Smolsay: the Ur-Lisp, but with dicts instead of conses

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-07-12 (updated 02021-07-27) (22 minutes)

What if we wanted a small dynamically-typed imperative language with the flexibility of Lisp that admitted reasonably efficient implementations, but not based on conses? Like, something with an implementation about the size of the ur-Lisp? The power of first-class hash tables (“dictionaries” or “tables” or “associative arrays”) has been convincingly shown by JS, Perl5, PHP, Python, and Lua, and they certainly produce much more readable code than Lisp.

Lua has shown that freeform syntax without statement terminators can be reasonably usable (though it mostly prohibits you from using juxtaposition as an operator, as ML does for function composition, and it limits your flexibility in what expressions can start with), and Python has shown that indentation-based syntax can be too, at least if you don’t demand too much from anonymous lambdas.

Statement-level structure

We can start with variables. Imperative languages probably need variable updates, but most variables should be declared and initialized and then not mutated, so it makes sense to privilege the declaration form over mutation with brevity; and ideally the thing being declared should be in the left margin, permitting easy scanning, rather than preceded by a keyword or punctuation:

decl ::= name "=" expr
assi ::= "set" lvalue "=" expr

Multiple assignment (and multiple declaration) is convenient syntactic sugar at times, especially with Lua-style or Perl-style multiple return values, but it doesn’t add any fundamental power if we have dicts. And I think non-multiple assignment tends to push code toward being “boring” rather than “clever”, which is worthwhile here.

So an lvalue is just a dictionary lookup chain from a name. A pathname, you might say. I think it’s really important to be able to say literally p.x = 3 rather than the much noisier options like, say, p{x} = 3 or p:x = 3 or p.:x = 3 or p['x'] = 3 or x(p) = 3, or a more implicit option like p x = 3. But it’s also important to be able to index with expressions rather than literal symbols like :x. One approach to this would be to distinguish literal symbols by case: perhaps X would be a literal symbol and x a variable, so p.X = 3 would index by the literal symbol, but p.x = 3 would use whatever the current value of x was. But I think maybe a better approach is to use a parenthesized expression, so p.x = 3 assigns to the property x, while p.(x) = 3 reads the variable x and assigns to the property it names. Thus .() takes the place of [] in most conventional languages.

lvalue ::= name ("." arc)*
arc ::= name | "(" expr ")"

Now we need conditionals, functions, and (if this is really imperative) iteration. My Lisp sense tells me that conditionals and iteration should be expressions rather than statements; my Lua and Python sense tells me that this might make parsing errors unusable (Lua's parsing can reliably distinguish a function call from a trailing expression followed by a new statement beginning wih ( or [ because Lua statements can’t begin with those because Lua doesn’t have expression statements) but in any case they should use conventional words; my C sense tells me that I should use curly braces. So, conditionals:

if ::= "if" expr "{" expr+ "}"
        ("elif" expr "{" expr+ "}")*
        ("else" expr "{" expr+ "}")?

Since we don’t have multiple value returns, the value returned by the conditional is the value of the last expression in the chosen branch.

Function calls are similarly syntactically simple, although they involve the expression-juxtaposition danger that shows up in JS, since presumably we will allow expression parenthesization:

call ::= expr "(" (expr ("," expr)*)? ","? ")"

The arrow syntax from current JS is the lowest-hassle way to define an anonymous function. Semantics are that it is a closure with arguments are passed by value.

lambda ::= "(" (name ("," name)*)? ","? ")" "=>" "{" expr* "}"

Tentatively I’m using Sam Atman’s -> syntax from Lun for function return values:

return ::= "->" expr

This allows us to write add1 = (x) => { -> x + 1 }, which is lightweight enough to not wish for a sugared function add1(x) { -> x + 1 } form.

Minimally iteration needs a while loop, but most loops are better expressed as iteration over a sequence:

while ::= "while" expr "{" expr* "}"
for ::= "for" name "in" expr "{" expr* "}"

List comprehensions in Python are extremely useful, so these ought to return sequences, but what should they contain? The conventional answer would be the last expression invoked in the loop body, and that seems adequate.

The Lisp approach to sequences is to use cons lists, in which case the “for” structure would desugar somewhat as follows:

for x in y { z }

yi = y
while !yi.null {
    x =
    set yi = yi.cdr

A different approach would use arrays and perhaps slices:

yi = 0
while yi < y.len {
    x =
    set yi = yi + 1

The remaining fundamental means of combination is explicit aggregate variable construction. Unlike in JS, it’s syntactically unambiguous to use {} here because all our previous uses of { were semantically obligatory and thus cannot occur where an expression is expected.

dict ::= "{" (arc ":" expr ("," arc ":" expr)* ","?)? "}"
list ::= "[" (expr ("," expr)* ","?)? "]"

So, the basic expression language then is

expr ::= decl | assi | if | call | lambda | return | while | for
       | dict | list | infix

Infix expressions

Pop infix syntax is fairly straightforward; basic arithmetic is:

atom ::= "(" expr ")" | string | int | real | symb | lvalue
unary ::= atom | "-" atom | "!" atom
expo ::= atom ("**" exp)*
term ::= expo (("/" | "//" | "*" | "%") expo)*
terms ::= term (("+" | "-" | "..") term)*

Here .. is Lua’s string concatenation operator. I think it’s safe to relegate bitwise arithmetic to named functions.

There’s an unfortunate precedence ordering thing in C where booleans have precedence close to the bitwise operators, tighter than comparisons, rather than the more desirable looser-than-comparisons thing. Another problem is that chained comparisons (x == y == z) have unintuitive results in most languages. A simple solution is to restrict the syntactic composability of these elements, requiring the use of parentheses to disambiguate:

infix ::= terms (( "==" | "!=" | "<"  | ">"
                 | "<=" | ">=" | "&&" | "||") terms)?

A slightly better solution is to provide a separate case for the associative short-circuiting Boolean operators that does allow them to be individually chained:

infix ::= terms (( "==" | "!=" | "<"  | ">" | "<=" | ">=") terms)?
        | terms ("&&" terms)+
        | terms ("||" terms)+


Strings, numbers, names, and symbols are simple enough. The {} around these productions indicate that whitespace should not be skipped within them.

string ::= {"\"" ([^\\"] | "\" byte)* "\""}
int ::= {"-"? [0-9]+}
real ::= {"-"? ("." [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ "." [0-9]*)}
name ::= {[A-Za-z_$] [^] \t\r\n(){}[.=!<>+-*/%&|#]*}
symb ::= {":" name}

Whitespace itself, implicitly ignored elsewhere, includes comments to end of line, which are marked with Unix # rather than Ada/Lua --.

whitespace ::= ([ \t\r\n] | "#" [^\r\n]* (\r\n | \n | \r))*

Modules and scoping

There’s no need to put an import statement into the program grammar; the “.” syntax will work perfectly well for reaching into modules if there’s an ordinary function that imports a module and returns it, like JS’s require. We can simply declare, Python-like, that global variables in a file are the properties of the corresponding module.

So then we simply have

module ::= expr*

I’m convinced that lexical scoping is adequate and the right default.

The whole Smolsay grammar (Smolbutswol?)

module ::= expr*
expr ::= decl | assi | if | call | lambda | return | while | for
       | dict | list | infix
decl ::= name "=" expr
assi ::= "set" lvalue "=" expr
lvalue ::= name ("." arc)*
arc ::= name | "(" expr ")"
if ::= "if" expr "{" expr+ "}"
        ("elif" expr "{" expr+ "}")*
        ("else" expr "{" expr+ "}")?
call ::= expr "(" (expr ("," expr)*)? ","? ")"
lambda ::= "(" (name ("," name)*)? ","? ")" "=>" "{" expr* "}"
return ::= "->" expr
while ::= "while" expr "{" expr* "}"
for ::= "for" name "in" expr "{" expr* "}"
dict ::= "{" (arc ":" expr ("," arc ":" expr)* ","?)? "}"
list ::= "[" (expr ("," expr)* ","?)? "]"
atom ::= "(" expr ")" | string | int | real | symb | lvalue
unary ::= atom | "-" atom | "!" atom
expo ::= atom ("**" exp)*
term ::= expo (("/" | "//" | "*" | "%") expo)*
terms ::= term (("+" | "-" | "..") term)*
infix ::= terms (( "==" | "!=" | "<"  | ">" | "<=" | ">=") terms)?
        | terms ("&&" terms)+
        | terms ("||" terms)+
string ::= {"\"" ([^\\"] | "\" byte)* "\""}
int ::= {"-"? [0-9]+}
real ::= {"-"? ("." [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ "." [0-9]*)}
name ::= {[A-Za-z_$] [^] \t\r\n(){}[.=!<>+-*/%&|#]*}
symb ::= {":" name}
whitespace ::= {([ \t\r\n] | "#" [^\r\n]* (\r\n | \n | \r))*}

This still contains the frustrating ambiguity where an expression immediately followed by ( is a call, but expressions can also begin with (. The alternative of replacing sin(x) with something like sin:(x) or sin[x] is unappealing. It’s possible to disambiguate in these cases by assigning to a dummy variable: _ = (foo). Requiring no whitespace or at least no line breaks before the paren would pretty much solve the problem, but it sort of requires that the parsing of expr not consume following whitespace.

Because conditional blocks are always wrapped in braces, the if-else ambiguity doesn’t occur.

Resulting design at other levels of abstraction

This suggests the following set of 23 basic “bytecode” operations: getlocal, setlocal, get, put; jumpfalse, jump, call, return; makedict, makelist; constant; negative, not, exponent, truediv, floordiv, mul, mod, add, sub, cat, eq, lt.

Of course, the proper order of implementation would be something like:

  1. Implement bytecode interpreter with textual bytecode syntax and program in it a bit.
  2. Implement S-expression syntax, compiling to the bytecode, and program in it a bit.
  3. Implement debugger stuff, maybe native-code compiler, etc.
  4. Implement pop infix syntax above.

The S-expression syntax can get by with six special forms:

The other bytecode operations are either implicit (getlocal, call, constant), folded into the three control structures, or ordinary functions (get, put, makedict, makelist, negative, not, exponent, truediv, floordiv, mul, mod, add, sub, cat, eq, lt), along with the other ordinary functions (require, print, length, etc.).

From the point of view of the pure ur-Lisp, if we strip away the imperative and arithmetic frippery, we’re replacing ATOM, CONS, CAR, and CDR with get, put, makedict, and makelist, and makelist is unnecessary.

Of course, other alternatives to S-expressions exist. RPN, for example (which is on my mind lately because I’ve been hacking on PDF and PostScript) or Prolog notation, or REBOL-style non-R PN, or APL-style precedence-free infix.

Alternative debugging-first semantics

What if functions returned their internal namespaces instead of an explicit return value? You wouldn’t need a return statement or a dict type, and in most cases debugging would get a lot easier.

A hairier approach to this would be to associate the internal namespace with the value thus produced, and provide a function why(x) that returns the activation record of the function call that returned x. This implies that returning a value sort of makes a copy of it to potentially associate it with a different activation record, but accessing it as a property does not; we want why(p.x) to work. Other internal operations can be treated as functions.

That is, a variable/property has a value aspect, the usual reference; but it also has a why aspect, which is the activation record of some function, accessible via the why built-in function. Both of these aspects are returned when a function returns and stored in the variable/property. It might as well also have other aspects useful for debugging, like prev, which gives you the variable as it was before being overwritten, and where, which tells you what statement did the overwriting (or initializing), and in what activation record. An activation record might also have a caller; often caller(why(v)) will be where(v).call. You might also want to know the control-flow context of the where, with something like where(v).context.condition to find out why the if or while statement was continuing.

If all this data is always available, no activation record and indeed no value ever becomes garbage, so only very short programs can run fast. (We’re in an imperative world here, so we can’t just recompute the activation record on demand like Bicicleta.) We could maybe store it in some kind of a ring buffer, like Cheney on the MTA.

The no-return-statement variation doesn’t have this problem; sin(x) is a whole activation record, but sin(x).val is just the return value, so you only retain activation records when you want them. In Bicicleta I had syntactic sugar for this: sin{x} and sin(x) respectively, the second of which extracted a variable annoyingly called ().

Efficient implementation

A standard pointer-bumping generational GC should work pretty well here, though maybe not quite as well as in a strictly immutable language. If we use a standard sort of stack structure rather than heap-allocating activation records, we need to scan the stack for roots on nursery collections anyway, so we don’t need a write barrier for writes to the stack, which are statically apparent, nor for property initializations. Only property mutations and module-variable mutations need a write barrier.

To statically resolve callees, we’d like to be able to treat the module variables in which “global” functions live as constant. Static analysis can’t show that module variables are never mutated, but we could maybe trigger a recompile after mutating such a cell. This makes the property-mutation write barrier more expensive, and it might require on-stack replacement (with a recompilation of the same code, not a compilation of the new function), which is easier if our stack-frame structures aren’t too optimized. Debugging is also easier if those structures are ordinary dictionaries.

Statically compiling local-variable accesses into indexing off a stack frame that is also an ordinary dictionary would be easier if we could ensure that dictionaries never changed shape, as local-variable vectors normally don’t. If you can delete values from a dictionary, which is probably important, there’s the question of what happens when you try to read the deleted value. If getting nil as in Lua is an acceptable answer, then you can ensure that dictionaries never change shape. But, if you want that to raise an exception, you either need to check for existence every time you read a local variable, as Python does, or you need to recompile the function to crash (and potentially do on-stack replacement) when you delete the variable from its stack frame.

Or you could just raise an error when you try to delete a variable from a stack frame, which is probably the most sensible thing to do --- changing their values is reasonable but deleting them is not. That would require that the deletion operation do a special check for such protection --- which is fine, because key deletion is so rare that it doesn’t need to be especially fast.

The space-efficient way to make such early-bound accesses fast would be to put dictionaries’ keys in one vector (or set of vectors, but probably just one in this case, though maybe it would be worthwhile to use the set-of-vectors approach to handle lexical scopes) and the corresponding values in another one, which would be in the stack frame. For large key sets, a canary hash table for the key set would enable fast access by key. Newly added keys would go into a new key vector.

This kind of design, where the stack frame structure is a regular first-class data value that happens to be efficient enough to use for local variables, seems like it might be an appealing alternative to dynamic deoptimization.

(It might be useful to expose the inheriting-dictionary approach used to handle nested scopes as first-class in the language itself, so that you could, for example, put a class’s methods in one dictionary and then create objects that inherit from it, or efficiently override a few things in a large dictionary.)

This structure would also make the common makedict case, where the set of keys is constant, fast and space-efficient. And it might ease the task of “hidden class” compilers.

Initialization can be statically guaranteed for all local variables if variable declarations are block-local rather than function-local.

What about dynamically dispatched methods?

We can use closures as methods, of course, or we could supply syntactic sugar like Lua’s obj:method(args), which translates to obj.method(obj, args), although both : and -> are already taken in the syntax above. obj.method[args], obj << method(args), obj <- method(args), ^method(obj, args), @method(obj, args), and method = generic(:method) ... method(obj, args) come to mind. But we’d like to be able to do this in a way that can be compiled efficiently in a dynamically-typed system, which means we need some way to quickly verify that the method to invoke is the same as last time. So we’d like the memory representation of obj to be possessed of some easily readable register-sized value that can be efficiently compared against the one for the method we think we ought to call.

One approach is to attack the problem entirely at the desugared level: if we’re first fetching a property from the object, then invoking the resulting closure, we could try to speed up the property fetch, and/or we could compare the resulting property against the last closure we invoked at this callsite (or a PIC of them). This would be fine for a tracing JIT but it seems unlikely to provide much benefit for a simpler compiler. If your objects are made out of a delegation chain of dictionaries as described earlier, you can store the chain in a counted vector in the dictionary object, and you can copy the chain item in which you found the method to your inline cache, along with a number that says what index it was at. Then you can compare the cache-key dictionary pointer to the dictionary pointer in the delegation chain at the appropriate position, if it’s within bounds. But then you need to worry that a later (more superficial) dictionary in the chain might be hiding the method, so you can also maybe store an index in the object that tells which is the last dictionary in the chain none of whose keys are hidden, and use that instead of the dictionary where you actually found the keys. Hopefully this will allow you to have cache hits for “objects” in the same “class”, since instance data doesn’t normally hide methods.

Another approach is the Perl/Python bless approach, where the instance data of an object is in one dictionary, and its methods are in another, providing a totally separate namespace and enabling you to use dicts with much greater security than in JS. Lua does this with setmetatable: the things that tell Lua how to index a table or convert to strings are stored in a separate table, the metatable, which may be shared among many objects. So maybe obj << method(args) should desugar to what we’d write in Lua as getmetatable(obj).method(obj, args).

This is somewhat less conceptually simple (a dict isn’t just a set of key-value pairs; instead it has become merely the puppet of a shadowy class) but much easier to compile efficiently and much safer. You don’t need to grovel over a delegation chain to figure out what the best cache key is; it’s just the class, which doesn’t need to support inheritance. It would be better to put regular user methods in the class too, unlike Lua, which is at this intermediate point where methods like index and tostring are in the metatable as in Perl and Ruby, but you’re expected to put ordinary user methods in the same namespace as your instance variables or dictionary items, as in JS.

I think this is slightly less simple than the current Lua approach, since in Lua, you don't need to add a metatable to a table in order to put methods on it. but the metatables are already in the picture and it's already common to return setmetatable(...) in object constructors, and in those cases it seems like it would just simplify user code, as well as having the above advantages.

One of the things I really enjoyed about LuaJIT's FFI (by contrast to Python's cffi) is that I can just add Lua methods to C structs with ffi.metatype(ctype, { __index = { methods } }) instead of having to do the whole song and dance of the membrane pattern where I wrap each C type in a separate porcelain object, everywhere it's returned through the looking glass (and possibly going to some effort to keep that relationship 1:1). But the standard Lua way of defining ordinary methods means that if I want to do the same thing for an ordinary table that's used as a dictionary, I do have to create a separate porcelain façade to hold its methods.

Some notes on COLA-like object models are in Faygoo: a yantra-smashing ersatz version of Piumarta and Warth’s COLA.
