d) #(e) #(f))) =>
    (+ (* #(a) #(d)) (* #(b) #(e)) (* #(c) #(f)))

Those rules, for example, will rewrite

(* (m (1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)) (vec x y z))


(vec (+ (* 1 x) (* 2 y) (* 3 z))
     (+ (* 4 x) (* 5 y) (* 6 z))
     (+ (* 7 x) (* 8 y) (* 9 z)))

Higher-order programming

In languages like C or Lisp, the atom-head requirement Aardappel has would prevent you from doing any higher-order programming, but not in term-rewriting languages, because you can use the same dynamic-dispatch trick. You can define a higher-order mapcar function as follows:

(map #(f) nil) => ()
(map #(f) (cons #(car) #(cdr))) =>
    (cons (call #(f) #(car)) (map #(f) #(cdr)))

Then you can define patterns like this:

(call (cover #(material)) #(base)) => (some #(material) covered #(base))

so that (call (cover chocolate) raisins) rewrites to (some chocolate covered raisins). These rules compose so that

(map (cover leather) (cons armchairs (cons bikers (cons goddesses nil))))

rewrites to

(cons (some leather covered armchairs)
      (cons (some leather covered bikers)
            (cons (some leather covered goddesses) nil)))

I learned about this on p. 35 of the Aardappel dissertation, which gives the example (in slightly different syntax):

apply(qsortcompare(x),y) = y<x
filter([],_) = ([],[])
filter([h|t],f) = 
  if apply(f,h) then ([h|a],b) else (a,[h|b])
    when (a,b) = filter(t,f)

In the syntax I used above, this would be written as

(apply (qsortcompare #(x)) #(y)) => (< #(y) #(x))
(filter nil #(_) => (pair) nil nil)
(filter ((cons #(h) #(t)) #(f))) =>
    (filter2 (filter #(t) #(f)) #(h) #(f) (apply #(f) #(h)))
(filter2 (pair #(a) #(b)) #(h) #(f) true) => (pair (cons #(h) #(a)) #(b))
(filter2 (pair #(a) #(b)) #(h) #(f) false) => (pair #(a) (cons #(h) #(b)))

(This also demonstrates how the term-rewriting paradigm implicitly provides conditionals.)

Oortmerssen discusses this further in pp. 48–50 (§4.1.2).

In the language implemented by the interpreter above, you could just as well define things this way:

(map #(f) (cons #(car) #(cdr))) => (cons (#(f) #(car)) (map #(f) #(cdr)))
((cover #(material)) #(base)) => (some #(material) covered #(base))
((qsortcompare #(x)) #(y)) => (< #(y) #(x))
(filter ((cons #(h) #(t)) #(f))) =>
    (filter2 (filter #(t) #(f)) #(h) #(f) (#(f) #(h)))

This would have the advantage that you could pass in the name of any existing function. But compiling this efficiently might be nontrivial.

It might be worthwhile to implement lambda-lifting to get closures. Aardappel experimented with this but ultimately rejected it.

A metacircular term-rewriting interpreter

If you love term rewriting so much, why don’t you marry it, huh? Why’dja write that “strawman” above in Scheme? Are you chicken?

XXX the below lacks some bugfixes from the Scheme. Also I definitely do not want to use the shitty Scheme syntax.

Well, part of it is that I think Scheme is a better pseudocode for assembly language, but maybe it would look something like this, written in itself:

(ev (cons ,f ,a) ,r) => (ap (args (cons ,f ,a) ,r) ,r ,r)
(ev ,t ,_) => ,t
(args nil ,_) => nil
(args (cons ,a ,d) ,r) => (cons (ev ,a ,r) (args ,d ,r))

(ap ,t norules ,_) => ,t            # no rules left to match
(ap ,t (rule ,pat ,tem ,r) ,r0) =>  # try to match a rule
    (ap2 ,t ,r (match ,t ,pat emptyenv) ,tem ,r0)
(ap2 ,t ,r nomatch ,_ ,r0) => (ap ,t ,r ,r0)  # on failure try others
(ap2 ,t ,r ,env ,tem ,r0) => (ev (subst ,tem ,env) ,r0)  # or subst & eval

(subst (cons ,a ,d) ,env) => (cons (subst ,a ,env) (subst ,d ,env))
(subst ,t ,env) => (subst2 ,t (lookup ,t ,env))
(subst2 ,t nomatch) => ,t
(subst2 ,t ,v) => ,v

(match ,_ ,_ nomatch) => nomatch               # match failures always win
(match ,t (var ,v) ,env) => (bind ,v ,t ,env)  # otherwise vars always do
(match (cons ,ta ,td) (cons ,pa ,pd) ,env) =>  # match cars and cdrs
    (match ,td ,pd (match ,ta ,pa ,env))
(match ,t ,pat ,env) => (match2 (equal? ,pat ,t) ,env)
(match2 true ,env) => ,env
(match2 false ,env) => nomatch

So that’s 21 lines, about the same as Scheme, but I left out lookup, which in Scheme is the standard procedure assoc:

(lookup ,_ emptyenv) => nomatch
(lookup ,v1 (bind ,v2 ,t ,env)) => (lookup2 ,v1 (equal? ,v1 ,v2) ,t ,env)
(lookup2 ,_ true ,t ,_) => ,t
(lookup2 ,v false ,_ ,env) => (lookup ,v ,env)

Tht brings the total to 25 lines.

I think I may have some unresolved confusion between (var x) and x; which is supposed to occur in the template? In Scheme, (var x). Also, which is supposed to occur in the environment? Also (var x). Maybe instead of

(subst ,t ,env) => (subst2 ,t (lookup ,t ,env))

I intended to write

(subst (var ,t) ,env) => (subst2 ,t (lookup ,t ,env))

I should go back and review this.

Also, equal? needs to be provided by the system, at least for atoms, which requires some sort of special case like this:

(ap (equal? ,x ,y) ,_ ,_) => (equal? ,x ,y)

This points out how easy it is to add special cases like this in a term-rewriting system, though we need to make sure the rule precedence is such that adding the rule has an effect. Of course, this implementation doesn’t tell us anything about which definition of equality is being used; this sort of thing is one of the common objections to the use of metacircular interpreters to define semantics.

If, instead of being a magic function name, it is provided through multiple uses of the same variable name in a pattern, we could allow this definition of equality to flow through the metacircular interpreter in the same way; instead of

(match ,t (var ,v) ,env) => (bind ,v ,t ,env)

we have

(match ,t (var ,v) ,env) => (match3 ,v ,t (lookup ,v ,env) ,env)
(match3 ,v ,t nomatch ,env) => (bind ,v ,t ,env)   # new var, not bound
(match3 ,v ,t ,t ,env) => ,env   # already bound to the same value
(match3 ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_) => nomatch  # all other cases are conflicting bindings

There’s an additional buglet: lookup should return its positive results in a form that can’t be the symbol nomatch. So maybe instead of

(lookup2 ,_ true ,t ,_) => ,t

we should say

(lookup2 ,_ true ,t ,_) => (got ,t)

Also probably it’s confusing that lookup and match return the same nomatch on failure.

At least playing with it mentally like this, I feel like this term-rewriting paradigm is a much more pliant medium than Lisps are.

A note on syntax

Above I’ve been slavishly following Scheme syntax; but it would probably be an improvement if instead of writing

(args (cons ,a ,d) ,r) => (cons (ev ,a ,r) (args ,d ,r))

we wrote something more like Darius Bacon’s syntax for Pythological:

Args (Cons a d) r: Cons (Ev a r) (Args d r)

in part because that cuts down awkwardly verbose lines like

(match (cons ,ta ,td) (cons ,pa ,pd) ,env) =>
    (match ,td ,pd (match ,ta ,pa ,env))

to more manageable things like

Match (Cons ta td) (Cons pa pd) env: Match td pd (Match ta pa env)

The concrete syntax here is something like this:

program: /\n/* definition* expression /[ \n\t]*/
definition: expression _ ":" expression "\n"+
expression: term /[ \t]+/ expression | term
term: _ symbol | _ var | _ "(" expression _ ")"
_: /[ \t]*/
var: /[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*/
symbol: /[A-Z][a-z_0-9]*/

A draft Qfitzah interpreter

Here’s my current test input for my draft interpreter:

(NB x) x
(NB (Simple Test File For Qfitzah))

(Do (Cover x) it) (Some x Covered it)
(Do (Cover Leather) Sofas)

(NB (Higher Order Programming))
(Map f Nil) Nil
(Map f (Cons car cdr)) (Cons (Do f car) (Map f cdr))

(Map (Cover Chocolate) (Cons Police (Cons Raisins (Cons Oreos Nil))))

(NB (Boolean Definitions))
(Not Yes) No
(Not No) Yes
(If Yes a b) (Do a)
(If No a b) (Do b)
(Do Yes) Yes
(Do No) No
(And a b) (If a b a)
(Or a b) (If a a b)

(NB (This Should Be A Built-in))
(Eq Yes Yes) Yes
(Eq No No) Yes
(Eq Yes No) No
(Eq No Yes) No

(NB (Boolean Truth Tables))
(Well (Not Yes) (Not No))
(Well (And Yes Yes) (And Yes No) (And No Yes) (And No No))
(Well (Or Yes Yes) (Or Yes No) (Or No Yes) (Or No No))

(All Nil) Yes
(All (Cons a b)) (And (Do a) (All b))
(Any Nil) No
(Any (Cons a b)) (Or (Do a) (Any b))

(Test Yes) Ok
(Test No) Fail

(NB (Boolean Tests))
(Test (All (Cons (And Yes Yes) Nil)))
(Test (Not (Any (Cons (And Yes No) (Cons (And No Yes) (Cons (And No No) Nil))))))
(Test (All (Cons (Or Yes Yes) (Cons (Or Yes No) (Cons (Or No Yes) Nil)))))
(Test (Not (Or No No)))

(NB (Peano Arithmetic))
(= Z Z)         Yes
(= (S x) Z)     No
(= Z (S x))     No
(= (S x) (S y)) (= x y)
(+ Z x)         x
(+ (S x) y)     (+ x (S y))
(2)             (S (S Z))
(3)             (S (2))
(4)             (S (3))
(7)             (S (S (S (4))))

(Test      (= (+ (2) (2)) (4)))
(Test (Not (= (+ (2) (2)) (2))))
(Test (Not (= (2) (+ (2) (2)))))
(Test      (= (+ (3) (4)) (7)))

(Empty List Is ())

Upon being fed into my incomplete draft interpreter one line at a time (the interpreter has a bug when it can read more than one line at a time), it produces this output:

↪ ↪ (Simple Test File For Qfitzah)
↪ ↪ ↪ (Some Leather Covered Sofas)
↪ ↪ (Higher Order Programming)
↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ (Cons (Some Chocolate Covered Police) (Cons (Some Chocolate Covered Raisins) (Cons (Some Chocolate Covered Oreos) Nil)))
↪ ↪ (Boolean Definitions)
↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ (This Should Be A Built-in)
↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ (Boolean Truth Tables)
↪ (Well No Yes)
↪ (Well Yes No No No)
↪ (Well Yes Yes Yes No)
↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ (Boolean Tests)
↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ ↪ (Peano Arithmetic)
↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ ↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ Ok
↪ ↪ (Empty List Is ())

Here’s the draft interpreter source code in amd64 assembly:

        ## Qfitzah, a leap or shortening: from a kilobyte
        ## or two of i386 machine code to a
        ## higher-order programming language with pattern matching,
        ## flexible parametrically-polymorphic data containers, and
        ## dynamically dispatched method calls with multiple dispatch.

        ## To build:
        ## $ gcc -Wl,-z,noseparate-code -static -m32 -nostdlib qfitzah.s -o qfitzah.bloated
        ## $ objcopy -S -R .note.gnu.build-id qfitzah.bloated qfitzah

        ## This version does *not* use bytecode.  But it should
        ## be a good estimate for how much
        ## code is needed for a Qfitzah (with some primitive operations
        ## such as addition).  358 instructions, 731 bytes of code, 40
        ## bytes of data, 1184 bytes of executable.

        ## (Brian Raiter’s sstrip utility reduced the 1056-byte
        ## version of the executable to 828 bytes, a 228-byte
        ## reduction, but I don’t yet have that built into the build
        ## process.)

        ## The m4 manual says, “An important precursor of m4 was GPM;
        ## see C. Strachey, ‘A general purpose macrogenerator’,
        ## Computer Journal 8, 3 (1965), 225–41,
        ## https://academic.oup.com/comjnl/article/8/3/225/336044. GPM
        ## is also succinctly described in David Gries’s book Compiler
        ## Construction for Digital Computers, Wiley (1971).
        ## ...GPM fit into 250 machine
        ## instructions!”  Well, Qfitzah isn’t quite that small yet,
        ## and it may not get there, but it’s a lot more agreeable to
        ## program in than GPM.

        ## Using variables in a template that are not matched in the
        ## pattern is a bug that the interpreter doesn’t detect,
        ## instead crashing:
        ## ↪ (Do Nothing) no
        ## ↪ (Do Nothing)
        ## Segmentation fault
        ## Using the same variable more than once is also an unchecked
        ## bug, but doesn’t crash:
        ## ↪ (Eq x x) (Yes x)
        ## ↪ (Eq 3 3)
        ## (Yes 3)
        ## ↪ (Eq 3 4)
        ## (Yes 4)

        ## On calling conventions:

        ## My initial thought was to use the standard i386 Linux ABI
        ## (stemming from Microsoft’s cdecl), where %ebx, %esi, %edi,
        ## %ebp, and of course %eip and %esp are preserved across
        ## calls, but %eax, %ecx, and %edx are not; but since my
        ## objective is to make things as small as possible, it was
        ## immediately obvious that passing all the parameters on the
        ## stack is unacceptably code-bloaty, so I was passing up to
        ## three parameters in %eax, %ecx, and %edx, and getting
        ## return values in %eax, and booleans in the flags.  So,
        ## within some limits, I was free to use %ebx, %esi, %edi, and
        ## %ebp as global variables.  I used %ebx as the allocation
        ## pointer, saving 12 bytes of code in the `cons` function,
        ## %esi as the parsing pointer, and %edi as the pointer to the
        ## global set of rewrite rules.

        ## However, I’ve come to the conclusion that this was a
        ## mistake, and callee-saved registers are generally not
        ## useful for i386 size optimization, especially not these.

        ## If you want to preserve a value across a call, you have two
        ## choices: you can push it on the stack (1 byte to push, one
        ## byte to pop) or you can allocate it in a callee-saved
        ## register.  But that means that you have to save and restore
        ## the callee-saved register at entry and exit, which costs
        ## the same 2 bytes; moreover, if you got the value by calling
        ## another function, you need an additional byte to xchg the
        ## value from %eax into the callee-saved register.  Also,
        ## pushing and popping lets you relocate it to a different
        ## register for free.  In theory using a callee-saved register
        ## could still be a win if you have multiple calls across
        ## which to preserve a value, but so far it never has been.
        ## And you have to weigh this dubious benefit against the
        ## benefit of having fewer registers available for
        ## temporaries: 3 temporaries, shared with arguments, is
        ## pretty cramped!

        ## Moreover, in the 8086, the only registers that could be
        ## used as pointers were %ebx, %ebp, %esi, and %edi; while the
        ## i386 removed this restriction, addressing with those
        ## registers still produces tighter code in some cases (like
        ## lodsb and I think base+index), though not in the simplest
        ## cases:

        ## 804816e:     89 48 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%eax)
        ## 8048171:     89 4b 04                mov    %ecx,0x4(%ebx)
        ## 804812c:     8b 09                   mov    (%ecx),%ecx
        ## 804832a:     8b 13                   mov    (%ebx),%edx
        ## 804816c:     89 03                   mov    %eax,(%ebx)
        ## 8048358:     89 01                   mov    %eax,(%ecx)
        ## 8048358:     89 07                   mov    %eax,(%edi)

        ## Indexing off %esp instead of %ebp does cost an extra byte
        ## tho.

        ## Using a register like %ebx instead of a memory location for
        ## a global variable like the allocation pointer costs an
        ## extra byte of initialization, because the initialization
        ## has to be done with a MOV instruction.  Reserving %ebx in
        ## particular to be call-preserved also costs an extra
        ## push/pop pair around every system call, which is currently
        ## 4 bytes.

        ## So, for the time being, I’ve removed %ebx from the set of
        ## call-preserved registers, leaving only %ebp, %esi, %edi,
        ## and of course %esp and %eip.  Somewhat to my surprise, this
        ## initially made the code a byte *larger*, plus 4 bytes of
        ## data; but I quickly recovered the difference by using my
        ## shiny new temporary register.

        ## All three of these remaining registers have global usages:
        ## %esi is used during parsing as the parsing input pointer,
        ## %ebp is used as a base pointer to the global variables, and
        ## %edi is used as the text output pointer (so you can output
        ## a bytes with three bytes: `mov $'(, %al; stosb`.)

        ## Here’s how we’ll define procedures:
        .macro proc name
        .text 1                 # use subsection 1 for library code

        ## Global variables are in the data segment, but in order to
        ## use smaller instructions, we load a pointer to the data
        ## segment into %ebp at startup and then never change it.  So
        ## far I’m not using this everywhere.
        .macro my name, initval
        .pushsection .data
\name:  .long \initval

        ## Let’s define a macro for things to do at startup.
        .macro init
        .text 0

        .globl _start
_start: mov $globals, %ebp

        ## We can use this mechanism to reduce the byte weight of
        ## calls to frequently called functions.  The i386 lets you
        ## index into a function pointer table in an indirect-call
        ## instruction: call *4(%ebp), and that’s only 3 bytes, while
        ## a direct call would be 5 bytes, even though it’s
        ## PC-relative.  So with 3 calls, we can reduce 15 bytes of
        ## direct call instructions to 9 bytes of indirect call
        ## instructions and 4 bytes of address data, thus shaving 2
        ## bytes.
        .irp routine, cons, skip_whitespace, read_factor, subst, ev, match
        my \routine\()_address, \routine

        ## By using a conditional macro for our calls, we can switch
        ## calls to a given routine between direct and indirect just
        ## by editing the list above:
        .macro do name
        .ifdef \name\()_address
        call *(\name\()_address-globals)(%ebp)
        call \name

        ## This interpreter is largely concerned with manipulating
        ## list structure.  Computers nowadays have large memories, so
        ## for any program that runs for a short time, perhaps under a
        ## second, we can get by without a garbage collector.  The
        ## fundamental procedure for constructing list structure is
        ## cons, which creates a pair.  It’s wrapped in a macro here
        ## to facilitate putting it physically after a later procedure
        ## that falls through into it.
        my allocation_pointer, arena
        .macro cons_here
proc cons
        ## This is 11 bytes instead of 21 bytes thanks in part to
        ## replacing two giant 6-byte memory access instructions with
        ## 3-byte things that index off %ebp.
        push %edi
        mov allocation_pointer-globals(%ebp), %edi
        stosl                   # arg 1, the car, is already in %eax
        xchg %eax, %ecx         # arg 2, the cdr, is in %ecx
        xchg %edi, allocation_pointer-globals(%ebp)
        xchg %edi, %eax         # return value (old allocation pointer) in %eax
        pop %edi

        ## We’re going to use pointer alignment to distinguish pair
        ## pointers from other kinds of pointers, including the empty
        ## list (nil); specifically, the low 2 bits of a pair pointer
        ## should be 0.  For this, we define a couple of macros for
        ## jumping if a register does or does not point to a pair.  To
        ## avoid wasting bytes, the \reg here should be a low-byte
        ## register: %al, %bl, %cl, or %dl.  %al in particular makes
        ## the `test` instruction 2 bytes instead of 3.
        .macro jpair reg, dest
        test $3, \reg           # will set ZF if it's a pair
        jz \dest
        .macro jnpair reg, dest
        test $3, \reg
        jnz \dest

        ## Extracting the fields of a pair:
        .macro car src, dest=none
        .ifeqs "\dest", "none"
        mov (\src), \src        # this is only 2 bytes
        mov (\src), \dest       # 2 bytes

        .macro cdr src, dest=none
        .ifeqs "\dest", "none"
        mov 4(\src), \src       # 3 bytes
        mov 4(\src), \dest      # 3 bytes

        ## Finally, we need some representation for the empty list,
        ## which needs to test as not being a pair.  This is a little
        ## tricky; the chosen value (1) tests as a constant, but
        ## attempting to fetch its print name will crash.
        .macro setnil reg
        xor \reg, \reg
        inc \reg

        ## For such a simple allocator to work, we need a large arena;
        ## and the allocation pointer needs to be aligned in it.  We
        ## do this by aligning the arena to a 4-byte boundary and
        ## then incrementing the allocator pointer by multiples of 4.
        .bss 1
        .balign 4
arena:  .fill 512*1024*1024

        ## The other kinds of elements in our list structure are
        ## constants, such as uppercase symbols and numbers, which are
        ## represented by words ending in ...01, and variables, which
        ## are represented internally by words ending in ...10, and
        ## externally as lowercase identifiers.  So we have
        ## conditionals for these types corresponding to jpair and
        ## jnpair to test these tag fields:

        .macro jvar reg, dest
        test $2, \reg           # will clear ZF if it’s a var
        jnz \dest
        .macro jnvar reg, dest
        test $2, \reg
        jz \dest

        ## XXX these aren’t actually used:
        .macro jconst reg, dest
        test $1, \reg           # will clear ZF if it’s a const
        jnz \dest
        .macro jnconst reg, dest
        test $1, \reg
        jz \dest

        ## So, let’s define what it means to substitute some variables
        ## into a template:
        ## (define (subst t env)
        ##   (if (var? t) (cdr (assq t env))
        ##       (if (pair? t) (cons (subst (car t) env) (subst (cdr t) env))
        ##           t)))

        ## This is wrapped in a macro in order to enable us to
        ## physically put it further down, where `ap` can fall through
        ## into it.

        .macro subst_here
proc subst
        jnvar %al, 1f           # if t is not a var, jump ahead; otherwise
        do assq                 # look it up with assq (inheriting args), then
        cdr %eax                # we take its cdr, then
        ret                     # return it
1:      jpair %al, 2f           # if t is not a pair, we just return it
        ret                     # (it’s already in %eax)
2:      push %eax               # we must preserve argument t across a call
        push %ecx               # and env too.
        cdr %eax                # get (cdr t) for that recursive call,
        do subst                # which inherits env, but might clobber args;
        xchg %eax, %edx         # socking away its return value in %edx,
        pop %ecx                # restoring env for the second recursive call,
        pop %eax                # and also t, before
        push %edx               # saving the first subst return value on the stack;
        car %eax                # what we want to subst now is (car t)
        do subst                # so now our substed car is in %eax,
        pop %ecx                # and our substed cdr in %ecx, so we can
        jmp cons                # tail-call cons and return the result

        ## `assq` is our function for doing a variable lookup in an
        ## environment.  To avoid an extra unconditional jump, I’ve
        ## relocated the tail end of the loop to before the loop entry
        ## point, which has the bizarre effect of putting it before
        ## the *procedure* entry point.  It happens to set ZF when it
        ## succeeds and clear ZF when it fails, but `subst` ignores
        ## that at the moment.  It might make things simpler if it
        ## returned its key argument when it fails, like `walk` from
        ## μKanren?

2:      cdr %ecx                # go to the next item before falling into assq
proc assq                       # look up an item %eax in a dictionary %ecx
1:      jnpair %cl, 1f          # nil or another atom terminates the dict
        car %ecx, %edx          # get the item
        cmp %eax, 0(%edx)       # is our dictionary key this item?  CISC 4ever!1
        jne 2b                  # if not, restart the loop, or
        mov %edx, %ecx          # on success we return the item, or on failure
1:      xchg %ecx, %eax         # return the non-pair we were examining
        ## Possibly it would be better to inline `assq` as a macro
        ## inside `subst`, since that’s the only thing that uses it so
        ## far.
        .endm                   # subst_here

        ## In a sense the inverse of `subst` is `match`.  If #(vt) is a var vt,
        ## `(subst '(You #(vt) my #(np)) '((#(np) . wombat) (#(vt) . rot)))`
        ## evaluates to `(You rot my wombat)`, as you'd expect if
        ## you're some kind of psycho stalker, while
        ## `(match '(You rot my wombat) '(You #(vt) my #(np)) '())`
        ## evaluates to `((#(np) . wombat) (#(vt) . rot))`.

        ## In Scheme:
        ## (define (match t pat env)
        ##   (if (var? pat) (cons (cons pat t) env)  ; vars match anything
        ##       (if (pair? pat)  ; pairs match if cars match and cdrs match
        ##           (and (pair? t)  ; a pair pattern can't match an atom
        ##               (let ((a (match (car t) (car pat) env)))  ; match car?
        ##                 (and a (match (cdr t) (cdr pat) a))))   ; then, cdr?
        ##           (and (equal? pat t) env))))  ; consts match only themselves

        ## In addition to returning an environment result in %eax,
        ## `match` also needs to indicate success or failure, which it
        ## does with ZF: ZF set indicates match (“equality”), ZF clear
        ## indicates match failure.  Switching from CF to ZF reduced
        ## the weight of this subroutine from 85 bytes to 76 bytes,
        ## and with further work it’s down to 55.

        ## This has a bug; it treats () the empty list as a var. So
        ## (Gallygoogle ()) matches the same patterns (Gallygoogle x)
        ## would.

proc match
        ## Case for pattern being an unadorned var:
        jnvar %cl, 2f           # If the pattern is a var,
        xchg %eax, %ecx         # we want to (cons pat t), not (cons t pat)
        push %edx               # save env
        do cons
        pop %ecx                # now cons that pair onto the original env
        do cons
        xor %ecx, %ecx          # set ZF to indicate success

        ## Case for matching a non-pair against a pair pattern:
2:      push %ecx               # for recursion, we must save pattern and
        push %eax               # t, the term being matched.
        jnpair %cl, 2f          # ensure pattern is a pair;
        jnpair %al, 1f          # if term is not a pair, fail (clearing ZF);

        ## To match two pairs:
        car %eax                # take car of both the term
        car %ecx                # and of the pattern
        do match                # and allow env to inherit in a recursive call;
        jne 1f                  # if that failed we bail out;
                                # otherwise,
        xchg %eax, %edx         # put the resulting env in the third param
        pop %eax                # and get original term
        cdr %eax                # for second recursion with (cdr t), and likewise
        pop %ecx                # pat for
        cdr %ecx                # (cdr pat).
        jmp match               # tail-recursing; it’s my result, right (ZF) or wrong (!ZF)

        ## To match a constant pattern:
2:      cmp %ecx, %eax          # Only succeed on exact equality,
        mov %edx, %eax          # returning the supplied env

        ## Shared epilogue (XXX maybe unshare it?)
1:      pop %ecx                # discard 2 saved arguments
        pop %ecx

        ## ev evaluates a term by first evaluating all its children
        ## with evlis (which is just `(map ev t)`), then invoking
        ## ap(ply) on the result.
        ## (define (ev t)
        ##   (if (pair? t) (ap (evlis t) rules) t))
        ## (define (evlis t)
        ##   (if (pair? t) (cons (ev (car t)) (evlis (cdr t))) t))
proc evlis
        jpair %al, 1f
1:      push %eax               # save original t
        cdr %eax
        do evlis
        pop %ecx                # restore original t
        push %eax               # save return value
        xchg %ecx, %eax         # 1 byte — shorter than mov %ecx, %eax
        car %eax
        do ev
        pop %ecx                # pass evlis return value as cdr arg to cons
        # FALL THROUGH into cons (tail call)

        ## I’m thinking I’ll provide primitive procedures for
        ## arithmetic and file I/O by way of terms whose head is the
        ## integer “0”.  For example: integer subtraction.  Here we
        ## have the term in %eax.  This untested strawman evprim
        ## weighs 25 bytes, plus 7 bytes for the test and branch in
        ## ev.
proc evprim
        cdr %eax
        car %eax, %ebx
        cdr %eax
        cmp $5, %ebx  # (0 0 x y) returns x - y assuming both are ints
        jnz 1f
        car %eax, %ebx
        cdr %eax
        car %eax
        sub %ecx, %eax      # XXX is this backwards?
        or $5, %al          # low-order bits got zeroed by subtraction
1:      ret

        my rules, -1            # global set of rules, initially nil
proc ev
        jpair %al, 1f
        ret                     # atoms always evaluate to themselves
1:      do evlis
        car %eax, %ecx                # check for primitive invocation
        cmp $5, %ecx                  # is the car of the list (tagged) 0?
        jz evprim
        mov rules-globals(%ebp), %ecx # initial rules argument to ap: the global
        # FALL THROUGH to ap

        ## (define (ap t rules)
        ##   (if (not (pair? rules)) t   ; no rewrite rules left? don't rewrite
        ##       (let ((m (match t (caar rules) '()))) ; initially empty env
        ##         (if m (ev (subst (cdar rules) m)) ; matched? subst & eval
        ##             (ap t (cdr rules))))))         ; otherwise, try others
proc ap
        jpair %cl, 1f
        ret                     # return input t

1:      car %ecx, %edx          # get first rule
        push %eax               # save input t
        push %ecx               # save input rules
        car %edx, %ecx          # get pattern part of rule
        setnil %edx
        do match                # see if this rule matches inherited t in %eax
        je 1f                   # if that succeeded, go to the success case; or

        pop %ecx
        pop %eax

        cdr %ecx                # move on to next rule and tail-recurse
        jmp ap

        ## Now we have found a match, with the env in %eax; now we
        ## must invoke subst with the template, then return the
        ## instantiated template.
1:      mov %eax, %ecx          # template is subst’s second argument
        pop %eax                # load saved rules
        car %eax
        cdr %eax
        pop %edx                # discard saved input t
        do subst
        jmp ev

        subst_here                      # XXX no longer necessary to be here

        ## Here are some macros from httpdito:
        .equiv __NR_exit, 1     # linux/arch/x86/include/asm/unistd_32.h:9
        .equiv __NR_read, 3
        .equiv __NR_write, 4

        ## System calls with different numbers of arguments.
        ## `be x, y` is a macro that does `mov x, y` or equivalent.
        .macro sys3 call_no, a, b, c
        be \c, %edx
        sys2 \call_no, \a, \b

        .macro sys2 call_no, a, b
        be \b, %ecx
        sys1 \call_no, \a

        .macro sys1 call_no, a
        be \a, %ebx
        sys0 \call_no

        .macro sys0 call_no
        be \call_no, %eax
        int $0x80

        ## Set dest = src.  Usually just `mov src, dest`, but sometimes
        ## there's a shorter way.
        .macro be src, dest
        .ifnc \src,\dest
        .ifc \src,$0
        xor \dest,\dest
        .ifc \src,$1
        xor \dest,\dest
        inc \dest
        .ifc \src,$2
        xor \dest,\dest
        inc \dest
        inc \dest
        mov \src, \dest

        ## To read input, we need an input buffer; to intern atoms, we
        ## need someplace to put the atom base+length pairs.
        .fill 65536
        .balign 8   # atoms need to be 8-byte aligned to free tag bits
atoms:  .fill 8192
        my inptr, input_buffer
        ## Output is handled by setting %edi to point into this output
        ## buffer, then using stosb to add stuff to it.
outbuf: .fill 131072

        mov $outbuf, %edi

prompt: .ascii "↪ "
repl:   mov $prompt, %eax
        mov $(prompt_end - prompt), %ecx
        do emit
        do flush
        sys3 $__NR_read, $0, inptr, $255
        test %eax, %eax         # EOF on input?
        jz quit
        ## XXX missing loops for \n; could be multiple lines or partial lines
        mov inptr-globals(%ebp), %esi # copy old inptr to %esi for parsing
        add %esi, %eax  # NUL-termination unnecessary due to zero fill
        mov %eax, inptr-globals(%ebp)
        do handle_line
        jmp repl
quit:   sys1 $__NR_exit, $0

        ## XXX this needs a lot of attention for reducing code space
proc print
        cmp $1, %eax    # treat nil like pairs (cmp is only 3 bytes!)
        je 5f
        jnpair %al, 1f          # non-nil atoms treated otherwise
5:      push %eax               # save S-expression to print
4:      mov $'(, %al
        pop %eax
        ## loop over list items:
2:      jnpair %al, 3f          # XXX handle improper lists?
6:      push %eax
        car %eax
        do print
        pop %eax
        cdr %eax
        jnpair %al, 3f
        push %eax
        mov $32, %al
        pop %eax
        jmp 6b                  # XXX too many jumps?
3:      mov $'), %al
1:      and $~3, %eax        # convert var/constant → base/len pointer
        cdr %eax, %ecx
        car %eax
        ## FALL THROUGH into a tail call to `emit`

proc emit                       # output a string to output buffer
        push %esi
        mov %eax, %esi          # string base is arg 1, length is arg 2 (%ecx)
        rep movsb
        pop %esi

proc flush                      # Send output buffer to actual stdout
        mov $outbuf, %ecx       # base address of bytes to output
        push %ecx
        mov %edi, %edx
        sub %ecx, %edx          # number of bytes to output
        sys1 $__NR_write, $1
        pop %edi                # reset output pointer

        ## Our grammar looks something like:
        ## prog ::= _ (factor (_ "\n" | _ factor _"\n"))*
        ## factor ::= constant | var | "(" (_ atom)* _ ")"
        ## _ ::= " "*
        ## constant ::= [*-^][*-~]*
        ## var ::= [_a-~][*-~]*
        ## Constants and vars chew up as many characters as they can.
        ## A line with two S-expressions (“factors”) defines a rule; a
        ## line with just one offers an expression to evaluate
        ## according to the rules so far.

        ## On inputting a rule, it is added
        ## to the front of the rules list (thus taking precedence over
        ## older rules).

        ## Here’s a crude parser.  Input pointer in %esi points
        ## into NUL-terminated input string.
proc handle_line
        cld        # XXX not really necessary since DF is always clear
        do read_factor
        jz 1f                   # if blank line, ignore
1:      push %eax
        do skip_whitespace
        lodsb    # lodsb;dec: 2 bytes, cmp $'\n, %al: 2; cmp $':, (%esi): 3
        dec %esi # so this approach saves bytes only because of second cmp
        cmp $'\n, %al # if there’s only one expression on the line, not a rule
        jnz 1f
        pop %eax
        do ev
        do print
        mov $'\n, %al
1:      do read_factor # read replacement template for rule being defined
        pop %ecx                # pop pattern
        jnz parse_error
        ## XXX ignoring the possibility of more than two things on the line
        xchg %ecx, %eax
        do cons
        ## FALL THROUGH into tail call to add_rule

proc add_rule
        mov rules-globals(%ebp), %ecx # cons onto the existing set of rules
        do cons
        mov %eax, rules-globals(%ebp)
        ## debug print out rules:
        ## do print
        ## mov $'\n, %al
        ## stosb
        ## do flush

proc parse_error
        mov $'!, %al
        mov $'\n, %al

proc read_factor
        do skip_whitespace
        dec %esi                # peeking
        cmp $'(, %al            # Is there a nested list?
        jne 1f
        do read_term
        push %eax
        do skip_whitespace
        cmp $'), %al            # indicate success
        pop %eax
1:      cmp $'*, %al            # [*-^] starts a constant
        ## <https://stackoverflow.com/a/29577037> explains that with
        ## cmp $2, %eax, jg jumps when %eax > 2, though this is
        ## confusing as
        ## <https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/Control_Flow>
        ## explains; so this comparison has the correct sense:
        jb 3f
        cmp $'^, %al
        ja 2f
        jmp read_constant
2:      cmp $'_, %al            # _ starts a variable
        je 2f
        cmp $'a , %al           # [a-~] also starts a variable
        jb 3f
        cmp $'~, %al
        ja 3f
2:      jmp read_var
3:      cmp $'_, %al # guaranteed to fail and clear ZF, indicating failure.

        ## Advance input pointer %esi into NUL-terminated input string
        ## to first non-whitespace character.
proc skip_whitespace
        cmp $32, %al
        je skip_whitespace
        dec %esi

        ## Always succeeds (possibly returning nil), doesn’t set ZF.
proc read_term
        do read_factor
        jnz 1f                  # if it failed, skip ahead
        push %eax               # save returned term
        do read_term            # recursive call for tail of term
        push %eax
        do skip_whitespace
        pop %ecx
        pop %eax
        do cons                 # XXX tail call
1:      setnil %eax             # return nil if no factor found

        ## Always succeeds, sets ZF to indicate success.
proc read_constant
        do read_atom
        ## xor $3, %al is also 2 bytes, same as or $1, %al
        ## So XXX maybe one of these two should fall through into
        ## intern and the other should xor the output of intern with 3
        or $1, %al
        cmp %eax, %eax          # set ZF

        ## Always succeeds, sets ZF to indicate success.
proc read_var
        do read_atom
        or $2, %al
        cmp %eax, %eax

        ## Octal to tagged integer.  Digit count in %ecx, input starts
        ## at %esi.  19 bytes.  Not used yet.
proc o2ti
        xor %eax, %eax
        xor %ebx, %ebx          # accumulate result in %ebx
1:      lodsb
        sub $'0, %al            # convert digit from ASCII
        add %eax, %ebx
        shl $3, %ebx     # by shifting after the add instead of before,
        loop 1b
        xchg %eax, %ebx
        add $5, %eax            # we leave space for this type tag

        ## Decimal to tagged integer.  Digit count in %ecx, input
        ## starts at %esi.  22 bytes.  Not used yet.  If the
        ## difference is only like 6 bytes maybe I’ll just use
        ## decimal.
proc d2ti
        xor %eax, %eax
        xor %ebx, %ebx          # accumulate result in %ebx
1:      lodsb
        sub $'0, %al            # convert digit from ASCII
        imul $10, %ebx
        add %eax, %ebx
        loop 1b
        xchg %eax, %ebx
        shl $3, %eax
        add $5, %eax

        ## Tagged integer to octal, taking integer in %eax.  Outputs
        ## to buffer at %edi.  25 bytes.  Not used yet.
proc ti2o
        xchg %eax, %ebx
        xor %eax, %eax          # clear high bytes of %eax for the loop
1:      shr $3, %ebx            # shift first to remove type tag
        mov %bl, %al            # still only 2 bytes!
        and $7, %al             # 2 bytes, shorter than `and $7, %eax`
        add $'0, %al            # convert to ASCII
        test %ebx, %ebx         # don’t recurse if no digits remain
        jz 1f
        push %eax               # buffer up digit for later emission
        call 1b
        pop %eax
1:      stosb

        ## I’m thinking about adding character string literals, in a
        ## form like this maybe.  This function would be called after
        ## the open-quote.  51 bytes.
proc read_string
        xor %eax, %eax
        cmp $'", %al
        jne 1f
2:      xor %eax, %eax          # tagged integer 0 as list terminator
        mov $5, %al # this is 4 bytes rather than the 5 of mov $5, %eax
1:      cmp $'\n, %al
        je 2b                   # just treat this as end of string
        cmp $'\\, %al           # treat \" as embedded "
        jne 1f
        cmp $'\n, %al
        je 2b
1:      push %eax
        do read_string          # read rest of string
        pop %ecx
        xchg %eax, %ecx         # get saved character back in %eax
        shl $3, %eax
        or $5, %al              # add integer tag
        do cons
        xchg %eax, %ecx
        xor %eax, %eax
        mov $13, %al            # tagged integer 1
        jmp cons # XXX probably place this closer to cons so this jump is short

        ## Always succeeds.
proc read_atom
        mov %esi, %edx          # save address of start byte
1:      lodsb
        cmp $'*, %al
        jb 1f
        cmp $'~, %al
        jbe 1b
1:      dec %esi                # put back last character read
        mov %esi, %ecx          # save end address, then compute length:
        sub %edx, %ecx          # $ecx -= $edx, due to confusing AT&T syntax
        xchg %eax, %edx
        ## FALL THROUGH into intern

        ## (intern base-addr len) checks to see if a string is already
        ## in the atom table, returning it if so, or inserting it if
        ## not; either way it returns the (4-byte-aligned) address.
        ## Can’t fail.  Can’t use assq because it’s doing a string
        ## compare.
proc intern
        push %esi
        push %edi
        mov $atoms-8, %ebx
        ## At the top of the following loop, %ebx points into (or just
        ## before) the atoms table, %eax points to the string we’re
        ## trying to intern, and %ecx has its length.
1:      add $8, %ebx         # Advance to next table entry.
        mov (%ebx), %edi     # Load string pointer from table.
        test %edi, %edi      # null string pointer? indicates end of table
                             # test %edi, %edi is one byte smaller than cmp $0.
        jz 2f                # reached end of table without finding it
        cmp %ecx, 4(%ebx)    # check to see if the lengths match
        jne 1b
        push %ecx            # repe will clobber %ecx
        mov %eax, %esi       # put pointer to needle string into %esi
        repe cmpsb
        pop %ecx
        jne 1b               # go on to next entry unless we found it
1:      mov %ebx, %eax       # address of found entry (table pointer)
        pop %edi
        pop %esi
2:                       # not found, must insert
        mov %eax, (%ebx) # non-null pointer here says this is no longer the end
        mov %ecx, 4(%ebx)
        jmp 1b               # now that we’ve inserted it, it’s “found”

Here’s the resulting 956-byte executable in base64:

