3-D printing in carbohydrates

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-05-16 (updated 02021-12-30) (10 minutes)

I was thinking about simple sugar syrup, which has a glass transition around room temperature or even below depending on the water content (the eutectic point is 60% sucrose and -9.5°, but at that concentration the glass transition is about -90°, rising above 0° around 85% sugar and increasing to 52° at 100% sugar), and which can either be easily crystallizable or stable against crystallization depending on its specific composition. (Using isomalt, which normally only crystallizes in a hydrated form, rather than or in addition to sucrose is one approach popular for keeping sugar art from crystallizing; hydrolyzing some of the sucrose with lemon juice is another, and mixing in some high-fructose corn syrup is a third.)

The first 3-D printer I ever saw was the CandyFab 4000, which melted sugar with hot air, which happens at 160° to 186° in a very complex way, at which temperature the sugar caramelizes fairly rapidly, enough to produce a noticeable discoloration in the few seconds the CandyFab 4000 kept the sugar molten.

But in sugar art, sugar glass is maintained in its rubbery, plastic state at room temperature with the addition of water.

Glasses drop dramatically in viscosity above their glass transition temperatures. So, for example, syrup of 60 wt% sugar has 113 centipoise at 10°, but 56.7 cP at 20°, 34.0 cP at 30°, 21.3 cP at 40°, 14.1° at 50°, and 4.17 cP at 90°. Moho says that, at 76%, the viscosity at 30° is 1200 cP, dropping to 510 cP at 40°, 250 cP at 50°, 130 cP at 60°, and 47 at 80°. He gives no viscosity at 20°, so presumably it's effectively no longer a syrup for confectionery purposes.

However, PLA extrusion normally happens at 3-20 kilopoise, i.e., 300-2000 Pa s. This is in the range Moho gives for toffee fondant mass (Table A1.34, p. 572): 17%-water Kis-Kis toffee mass is 2.48 Pa s (2480 centipoise) at 60° and 0.26 Pa s at 100°, while 8%-water Kis-Kis toffee is 487.8 Pa s at 70° and 43.0 Pa s at 90°. Wikipedia claims toffee is more like 1% water, the "hard crack" stage (boiling at 146°-154°), so perhaps "toffee mass" is a different substance.

Regardless of exactly how much water is needed to plasticize sugar to an extrudable stage, it's clear that such a level does exist, and the resulting substance hardens rapidly as it cools.

Pok Yin Victor Leung investigated hard-crack candy printing in 02017 as a more accessible model for printing optics in soda-lime glass, using sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup gravity-fed from a reservoir maintained at 98° with a PID controller with only a manual valve. He got beautiful results but reports that the shining golden objects thus printed were deliquescent.

A standard candy sealing process is "hard sugar panning", in which hard sticky candy balls are rolled around in syrup which crystallizes on the surface as it dries, sometimes in many layers added over weeks; this is how "jawbreakers" and M&Ms are made. If the syrup used is a non-crystallizing syrup like glucose syrup, the process becomes "soft panning", and powdered sugar can harden it, producing jellybeans. Such crystallization would be undesirable for Leung's purpose of 3-D printing optics, but it would solve the deliquescence problem.

There are a variety of other possible ways to harden such a surface besides dusting it with sugar, though. Shellac, for example, is commonly used in candymaking, with zein as an up-and-coming alternative that also leaves the result edible. You could also include sodium alginate in the syrup and harden the surface with calcium ions, or vice versa, or include something that hardens instead of deliquescing when it reacts with water from the air. Or perhaps you could wash the surface with a desiccant such as ethanol or a strong solution of muriate of lime.

Of course, if edibility is not a requirement, there are lots of coatings you can use. Possibilities for hardening systems to use as coatings include molten wax, cyanoacrylate, plaster of paris, spray paint, resins that polymerize on the object (such as silicone, epoxy, or acrylic), polymers dissolved in a solvent (such as acrylics, ABS, or polystyrene, dissolved for example in acetone or gasoline), lime concrete, OPC concrete, geopolymer concrete, or soluble silicates such as that of sodium (perhaps desolubilized by polyvalent cations added to the syrup). In addition to using these hardening systems simply as coatings, you can also just pour them over the printed sugar object, embedding it in a block; once this block has solidified, you can dissolve the sugar out of it with enough flowing water, ideally warm.

Some of these coating systems include free water, which poses a potential problem: at the interfacial layer between the hardening system and the sugar object, water will be migrating out of the hardening system and into the sugar, swelling and liquefying the sugar, while diminishing the water available to the hardening system, potentially impeding its hardening. This may be actually desirable, acting as a sort of inbuilt mold release and avoiding the need to melt or dissolve the sugar out of the hardening system's product; even if not, the affected layer may be thin enough to be acceptable.

In other cases, it may be possible for the hardening system to actually extract the water it needs from the sugar object; for example, methyl cyanoacrylate or the usual silyl acetates that comprise acetoxy-cure silicones (largely methyl triacetoxysilane, I think) will happily steal water in such a situation, and I think plaster of Paris can too. So it may be possible for them to be applied as a bath or powder coat and selectively harden on the surface of the printed object.

A totally different approach is to postprocess the print to get rid of the sugar, which is especially appealing if the sugar syrup is mostly used as a plasticizing and sticky carrier for a solid particulate "filler" that is the real printing payload, much like epoxy is used in JB Weld or PLA is used in brass-filled PLA filament. (Such fillers, in addition to adding numerous useful properties to the resulting object, may help to make the melt thixotropic, easing the compromise between flowing easily through the hotend nozzle and staying in place once extruded.) The easiest way to remove the sugar is to heat the piece to caramelize it, eventually producing carbon. If it's thin enough and it's heated slowly enough, this can be done without provoking water-vapor bubbles.

(Are we blowing hot and cold with one breath here? Why won't the syrup clog up the extruder if heating it caramelizes it? It might not work, but my thought is that in the extruder it's potentially only hot for a few seconds, during which time it is under a lot of shear stress, while we can keep it at a lower temperature overnight or longer with very little stress in order to caramelize it.)

I haven't had much luck getting caramelized sugar to stick quartz sand together, but it's well known how difficult it is to get it off steel or stainless steel, often requiring lye.

In addition to solid fillers, another possible additive to improve thixotropy of water-plasticized sugars is emulsified oil, as in mayonnaise, though of course in mayonnaise it's soluble protein that's being plasticized by the water, not sugars. Oil droplets dispersed in an emulsion can give rise to quasi-elastic behavior.

I thought the same was true of dulce de leche, but that turns out to be wrong. Dulce de leche is an emulsion, but it is also a much more complex system containing proteins and polysaccharides which form a gel structure; it's normally 6-8% fat and 31-34% water. This is not enough fat to give the emulsion quasi-elastic behavior; instead it is pseudoplastic like molten polymers made of long linear molecules that form ephemeral entanglements, and also forms a gel.

A different family of carbohydrate 3-D printing is suggested by pasta and flubber, which are made out of starch granules and water; the starch granules can be suspended in water by purely mechanical means. Heating the water enables it to dissolve the starch granules, in a process called starch gelatinization, and the resulting viscous solution of amylose and amylopectin (boh polysaccharides) behaves much like a sugar syrup.

There are various ways to crosslink these starch molecules to reduce their solubility, including using glow discharge plasma, phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3), citric acid (with a sodium hypophosphite catalyst), sodium trimetaphosphate, boric acid, formaldehyde, and sucrose oxidized by periodate cleavage with sodium periodate to form random aldehydes; and polyols like glycerol or sorbitol can be used to plasticize the resulting insoluble plastic. Glyoxal, the simplest dialdehyde (and essentially nontoxic, 3300 mg/kg) is consumed in mass quantities to thus crosslink starches for sizing paper and textiles. Glutaraldehyde (plantar wart remover, also used in tanning leather, and as a biocide in fracking) seems like it should work.
