Multicolor filament

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-05-17 (updated 02021-12-30) (5 minutes)

A YouTuber named Sunshine has demonstrated an interesting technique for varying colors in an FDM 3-D print with a single hotend, using the technique with PLA vaguely similar to knitting with variegated yarn. This also permits you to produce an unlimited variety of colors within the color gamut spanned by two or more of your filaments.

He first prints out a spiral on his printer bed using two or more filament colors in two or more printing passes; then he pops the spiral off the bed and uses it as the filament for the final object. Unless you do an additional filament-spiral-printing step, the resulting color depends on the direction of movement during extrusion, providing a color gradient.

At this point Sunshine is only printing a filament that remains constant in composition from beginning to end, varying only laterally, but it’s obviously easy to vary the composition as the filament progresses, producing temporal variation during the print.

It occurs to me that your slicer knows within a few millimeters how much filament will be extruded at various points in any given print. So you could actually synchronize the color changes to different parts of your print, so that instead of just the smooth color gradients Sunshine demonstrates, you can perform arbitrary multicolor printing in this way. (Marco Reps covers a multi-material filament splicer called the Palette Plus from Mosaic Manufacturing designed with this purpose, but concurrent with the actual 3-D print itself, using periodic pauses to fix desynchronization.)

Doing this straightforwardly will suffer from some imprecision in the color change, as the hotend’s melt chamber gradually changes from one color to another, and also due to unavoidable imprecision in the precise timing. When this isn’t desired, you could insert G-code into the print that moves the hotend off to the side of the print and extrudes enough spaghetti to achieve the desired sharpness of color change, wasting a little plastic, or you could choose to spend the transition zone on inside perimeters or infill, where it won’t be visible. Typically you would have to do this two or more times per layer.

By synchronizing the color changes to the amount extruded on a given circumference of the print, you can achieve smooth gradients more intense than those Sunshine achieved.

This filament-mixing process is not limited to color; you can use it to achieve customized material properties, including gradient properties. For example, you could use filament with a metal filler such as brass in areas of the print that need extra strength, density, conductivity, rigidity, or shininess, or mix varying amounts of thermoplastic elastomers into your ABS or PETG to give continuously varying rigidity, or mix acetal into ABS, PETG, or PLA to improve mechanical properties, or print polycarbonate or nylon fibers inside a print to improve impact resistance, or polypropylene to provide a chemically resistant surface, or include other fillers or additives to make part of a print more malleable, translucent, electrically permittive, phosphorescent, levorotary, permeable, hygroscopic, flame-retardant, bacteriostatic, abrasive, hydrophobic, abrasion-resistant, electronegative, ferromagnetic, high in refractive index, ferrimagnetic, high in specific heat, diamagnetic, fragrant, thermally expansive, flavorful, incompressible, acidic, porous or otherwise permeable, optically dispersive, more dielectrically stable, viscoelastic, high-melting, fluid when liquid, fluorescent, or possessed of some other material property. (Or less so: while flame retardants will make a filament more flame-retardant, oxidizer fillers will make it less so.) And of course you can print water-soluble supports with PVA. This kind of processing has thermal limits, since you can’t mix filaments that need incompatible hotend temperatures (for example, PLA and nylon), but those can be extended somewhat with additives such as plasticizers or antioxidants.

Even linear reinforcement like carbon fiber might survive this kind of process.

Some kinds of additives might be harder to come by already mixed into printer filament, but can be coated onto the surface of a filament once it’s printed. The geometry of the printed filament can be adjusted to facilitate this kind of surface adhesion by having more surface area. It can also be adjusted to improve the grip of the extruder, which is especially important for filaments that are highly brittle or have high melt viscosities.

The filament in this process makes two trips through the hotend. This will have some good effects, such as boiling out any water it has absorbed while in storage during the first trip; but it also increases the strength loss from hydrolysis. And of course it doubles the wear on the hotend.
