Variable length unaligned bytecode

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-03-02 (updated 02021-03-03) (4 minutes)

Instruction set design for hardware has a different value system from instruction set design for software emulation; sometimes the tradeoffs that improve an instruction set for hardware implementation worsen it for software.

For example, for software emulation, instructions trailed with variable-length operands, like the 8086, are no problem, and inconsistency from one instruction encoding to the next is no problem, but bitfields are a terrible problem. For hardware, bitfields are just wires, but layout inconsistency adds layers of multiplexor delay; for software, bitfields require bit shifting, which requires a loop if your CPU lacks a barrel shifter or has registers too short for the numbers you’re shifting.

I was prototyping a virtual machine in C today on my phone, using an unsigned byte array as the VM’s memory. I was pleased to see that clang supports GCC’s pointers-to-labels extension and generates decent code for it; my goto dispatch; at the end of each case even resulted in duplicating the code dispatch: goto *tbl[mem[pc++]]; in every case, which is one or another variant of

ldrb r2, [r4, r6]
add r1, r6, #1
ldr r3, [r5, r2, lsl #1]
bx r3

Duplicating this code allows each case to have its own BTB entry, which is helpful for branch prediction, and saves a wasteful unconditional jump. So, the virtual machine bytecode dispatch overhead is only about a factor of 5, and all seemed good in the world. But then I looked at unaligned memory access.

My code to store a 32-bit value in the memory was:

#define byt(x) ((x) & 255)
#define store_tet(val, p) do { \
        mem[p] = byt(val); \
        mem[(p)+1] = byt((val) >> 8); \
        mem[(p)+2] = byt((val) >> 16); \
        mem[(p)+3] = byt((val) >> 24); \
} while (0)

I figured that this was a portable, #ifdef-free way of marshalling a little-endian 32-bit value, but the phone’s ARM processor (a Qualcomm MSM8939 ARMv7l) is running in little-endian mode, so Clang would recognize this and convert it to a simple store. Imagine my surprise at seeing the assembly:

strb r7, [r4, #3]
strb r7, [r4, #2]
strb r7, [r4, #1]
strb r7, [r4]

ARMv7 supports unaligned access but possibly the compiler is not generating ARMv7 code; it’s not using Thumb, for example, although /proc/cpuinfo says it’s supported. (-march=armv7 doesn’t help.) (Older ARM versions mostly ignored the low-order bits, but had strange behavior in ldr and unpredictable behavior in ldrh and ldrd. ARMv11 has an even larger set of possibilities.) But there’s an option in ARMv7 to trap on unaligned accesses! So you can’t rely on it. Also, as a side note, it doesn’t seem to be doing the specified bit shifts; in other cases it says things like

lsr r0, r3, #24
strb r0, [r1, #-1]
lsr r0, r3, #16
strb r0, [r1, #-2]
lsr r0, r3, #8
strb r0, [r1, #-3]

which is sort of reasonable, although I’m not sure what happened to r3’s least significant byte. Except it’s not reasonable: a single virtual machine instruction to store a 32-bit value in RAM is going to take 7 instructions on the underlying machine this way, plus dispatch overhead.

So I was happily replacing my byte array with an array of uint32_t (it’s a prototype! I can do things like that!) and started using mem[p/4] and byt(mem[p/4] >> (p & 3)) before I realized that I’d just replicated the whole unaligned-memory-access problem. If an instruction contains an unaligned 4-byte immediate operand, rounding down p/4 is not going to fetch that immediate successfully!

So, unless I’m going to require the instructions to be aligned, which probably means mostly not using variable-length instructions, the multiple shifts and loads are going to be happening. Even if you have “hardware support” for unaligned accesses, that doesn’t mean you aren’t paying a speed penalty, or that it’s less than the above code — it might be implemented by trapping to the kernel, making it hundreds of times slower.

So this is a case where I thought hardware and software were more different than they actually are.
