Can transactions solve the N+1 performance problem on web pages?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-01-16 (8 minutes)

Reading a note on Rust for web APIs I ran across the “n+1” problem, familiar to anyone who’s done database-backed web sites:

The n+1 problem is something that everyone building web applications should understand. The gist is: you have a page of photos (1 query). You want to show the author of each photo. How many queries do you end up with: 1, combining the photos & authors, or a query per photo to get the author after retrieving the photos? Or 2 queries, with the second having something like IN ids to fetch all authors in a single pass and then reconnect them to their photos.

Now, the most straightforward kind of ORM to write will kind of push you to having the n+1 problem, but there are a variety of design approaches to writing an ORM (or other database layer) that make it possible to avoid it. In Django’s ORM, for example, you'd say to get the field name from the related row in the authors table, but whether or not this results in an n+1 problem depends on how photo was fetched. If you did something like for photo in Photo.objects.all() then by default you have an n+1 problem, but you can specify for photo in Photo.objects.all().select_related('author') to do just a single query joining both tables. And Django has a janky special-purpose author__publisher__country syntax that allows following multiple levels here, and a prefetch_related that handles one-to-many relationships in one query per table. Other systems such as Rails have analogous facilities.

The trouble with this is that to some extent it violates DRY. You have to specify twice that you are going to access the photos’ authors: once when you construct the query, and again later when you use it. If you don’t so specify, your code will still run and produce the same results, but it may run two orders of magnitude slower (or more, if your database is fucked up enough!), which may be better or worse than just crashing, depending on your situation. When you modify the set of attributes used from each photo, you must also remember to modify the query accordingly, which is likely in a different file from the HTML template where the attributes are used.

One approach is to build up the prefetch_related set lazily: when an author object is fetched via one of the photo objects, we can notify the original query that the photo came from that it was inadequate, and it needs to add a .prefetch_related('author') and execute it forthwith.

Also, though, I’ve been enthusiastic about transactions. How can transactions help?

Maybe we can rerun the query

Closely related to the “build up prefetch_related lazily” approach is “abort the transaction whenever it tries to read data that isn’t yet loaded, and retry it when the data arrives”.

Maybe we can use type inference

Here’s a wild non-transaction approach.

If we statically infer the set of attributes required on an argument passed in to the template, we can use that to build up a query (or finite number of queries) whose results have the right type. The “type” in this case is something like a solution to a set of equations describing a sort of graph:

photo = {url: str, author: α, ..}
α = {name: str, publisher: β, ..}
β = {country: str, ..}

Here str is a concrete type (an atomic constant of the universe of types) and the {..} syntax specifies a minimal set of fields (outgoing graph edge labels) that must be present at the specified node. In this case the equations are acyclic and so could be directly solved by substitution:

photo = {url: str, author: {name: str, publisher: {country: str, ..}, ..}, ..}

If we additionally have a . operator on field labels (analogous to Django’s __ mentioned above) perhaps we can use a distributive law to expand this:

photo = {url: str, str, str, ..}

This sort of distributivity suggests that perhaps we are looking at a semiring. You could however reasonably argue that the two statements above are not equivalent: in the second case, the photo might have two or more authors, one which has a string name and another of which has a publisher with a string country. But for the moment I will explore this possibly unsound path of reasoning to see if there’s some way to chop off its feet to fit it into the semiring bed.

If we make the additional simplification of replacing “the concrete type str” (a node in the universe of types) with “a node with the field str” then really what we have here is

photo = url str + author α
α = name str + publisher β
β = country str

photo = url str + author (name str + publisher (country str))

photo = url str + author name str + author publisher country str

I’m not quite sure how to interpret the semantics here: are these really structural types, in the sense of the OCaml lower-type-bound syntax I’m aping? (Presumably photo here is a different sort of name than url, author, and str.) Are they relations, with multiplication/concatenation being interpreted as composition and addition being interpreted as relational product (and, if so, does it make sense to bring in Kleene closure, and do we get a Kleene algebra, and what about the inverse relation)? (Binary relations are matrices indexed by the relation’s domain and range over the Boolean semiring, and their matrix multiplication does correspond to composition, but their matrix addition is of course just simple union, not relational product; relational product is more closely allied to intersection.) Does this expression represent a query that could be evaluated, perhaps over a directed graph or a SQL database, and return a table with three columns? Is this just Binate again with different syntax?

Nevertheless, in some cases the solution is not quite so simple:

x = Guy.objects.get(id=id)
while x.manager_id is not None:
    x = x.manager_id

Type inference here gives us something like:

guy = {manager: guy, name: α ..}

Which is to say:

guy = manager guy + name α

Does allowing the nose of Kleene closure into the tent allow us to solve this equation, with something like the following?

guy = manager* (name α)

See also Some notes on compiling and notations for grammars, starting from the inspiring RPN example in Parson.

Maybe we can have stuff in RAM already

One of the claims I was making is that pervasive transactionality ought to make cache invalidation more straightforward and performant. So maybe if our database is more like an OODBMS like ObjectStore or Gemstone, the n+1 query problem stops being a problem at all: each traversal of an author link from a photo is just a read of a transactional variable, so it’s not an outrageous cost and doesn’t necessarily involve a context switch or network round trip.

Maybe we can pipeline

If all of the n individual fetches of the author of a photo can run concurrently, with their small queries being pipelined to the database server and back, then you still have n+1 queries, but only two round trips, and that might be acceptable.
