.xosm: experimental obvious stack machine

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 02021-03-21 (updated 02021-03-24) (20 minutes)

This is an unfinished twigman outline of a simple computer — more complex than its inspiration Calculus Vaporis, but perhaps more practical.

The foolish fill their coffee cups to the brim, in their greed unable to forgo a single drop unless the cup cannot hold it, and thus scald their hands when slightly jostled. The wise use slightly bigger cups.

The .xosm is a virtual machine design with byte-addressable RAM, eight 32-bit architectural registers (X Y Z T PC CP S D), and 16-bit instruction words. It is intended to be nearly as minimal as possible, but leave enough space at the top of the cup to avoid being penny-wise and pound-foolish, to mix a metaphor. Here are some of the pitfalls I’m hoping to steer this ship between, to add two more incompatible metaphors to this witch’s brew of too many cooks, with attempted operationalizations:

16-bit instruction words are a compromise. They occupy about 50% more space than 8-bit instructions (like Elisp or the 6502), but less than 32-bit instructions (like MIPS, SPARC, Lua, ARM, or RISC-V without the C extension). The instruction word consists of an opcode byte and an operand byte, but most opcodes do not use operands.

Compared to 8-bit encoding, 16-bit encoding reduces the number of cases where an instruction is followed by an immediate operand, and it allows the use of 16-bit-wide memory without alignment efficiency concerns; 32-bit immediates can be fetched in two memory operations rather than the 4 that would be needed with 8-bit alignment. The opcode byte can use a simpler encoding that simplifies instruction decode.

Compared to 32-bit encoding, 16-bit encoding uses a lot less space.

Operand registers

The .xosm has a four-register operand stack, whose registers are called X, Y, Z, and T (for time — introduced in the HP-35). X can be usefully thought of as the CPU’s accumulator. Most instructions take implicit arguments on this stack and return results there; for example, the x += y instruction (0x2b) adds Y to X, and the x -= y instruction subtracts Y from X. Each of these instructions also pops the stack. Popping the stack consists of overwriting Y with Z and Z with T. Oddly, T, rather than retaining its value as you would expect, gets the old value of X, as explained below in the section about reversibility. There is a ; instruction that just pops the stack without doing anything else.

Some instructions push the stack instead before whatever other actions they take. Pushing the stack consists of overwriting T with Z (losing the previous value of T), Z with Y, and Y with X. For example, the x = *s instruction (see below) pushes the stack before overwriting X with a value loaded from memory at the address in index register S. The y = x or dup instruction only pushes the stack without doing anything else. Immediate-load instructions like x = 1 push the stack before setting X to a constant. There are two immediate-load opcodes, one which sets X to the operand byte, and one which is followed by a 32-bit immediate argument to set X to.

Single-operand ALU instructions like x = ~x, x++, and x /= 2 neither push the stack nor pop it; they merely overwrite the X register with their result.

The four-level operand stack permits the evaluation of even relatively complex nested arithmetic expressions before having to fetch and store temporaries in memory, as well as providing a more convenient way to pass up to four parameters to subroutines than is common in assembly languages.

Here’s a tentative full list of ALU/operand-stack instructions:

   x += y
   x -= y
   x &= ~y
   x &= y
   x ^= y
   x = ~x
   x = y  # ;
   y = x  # dup
   x = 0
   x += x  # x <<= 1
   x <<= 3
   x /= 2  # x >>= 1
   x /= 8  # x >>= 3
   x = k8  # 8-bit immediate
   x = k32 # 32-bit immediate

These are 17 ALU instructions, which seems like a reasonable set compared to 16 in Wirth-the-RISC, 6 in Chifir, 21 in LuaJIT, 4 in SWEET-16 if we categorize the comparisons as control-flow instructions, and 7 in the MuP21 or F21.

XXX maybe provide rotates instead of shifts?

Pointer registers

XXX from looking at the RTL this is still a little muxier on the hardware side than having a single architectural A register like the MuP21, and of course involves more instructions, although maybe it’s better for software. Maybe you could have a “wielded pointer register” and an “alternate pointer register”.

The .xosm has two 32-bit pointer or index registers, S and D. S is used for reading from memory (loads), while D is used for writing to memory (stores). Normal load instructions push the stack and store the result in operand register X, though there are two “leap” instructions that store it instead in S or D; all the store instructions write the contents of register X to memory before popping the operand stack. Commonplace address arithmetic can be done within the S and D registers rather than requiring the use of the operand stack; there are instructions for bumping them by small (8-bit) immediate constants (“creep”), adding them to large (32-bit) immediate constants, adding the program counter to them, shifting them left by 2 bits, and “leap”ping with the d = *s and s = *s instructions.

There are two instructions x <=> d and x <=> s to transfer the index registers to and from the operand stack. These instructions exchange X with, respectively, D and S, without pushing or popping the operand stack.

This segregation into fetch and store registers means that if you need a call stack (as C does!) you need to allocate a memory address to store your call stack pointer at. So it might be worthwhile to add an SP register and three instructions for it.

Tentatively here’s the index-register instruction set:

*d = x
x = *(u32*)s  # if we go to 16-bit words then this can have an offset field
x = *(char*)s
d = *s  # leap d
s = *s  # leap s
s += k8  # immediate constant; 8-bit and 32-bit formats
s += k32
d += k8
d += k32
s += pc
d += pc
s <<= 2
d <<= 2
x <=> d
x <=> s

That’s 15 opcodes.

Control flow

Like MIPS or RISC-V, there are no conditional flags, because the conditional instructions work on the contents of the operand stack; RISC-V chose this because it eases superscalar implementations, but for my purposes the big advantage is that software implementations don’t have to bend over backwards to compute lots of data that’s never used, which is a really bug-prone thing to do.

The .xosm has two architectural registers for control flow, the program counter PC and the continuation pointer CP, and a single control-flow operation yield, which swaps them, and can thus function as either a procedure call or return instruction. There are three yield instructions: unconditional (else), conditional on x == 0 (if (x)), and conditional on x >= 0 (if (x < 0)). The conditional instructions pop the operand stack. To enable control flow that goes beyond just two coroutines yielding back and forth, there’s an x <=> cp instruction which exchanges CP and X, which simultaneously loads in a new continuation pointer (for example, pointing to another location within the same subroutine) and puts the old one in a location where you can save it to memory.

XXX do conventional short jumps too?

This approach is inspired by Henry Baker’s COMFY-65 compiler and the Warren Abstract Machine, although it’s also related to Calculus Vaporis. A very simple function like Forth’s : triple dup dup + + ; might be implemented as nothing more than dup dup + + else; a nonrecursive function that calls other functions might save CP to a static memory location on entry and restore it before yielding on exit. I’d need more experience with the .xosm to really get a feel of what prologues and epilogues to use.

Instruction 0x00 is the “halt” instruction, because if you’re executing uninitialized memory that’s a bug. I don’t know what it should do exactly.

Tentative control-flow instruction set:

if (x) ...
if (x < 0) ...

4 opcodes.


For debugging, backwards execution and efficient tracing and checkpointing are obviously very desirable. So many of the .xosm’s operations are defined to erase as little information as possible, reducing the volume of information that must be logged for a reverse-executable trace. The yield instructions erase only one bit of information — whether the previous instruction execution was a yield or not, and thus whether the previous program counter is in PC-1 or in CP-1 — and because the two-operand ALU instructions save both the result and one of the operands (the previous value of X, which is saved in T) they are fully reversible as well if the underlying ALU operation is. The various register-swap instructions are also fully reversible. The non-reversible operations are:

This may also have implications for efficient hardware implementation, as the tsunami in advance of the Landauer-limit earthquake seems to be arriving already.

Twigman evaluation

This is 17+15+4 = 36 opcodes, which seems perhaps a bit more oversimplified than I would like, but will probably grow to the size I want when I get some experience with its deficiencies.

A couple of sample instruction implementations in an interpreter on a 64-bit machine might be:

    tmp = y;
    y = z;
    z = t;
    t = x;
    x ^= tmp;
    goto *opcodes[mem[pc++] & 0xff];
    d = mem[s];
    goto *opcodes[mem[pc++] & 0xff];

These probably work out to 9 and 6 instructions respectively, including a jump with a failed prediction, so I think I’m within my target performance zone for interpretation of 16 clock cycles per bytecode. It’s also 5 lines of C per opcode, but some of that can and should be factored out into an inline function, and then it will probably be within my lines-of-code complexity budget.

    x ^= pop_operand_stack();
    goto dispath;

8 architectural registers is a good, practical, 8080ish size; we’d also need a non-architectural instruction register I, a memory-address register A, a memory-read register M, and some kind of microcycle state machine. 32 bits may be a bit excessive for simple hardware implementation; one flip-flop per bit means we need 256 flip-flops for just the architectural registers. If you implement it with an 8-bit ALU and 8-bit data paths you can probably hit the 4096-gate target I set at the top at the expense of a slowdown of 4× or so.

A rough sketch of the RTL:

X <= ALU-output if ALU-instruction else
     operand-byte if load-immediate-8 else
     M if fetching-into-X else
     S if s-swapping else
     D if d-swapping else
     CP if cp-swapping else
     XXX if load-immediate-32 else

Y <= X if pushing else
     Z if popping else

Z <= Y if pushing else
     T if popping else

T <= Z if pushing else
     X if popping else

PC <= CP if yielding else
      PC+6 if immediate-32 else

CP <= PC+2 if yielding else
      X if cp-swapping else

S <= M if s-leaping else
     X if s-swapping else
     s-effective-address if s-creeping else
     S << 2 if s-shifting else

D <= M if d-leaping else
     X if d-swapping else
     d-effective-address if d-creeping else
     D << 2 if d-shifting else

A <= s-effective-address if loading else
     d-effective-address if storing else
     PC if fetching else

ALU-output = sum if adding else
             diff if subtracting else
             abj if abjuncting else
             conj if anding else
             xor if xoring else
             negated if negating else
             Y if discarding else
             0 if zeroing else
             incremented if incrementing else
             decremented if decrementing else
             double if doubling else
             octuple if octupling else
             half if halving else
             eighth if eighthing else

sum         = X + Y     # N - ½ full adders
diff        = X - Y     # same
abj         = X & ~Y    # N AND gates
conj        = X & Y     # same
xor         = X ^ Y     # N XOR gates
negated     = ~X        # N NOT gates
incremented = X + 1     # N half adders
decremented = X - 1     # same
double      = X << 1    # just wires
octuple     = X << 3
half        = X >> 1    # also just wires. unsigned
eighth      = X >> 3

yielding = unconditional-yield ∨ 
           zero-conditional ∧ X == 0 ∨
           sign-conditional ∧ X[31]

The “XXX if load-immediate-32” case and the A register point out that sometimes extra cycles will be needed during which almost all of the above will be paused, because it’s fetching an immediate 32-bit value (possibly unaligned). If I want to build up an RTL design incrementally I probably want to start with those troublesome cases so the control state machine starts out as complicated as it’s going to get.

But I think we can sort of reasonably estimate the above as about 27 N-wide 2-muxes or tristate buffers for control and another 14 for ALU result selection, and another 9 or so for things I haven’t thought of yet, 50 in all; here “N-wide” means whatever width the internal data paths for 32-bit data are, which might be 32 bits for a fast implementation or 4 or 8 bits for a small one. The ALU needs about 16N gates, maybe a bit more for lookahead carry. We can sort of reasonably ballpark this at 400 gates of muxing for an 8-bit implementation, plus 128 gates of ALU, which seems like an unreasonably small ALU by comparison. With 32-bit data paths these would be 1600 gates of muxing and 512 gates of ALU.

There’s a separate N-wide AND for the X == 0 condition and some more muxes and adders for effective address computation, something like this:

s-effective-address = S + operand-byte if s-creeping else
                      S + PC if pc-relative else
d-effective-address = D + operand-byte if d-creeping else
                      D + PC if pc-relative else

The instruction decode logic depends on the instruction encoding, but the above strawman has it and the microcycle logic producing the following control bits: ALU-instruction, fetching-into-X, load-immediate-32, load-immediate-8, s-swapping, d-swapping, cp-swapping, pushing, popping, yielding, imm32, imm8, s-leaping, s-creeping, s-shifting, d-creeping, d-shifting, loading, storing, fetching, adding, subtracting, abjuncting, anding, xoring, negating, discarding, zeroing, incrementing, decrementing, doubling, octupling, halving, eighthing, unconditional-yield, zero-conditional, and sign-conditional. That’s 38 control signals, and probably something like 9×38 = 342 two-input AND gates to compute them, if that’s how it’s done, or possibly a much smaller number of wider AND gates.

So we’ve only accounted for about 1600+512+342 ≈ 2500 gates of an internally-32-bit implementation, ten thousand transistors. The 8 architectural registers and 3 non-architectural registers add 352 flip-flops, probably another 3000 transistors, for a total of 13000. If that were the whole story, this design’s transistor count would be between the 9000-transistor 8-bit 6809 and the 29000-transistor 16-bit 8086, both from 01978, nowhere near the 68000-transistor 68000, which was 32-bit architecturally but 16-bit internally, much less the 190k-transistor 68020 (01984) or the 275k-transistor i386 (01985). It’s even substantially smaller than the ARM 1 (25000 transistors, 01985), but it’s close to Chuck Moore’s 16-bit Novix NC4016 (16000 transistors, also 01985). Most likely I just haven’t noticed the majority of the transistors that are needed to make the .xosm actually run. Where are they?

(However, Moore’s later 21-bit MuP21 design (01994), one of the design inspirations for for the .xosm, was only 7000 transistors, including an NTSC-generation coprocessor.)

It probably isn’t extremely useful to keep a general-purpose CPU much smaller than 16384 transistors, like 4096 2-input NAND gates, unless your RAM is a drum or an acoustic delay line or something. The COSMAC VIP, the early personal computer where we get the CHIP-8 videogame virtual machine design, shipped with 2 KiB of RAM, which was probably 6T SRAM: 16384 bits and 98304 transistors of RAM. Now we’d use 16384 capacitors and 16384 transistors of DRAM, plus 128 6-transistor sense amplifiers along the edge. But Wozniak thought 4 KiB was the minimum to run a usable BASIC on the Apple, and he was likely right, although the x18 GreenArrays cores make do with 64 words of RAM (and 64 of ROM) per core, forcing you to split all but the smallest programs across multiple of the 144 cores on the chip. If you already have 32768 components in your RAM, then whatever benefit you get from reducing your CPU from 16384 components to 8192 is probably not worth the sacrifices required.

Some preliminary notes on the amazing RISC-V architecture mentions that Claire Wolf’s PicoRV32 RISC-V design can be configured to run in 761 slice LUTs on a Xilinx 7-series FPGA, uses 48 LUTs as memory, and also 442 slice registers; I think those are 4-LUTs, which can compute any arbitrary 4-input Boolean function, so that’s roughly equivalent to 2300 2-input NAND gates and 500 flip-flops, which seems pretty comparable to the .xosm, actually, but supporting interrupts and a wider range of operations and stuff. I should check out Wolf’s design.

picorv32.v is 1913 unique lines of Verilog so I’m not sure where to start! It’s enormous. I think the interrupt controller is compiled out in the small configuration I mentioned above, though.
