Some notes on perusing the Udanax Green codebase

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-10-05 (updated 02021-10-08) (12 minutes)

Some notes on perusing the Udanax Green codebase, with particular attention to how it thinks about version tracking.

There’s a slightly updated version at

Conceptual guides I’ve found

A conceptual overview is in olddemo/demo_docs/Bizplan4.

The place to start for nuts and bolts is quite likely green/man, which contains man pages that GNU man can format with, e.g., man green/man/fex.L, which documents the frontend UI. I suspect the “Xanadu FeBe Protocol 88.1x” document might be more informative if I could find it. man green/man/xumain.L offers an illuminating glimpse into how Xanadu thought of documents at the time.

Each document is evidently identified by a “docid”, a dot-separated sequence of numbers called a “tumbler”; the numbers constituting the tumbler are sometimes called “digits” or “tdigits”. (Sometimes a tumbler is also called an “isa” in the source.) Tumblers, like tilde-bearing WWW URLs, can contain in sequence a network node identifier, a user account (/~kragen/, represented as a number in a tumbler), a document ID within that account, and a region identifier within that document; so they can identify finer-grained or coarser-grained things than individual documents. A “span” is specified in terms of character counts. I think? Bizplan4 says:

by combining a document's unique identifier with a character position within that document, we can uniquely address any character stored in the entire system.

By designating a particular (starting) character and a length we can address any contiguous string of characters in the system. Such a string is called a “span.” By clever use of tumblers instead of plain integers to represent character positions and span lengths, it is possible to have spans which contain whole documents and cross document boundaries.

There doesn’t seem to be any thought given (in green/olddemo/demodocs/ReplacingD, anyway) to the problem of updating documents while retaining links. They do conceive of multiple versions of a document, and in green/olddemo/demo_docs/Suespaper it says, “Xanadu hypertext can maintain multiple versions of any given document, efficiently storing the common portions in common, ... All such editing wil [sic] be logged by Xanadu's historical trace function. Xanadu can provide historical traceback information in dated chronological order about any and all changes to a given document.”; but in the status page on the WWW “Historical Trace” is in the “Needs Implementation” column.

The concern for the space required for multiple versions seems very quaint now; it’s easy to forget that even when Subversion was introduced in October 02000 the fact that it kept a separate “pristine” copy of whatever source code you were editing was considered a major concern, and in 02001 crazy old Tom Lord’s arch’s policy of keeping the entire version history on your development workstation was, for many, considered a showstopper. (Today almost everybody uses Git, except for people working with large binary assets, who often use Subversion.)

The source base itself

It’s surprising they chose C as an implementation language so early. It’s archaic K&R C formatted with 2-space tab stops (in less, use -x2), but it’s C. Before 01984 it doesn’t seem like it would have been an obvious choice; it seems like at some point they decided to restart from scratch on a 68000-based Sun. green/olddemo/demo_docs/Datamation, which seems to be from 01982, says “running under Unix on a Motorola 68000-based Onyx desktop computer,” but I think Onyx’s Unix machines were Z8000/Z8002-based, running the first microcomputer Unix in 01980, but even in 01981 people had a hard time finding the company. Evidently the team was foresightful enough to recognize the importance of Unix. The choice of C is a pleasant surprise; it makes the codebase a lot more readable than, say, EUMEL.

In the context of the space concerns mentioned above, it’s sort of surprising that the source base per se is 39,000 lines of C weighing 1.07 megabytes (16000 unique lines weighing 650 KB), in significant part because they named their functions things like klugefindisatoinsertnonmolecule.

In the backend types are mostly named with the prefix “type”, as in “typecuc” or “typetask”; in the frontend that is more typically a suffix, as in “spectype” and “cutseqtype”.

The source base seems to be fairly consistent in putting the names of functions being defined (and only functions being defined) at the left margin without indentation. I think this is an accommodation for archaic versions of ctags, but it’s handy as a way to navigate the source base without ctags.

I’m inferring that maybe documents, at least in the frontend (fe_source/vm.c) are referred to by “specs” (type spectype) and consist of “charspans” (charspantype). The spec contains a specspanptr (which I guess is a charspan?), which contains a sizeofspan, and a docid, which is a “tumbler” and can be sent to the backend. Destroying a spec is done with specfree(&specptr).

They’ve implemented their own virtual memory system made of objects of type vmthingtype. There’s a subtyping graph:

spectype* -> vmthingtype*
charspan* -> vmthingtype*

The frontend evidently contemplates editing documents; there’s a sendrearrange function in fe_source/sendtop.c which sends a “cutseq”, I guess like an EDL for text?, to the backend. There’s also sendinsert, which makes it seem like the granularity of edits is very small.

A “link” is from a spec, to a spec, three a spec (“threesets are used to describe the intended meaning of the link, such as if it is a jump link or a footnote link”, the other possibilities evidently being “quote” and “marginal note”). But when the frontend does sendcreatelink to the backend, it also includes an additional docid, apart from those in the three specs; this is explained in olddemo/demo_docs/Bizplan4:

Links themselves are said to reside inside documents, located in a separate logical address space from the text. A link may reside in one document and link from a second document to yet a third. The location of residence of a link is entirely independent of the contents of the link's end-sets. The fact that links are among the potential contents of documents means that links themselves may be linked from or to, just as characters may. Thus very general sorts of indirect structures may be assembled.

For the frontend they seem to have used curses, including its windowing system (well, newwin, delwin, and wrefresh, anyway), and also some kind of Sun GUI (it’s trying to #include <suntool/tool_hs.h>, call win_setcursor, etc.) This seems to be the “sunwindow” system sometimes called “SunWindows” and the “Sun Graphical User Interface,” and later called SunView, mentioned in, (which seems to be part of a huge repository of old Sun stuff that was shipped to customers, up to Solaris 2.5) and documented in; this window system had a file descriptor per window.

The backend refers to something called a “granfilade”, which I think is one of the three possible types of enfilade: GRAN, SPAN, and POOM.

Creating new versions

The protocol documented in green/olddemo/demo_docs/Feidoc includes a CREATENEWVERSION function:

A version is a document, the only distinction being that a version is descended from a previously existing document. A new version inherits all of its immediate ancestor's information, both textual and topological.

Its tumbler is to be nested under the document it was created from:

For example, if there is only one version of document, this request will create a document with the id

However, this isn’t always possible, because sometimes you create a new version of a document that somebody else owns, and you don’t get to inject it into their namespace like that. So, is there some way to trace the history back to the original?

The CREATENEWVERSION request type is defined in green/fe_source/requests.h and green/be_source/requests.h as #define CREATENEWVERSION 13; the backend vectors it to a createnewversion function in green/be_source/fns.c, which calls docreatenewversion in green/be_source/do1.c, which eventually calls docopyinternal with a new “isa” pointer (allocated, I think, by doopen) and vspans and vspecs it got from the old document. As mentioned above, “isa” is another name for “tumbler”, or maybe a certain kind of tumbler.

There’s a conditional at the top of docreatenewversion which checks to see if the wheretoputit argument identifies a tumbler that belongs to the user, invoking makehint differently; makehint invokes movetumbler, which is just a struct assignment macro which copies its left argument over its right argument.

Within docreatenewversion, in the case where the document does not belong to the user, there is no evident dataflow from isaptr (the tumbler of the document being copied) to createorglingranf (in green/be_source/granf1.c, delegating to createorglgr in green/be_source/granf2.c), which I guess allocates the new tumbler with findisatoinsertgr (just below) and inserts it somewhere with insertseq.

I’m not sure what an “orgl” or a “sporgl” is but evidently it’s some kind of thing that gets stored on disk, an orgl being some sort of cuc, and maybe a granfilade consists of null, texts, and orgls. In one place ORGLRANGE and SPANRANGE are explained as “wid and dsp indexes for sp”, which is pretty significant; widative and dspative are the two major dimensions of enfilade theory. A diagram, however, seems to suggest that this is not respective but orthogonal: both wid and dsp have both ORGLRANGE and SPANRANGE.

After createorglingranf, docreatenewversion builds a vspec and apparently copies the original isaptr into it, and then invokes doopen with newisaptr and without the vspec or the original isaptr, and then uses docopyinternal to copy the old document to the new document, using the vspec. Also, the thing that it’s copying is the stream of a vspan obtained from doretrievedocvspanfoo, which delegates to retrievedocumentpartofvspanpm, which sets the stream and width of the vspan from two tumblers found in the orgl: cdsp->dsas[V] and cwid->dsas[V]. I’m not quite sure what these are for; do they offer a way to navigate back to the original version?

The vspec passed to docopyinternal (containing the original isaptr) is a “specset” to docopyinternal; it gets converted to a “spanset” named ispanset. This is passed to insertpm and insertspanf. specset2ispanset loops over the linked list of spanset objects (they have a ->next) and specifically looks at the docisa copied into the vspec by docreatenewversion, passing it as the third argument to findorgl, so it can use it to fetch the orgl with fetchorglgr. But that's all it does with the docisa that docreatenewversion copied from the isaptr.

However, when docreatenewversion is being invoked from createnewversion, it also gets the original document tumbler as its wheretoputit argument! So actually there is data flow from the original tumbler into both of the makehint cases, so the hintisa of the hint will have the original document tumbler in it.
